My Greatest strength #MFRWauthors; #blogChallenge

This is one of the easiest blogs I’ve ever written. I didn’t even have to think because I really only have 1 strength – my perseverance, or to put it in terms I like to use, The TAO Of NGU NGI.

Perseverance is defined as: steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Yeah, that about says it perfectly.

I’ve done several blog pieces on the TAO of NGU NGI and written of it often in interviews. It’s what keeps me motivated and inspired when sometimes the daily grind of life gets to me.

Basically, The TAO OF NGU NGI means “Never give up; never give in.”

I’m Irish, so the part about never giving up is genetic. Seriously! My Irish ancestors were sturdy, stalwart souls who faced famine, pestilence, religious persecution, and poverty of the most egregious sort. And they never gave up on the hope of a future at the end of a rainbow. Love that!

I’m the product of divorced parents, so the never give in part is the nurture part of my nature vs nurture upbringing! I never give an inch. In a childhood filled with bullies, substance abuse, and mental anguish, I never gave in to the negativity I was surrounded by. I never allowed myself to be engulfed in to its destructive storm. I simply never gave into any fight or disturbance, no matter how inconsequential it may have seemed. It’s been said of me by people who know me that I have a backbone forged in steel. Truth.

So, my greatest strength? Perseverance.

When I’m not persevering, you can find me here:Tweet Me//Read Me// Visit Me//Picture Me//Pin Me//Friend Me//Google+Me// Triberr

Please visit the other #MFRW authors who are participating in this week’s 52 week blog challenge:


Filed under Author, Contemporary Romance, Strong Women

6 responses to “My Greatest strength #MFRWauthors; #blogChallenge

  1. Good advice as I wake to Morning #4 of this “adventure” with my son. I have a notebook, a pen, and plenty of time. Today I’m going to put down the word search and pick up the notebook and write!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Peggy, besides being authors, it seems we share our greatest strength and being Irish 🙂 Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Peggy Jaeger

    Prayers and blessings coming your way for your boy! He is in the best place he can be! If all else fails, write down what you are feeling as you go through this trying time. Getting it out really does help in dealing with problems – this is one true fact I know personally!! Take care of yourself, too, Cerian, during this time.


  4. Wonderful post. It’s easy to quit when things get hard or don’t go your way. Holding fast and sticking through the storm is a real test and builds more character along the way.


  5. Persistence is persistently the number one strength of MRFW authors. Speaking of which, I persistently clicked the Linky List for your blog, but persistently got a message says DNS address could not be found. The Internet is against you.


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