A look ahead….

Seems appropriate that I title this one a look ahead when the last blog was about looking back.

I’m nothing if not consistent, peeps. Hee hee

I’ve got some career goals for 2019 that I want to accomplish, in addition to some personal ones that need doing, as well.

First, a little backstory. This is me, afterall.

In November 2018 you  may remember I attended a conference where Jack Canfield was the primary speaker. He spoke about many things – all of them wonderful – but one thing he said stuck with me and resounded so completely, I’ve already begun putting its intention into use. Jack said, “You can’t have an uncluttered, focused life and mind, if your workspace and environment is cluttered, filled with detritus, and unfocused.”

Can I just tell you how that was a Come to Jesus moment for me?!

Since the day I arrived home from that conference I have been culling, cleaning, reorganizing, and reprioritizing my life, my environment, and my workspace. I started with the closets. All 15 of them. I’ve moved on to the bedrooms. After that, the kitchen, bathrooms, and then the living spaces will all be refreshed, culled of unnecessary items, and cleaned.

Yes, it’s exhausting work, and yes I find myself stopping at times to remember why I have this object, or obsess about whether or not I still need it – just in case! But then I remember what the point of this exercise in selective personal item culling is all about and I get on with it.

So, everything should be done by 12.31.18

On 1.1.19, in my newly refreshed, reorganized and restructured workplace/office, I will being writing the next 2 books on my TBWritten list and start planning out the next 3.

About those goals for 2019: here they are, in no apparent order.

1.Write a minimum of 1000 words before you start your actual day – what this means is that while I’m still in jammies, I write, Once 1000 words is achieved I get to get dressed, and do the adulting things I need to – like gym, laundry, etc. When they are done, I can write more.

2. Finish 2 complete manuscripts in 2019; have 2 published that are already completed.

3.Meditate for 20 minutes every day. No excuses. No matter what.

4. Gym 4-6 times per week.

5. Eat better, and by better I mean, cut out the crap!!

6. Blog no more than 2-3 times per week. I blogged upwards of 5 times a week in 2018 and it just got to be too much for me.

7. Perform daily aspirations re: career goals and personal issues. – these are private, so don’t ask!

I think that’s a good start, don’t you. We’ll see how far they get, which ones drop off by the wayside, and which ones become habits-for-life.

The happiest of New Years, peeps. ~Peg

If you’re looking for me while I’m culling, here I am:Tweet Me//Read Me// Visit Me//Picture Me//Pin Me//Friend Me//Google+Me// Triber// BookMe // Monkey me //Watch me

and here’s the link to my TELL ME ABOUT YOUR DAMN BOOK podcast interview, just in case you missed it: TMAYDB


Filed under Uncategorized

14 responses to “A look ahead….

  1. lydiaschoch

    Good luck with all of your goals! I’m rooting for you.


  2. Jennifer Zander Wilck

    This is a great set of goals, Peggy. And I’m impressed by your decluttering–it’s so satisfying, isn’t it? Best of luck to you in 2019. So happy to know you!


  3. I admire your zeal and determination. Best of luck in 2019. 🙂


  4. janarichards

    I so admire your efforts in decluttering. My office is so cluttered and messy I don’t even write in there anymore. In 2017 when we remodeled our kitchen, my office got used as a storage space and the situation has never been rectified. One of my goals for 2019 is to declutter my office and start using it again!


    • Peggy Jaeger

      Jan- since we spend the most time in our offices, it doesn’t amaze me yours is as cluttered as mine – even though you don’t write there!!! Here’s to an uncluttered and focused 2019!


  5. Happy New Year, Peggy! I hope you reach your 2019 goals. I also have several aspirations for the New Year…the usual…lose weight, eat healthier, write more, get more exercise, etc. Fingers crossed we’re both successful.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great goals! Mine are very similar. For now, my office is a corner in my kids playroom – but ! they are at school most days and I face away from the creative mess. 😉 Love your goals. Mine: work on that mess a wee, work on those pounds a wee more, release 3 books (maybe some audio books), write 2 more (or okay, at least one, I know I can get one done!), work on some financial goals, and maybe climb a new mountain!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Peggy Jaeger

      JEan- goals tend to bring out the do-er in me, you know!!! Good luck with yours. I think I may have to do a 6month check blog to see how everyone – including me – is doing


  7. OMG–I wondered how you blogged so much and still cranked out books–and I tried to do the same but fell far short. I’ve also found blogging can be a great tool in my Procrastinator’s bag o’ Tricks. When I should be writing on the WIP, I rationalize that I have to get that blog posted or comment on someone else’s blog or join another blogging group. Ack! My focus this year is on my own stories. Your goals–and YOU in general–are inspiriations!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Peggy Jaeger

      SOrchia – I know what you mean about blogging. We’re told to keep our name in the public eye, to make sure we are present on social media so readers don’t forget about us between books, but blogging, SM, tagginng, ALL TAKES so much time away from what we truly want – to simply write! So this year, less blogging, more writing. We’ll see how it goes! HAppy NEw Year


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