What’s in a name? Well, placement of a book on a book shelf, for one thing…

I’ve never been quiet about the fact I’m not a fan of the 50 Shades phenom. I don’t read erotica or erotic romance and the thought of having to endure a three book arc on the subject wasn’t something in my reading desire wheelhouse.

Now, before the haters start commenting, know this. I applaud EL James. I truly do. She wrote a series that hadn’t been seen or read before and made quite the beaucoup bucks doing so. So, yay for her. The subject matter simply didn’t appeal to me so that’s why I never read it or watched the movies made from the book.

The title of this blog may have you scratching your head and saying, “What’s EL James got to do with placement on a book shelf?”

Let me ‘esplain, Lucy.

The name on my books is Peggy Jaeger. J.A.E.G.E.R.

The name on ELJames books is, well, EL James. J.A.M.E.S.

The reason I mention this is because I was in my local independent bookstore, the Toadstool, the other day and saw this:


Get a gander at that second shelf. My books, my sensual, contemporary romances about strong women, the families who support them and the men who can’t live without them, are sitting smack-dab next to books that…are not about those kinds of people. This is the luck of the alphabetical draw. My fear is that people will see her name, my books next to them, and equate the subject matter in her books with the kind that I write. This is a valid fear, too, because I’ve had more than 1 person come up to me at book signings, author events, and when I’ve been on the radio, and ask, “Do you write crap like that 50 Shade stuff?” And yes, that is a direct quote. So, my fear is justified, kids.

I knew I couldn’t complain to the manager because, really, it’s not his fault our names are so close alphabetically. Also, complaining would make me look like a diva-bitch, something I never want to be, especially since the Toadstool has been so good to me.

So, I grin and go on, hoping that someone will be trolling the Romance aisle, see her new book displayed and then their gaze will drift toward my books. They’ll pick one of mine up, read the blurb and realize my books are sososososo different from EL’s. And they’ll buy one of mine, instead.

Hope springs eternal, kids.

Until next time. ~Peg



Filed under A Match Made in Heaven, Author Branding, branding, Contemporary Romance, Romance, Romance Books

8 responses to “What’s in a name? Well, placement of a book on a book shelf, for one thing…

  1. Jennifer Zander Wilck

    So here’s my thought. Any reader who enters a bookstore knows books are arranged alphabetically by author, not according to sub-genre. So are different types of mysteries, different types of historical fiction, etc. I think having your book displayed near EL James is actually a good thing because of her name recognition. It draws the eye to your shelf. And the question you get asked is asked of all of us, almost entirely by people who don’t read romance. So embrace your name! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. D.V. Stone

    Good luck! Hopefully people will notice the difference.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Also check the library…because romance is grouped in with ALL fiction. I am sitting next to Heather Graham. Not bad placement thought my paperbacks are small next to her hard coversI 🙂 Oh and in romance, I’d be near Julie Garwood – I loved her historical romances!


  4. I really enjoy your blogs, Peggy. You have a knack for choosing great topics. I know what you mean about name placement. I am fortunate in that my last name occurs early in the alphabet so I’m not relegated to the dreaded bottom shelf like an author with a Y or Z at the start of their last name would be. In my local bookstore, the books right before mine are written by Lee Child and Tom Clancy…not bad company, BUT they’re not romance.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sandra Dailey

    Given the choice, I’d go for any book of yours over any of hers every time. I’m serious. I read the first book in the 50 shades series. It was nothing new and poorly written. You do so much better. Serious readers will see that.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Peggy Jaeger

    Bless you, darling girl!!!!


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