A lot going on….

Just hopping in here today for an extra blog about a few new things ( and some old ones, too!)

First, the preorder link for my May 21st release of LOVE MATCH: Heaven’s Matchmaker ( Book 2) is livelivelive over on Amazon. You can go there, click, and preorder it so you’ll have it on your Kindle on release day. It’s also going to be in KU for the 90-day first period.

Now that you know that, do me a favor and go on over to Goodreads and hit the WANT TO READ BUTTON for me. The more people who do that, the more the book gets visibility.

Now, in anticipation of book 2 being released, I’ve got a GOODREADS GIVEAWAY going on for Book 1, Mix and Match.

You don’t need to read book 1 to know what’s going on in book 2. The stories are stand-alones with some of the same characters revolving in and out of Heaven, NH. But, having said that, I’m the type of reader who likes to read series in order, so….

If you don’t want to enter the giveaway you can simply order MIX & MATCH using this Universal link. It’s in wide distribution ( Kobo, Nook, Smashwords, etc) so you have lots of different venues to purchase it.

Last, I’ve also got RETRIBUTION releasing on April 23 on Amazon. I set myself a goal of 1000 preorders for this book and right now I stand at…..18. YIKES!! 2o days left to get 982 readers. Can you help a sistah out? LOL

I’m also selling autographed print copies here, on my website. Just click on this link: RETRIBUTION and I’ll send you one. Shipping and handling are included in the price ( Which is cheaper than amazon’s!)

Okay, I think that’s everything. PHEW!

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