#teaseMeThursday – A Pride Of Brothers: DYLAN

Today’s little tease is from ( you guessed it) Monday’s release of A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: DYLAN.

Harper Vale is my kind of woman and heroine: smart, snarky, doesn’t suffer fools, introverted, and has a dream.

Here’s a little insight into what happens after she’s fired…

In the elevator, the guard demanded her badge and security code card, which she handed over without a word into his meaty outstretched hand. Harper was too furious to feel embarrassed when the questioning stares and raised eyebrow glances of co-workers shot at her as she was escorted through the lobby and out the front doors. She was met at the entrance by another guard holding her backpack and told it contained everything in her desk of a personal nature, including her bike helmet.

The pack was unzipped, indicating they’d searched through it.  A sense of violation shot through her and the anger swimming inside her intensified.

“Don’t try to come back into the building,” the Neanderthal said. “You’ll be stopped, detained, and handed over to the police for trespassing.”

“Don’t worry, Dickhead,” she said, her voice carrying clearly into the lobby. “I have no intention of ever coming back here.”

He tossed her a speaking glance and it took every ounce of will she could summon not to shoot him a middle finger salute as he strode back into the building on legs ridiculously too large for his pants.

Seething, she made her way to the bike rack and slipped her helmet on. After searching her backpack she found her wallet, phone, house keys, an emergency bike repair kit, and an old pack of peppermints, everything she typically carried with her. She’d never brought any pictures or other personal items into her workspace to clutter it and make it homey. To her, it was merely a space to work.

Ten years, she muttered, as she wove her bike through traffic. Ten years of her life devoted to a company that never appreciated her and now accused her of being a thief.

Lunch hour traffic was unusually thick and it took her an extra half hour of zipping in and out of traffic before she made it safely to her apartment.  Throughout the trek, her anger grew to a boiling point.

She wanted to hit something. Hard.

Paying for a session at SCHMASH blew into her mind but was quickly discarded. She’d been fired which meant her income was now gone.


How in the world had this happened? She’d done nothing—certainly never stolen from him. Or anyone.

And where had that bank account with her social security number attached to it come from?

If she possessed fifty thousand available dollars it certainly wouldn’t have been in a bank in another country. She’d have invested it in her project,  not socked it away on foreign soil.

Someone had set her up. That was the only explanation. Someone had stolen something from Kirkpatrick, sold it, and made it look like she was responsible.

Why? Who the hell hated her so much?

She may not be best friends with anyone at K.I. but she’d certainly never done anything to warrant this.

As she pulled her bike off the elevator, Ginger’s door flew open.

“Oh, Harper. I thought you might be the delivery person. I’m waiting for my new fruit of the month delivery. Whatever are you doing home in the middle of a workday?”

Nerves raw and emotions in chaos, the last thing Harper wanted was to get into a gabfest with her nosy, however nice, neighbor.

“Just taking some personal time,” she said, shoving her bike through her apartment door. With a forced smile, she added, “I’ve got a bunch of vacation time saved and if I don’t use it I lose it.”

Ginger’s expression told Harper if given the slightest indication she wanted company, the woman would be in her place in a heartbeat.

“Oh, well, enjoy the afternoon, then, dear. I’m off to pack for a visit with one of my sons for a few days.”


“You as well.”

She shut herself into her apartment, fell back against the closed door after slamming it against the stuck portion, then slid down it to the floor.  The tears she’d been valiantly holding back were finally allowed to rain down her cheeks.

Harper dropped her head against her knees and let them free.

Preorder here: Amazon
Watch the trailer here: You tube

Add it to your GOODREADS WANT TO READ LIST here: goodreads

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