#wednesdaywisdom 11.29.2023

I posted this yesterday on my other accounts as a thought for the day, but it spoke to me to use it as a #wednesdaywisdom today.

When imposter syndrome rolls around, this quote helps calm me, especially the failure part of it.
In Arnold Swarzeneggars’s new book BE USEFUL, he quotes this, referencing the first time he ever lost a bodybuilding competition. He was crushed because he’d never lost one before that time. After a small pity party, he vowed to win the next one. Through hard work, dedication, and always keeping his eye on the goal, he not only won the next one, he went on to win dozens after that.
A one-star review for one of my books, or the days when I just can’t seem to get any useable words on the page, and I remember this quote. And after my own pity party, I rededicate myself to the goal, stay focused, and put in the work.
How do you cope with losses/disappointments/loss of focus? I’d really like to know.

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