#longandShortReview #wednesdaybloggingchallene 6.19.19

This week’s topic is my favorite things to do in the summer.

A little backstory before I tell you what they/it, are/is.

When I was a kid ( 175 years ago), growing up in NYC, my favorite thing to do in the summer was to be outside. Outside was a magical place where people who looked different from me roamed, spoke in languages I didn’t understand, and interacted with one another in ways I couldn’t fathom as a child. The sights and smells of the city were alien, and because they were, fascinating. The only problem with being outside was this little thing in the sky called the sun. 

It wasn’t my friend. Just a really harmful acquaintance.

As a kid, I stayed outside from the time that mean sun came up until it went to bed. All day. Every day. I swam, I biked, I went to the park, I ran, jumped, laughed and had the best fun I’ve ever had. All outside.

As I grew to an adult, I loved to garden. I had a farm-fresh market garden worthy garden. Every vegetable and herb that you can imagine, I cultivated. When I wasn’t gardening, I was biking with my family. Or going for long, long walks.

With the advent of my first skin cancer diagnosis, I stopped going outside.

Now I spend my summers indoors.

No more swimming. The garden has withered and dried to dust. The bike spokes squeak with disuse.

So now my favorite thing to do in summer is to sit on my four seasoned porch and read or write.

Moral of story, you  might ask? Wear sunscreen and put it on you kids. Every day. All day. Reapply. Often.

Summer’s are short. Don’t deprive yourself of the ability to enjoy them…outside.

Let’s see what the other authors in this challenge have to say: L&SR

And don’t forget the big COVER REVEAL for my upcoming book DIRTY DAMSELS in this coming Monday, June 24, right here.


Be well and until next time ~ Peg



Filed under Long and SHort Reviews

11 responses to “#longandShortReview #wednesdaybloggingchallene 6.19.19

  1. I love summer activities… and wear sunscreen religiously. Moisturizer during the cooler months, sunscreen during the warmer ones. It’s part of my daily routine. Especially since, as a kid, I was part of the baby oil and iodine generation!! My post is here.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lydiaschoch

    Yes, sunscreen is incredibly important. I’m glad your skin cancer was caught early enough to be successfully treated.

    My post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I hear you. I don’t tan, but rather crisp. I love being outside, but it’s no fun when you’re not comfortable–and I slather on spf 100. But I would’ve loved to have seen your garden. Sounds so nice. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My husband’s a redhead and I used to joke when we were in high school that he’d burn if you merely said the word ‘sun’ around him. Our girls, while neither are gingers, both have his fair skin and that is not a good combination with the desert sun. So yeah, sunscreen is definitely our friend!

    But on the bright side, reading and writing are wonderful things. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kathy

    Well, I hate that you have had to deal with skin cancer and yet your post is a good lesson for me. I’ll try to be better and remember the sun screen. I’ll also remember about “Dirty Damsels” HA, what a title Peggy, you are just a kick!

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