Category Archives: NYC Socialties

FREE! on Kindle for a limited time!!!

I very – VERY – rarely offer any of my books for free, be they reader or print copy.


For the next 5 days 12/15-19, my bestselling and newest addition to the NYC Socialites series, INFLUENCE, will be free – yes free! ZERO MONEY – exclusively on Amazon Kindle.

Why am I doing this?
It’s the season for giving, after all, and I want everyone to have an opportunity to read one of my favorite books in the series. So, if you like stories about women who had it all, lost it, then got it back on their own and found love along the way, the NYC Socialites are for you. Why not start with INFLUENCE. I mean…it’s FREE!! LOL. What have you got to lose?

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N.N. Lights Holiday Gift Guide #contemporaryromance #booksasgifts

Looking for some great books to give as gifts this year? How about getting a little something for yourself but you don’t want to battle the bookstore crowds? NNLight’s got you covered. Their annual Holiday Gift guide has hundreds of books and audiobooks you can scroll through to find the perfect gift.

Today, they’re featuring Contemporary romances, and my newest NYC Socialites book, INFLUENCE is highlighted.

Check out the link, here: GIFTGUIDE to see my book and dozens more!! Happy shopping, kids!

Remember – books makes great gifts!! And if you want to get INFLUENCE at a deep discount, consider shopping in my Website Holiday store.

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Filed under NYC Socialties

Release day for INFLUENCE (The New York Socialites Series) #slowburn #NYCromance

Well, you all knew this day (and blog post) was coming. If you’ve been following me for the past few weeks, I’ve been writing up a storm about my newest New York Socialites book, INFLUENCE.

This story was so much fun to write and research. I had to delve deeply into the influencing sphere and it was eye opening, I have to tell ya. For all the time we as writers have to spend on social media hawking our books, influencers and brand ambassadors have to be on 24/7. That’s exhausting just thinking about. And not everyone can make the kind of money Lizzy Cray makes as an influencer, either. The top tier is small and anyone can be pitched off their perch when a newer, better brand ambassador comes around. Too stressful for me, LOL!

Brand influencer, Lizzy Cray, is killing it.

She’s got a list of high profile clients who pay her handsomely to help their products explode on social media. Everything from cameras to cashmere, shoes to smoothies. One picture of her with a product and the money practically prints itself.

Why does this trust fund-baby need to work so hard to rake in the cash? That’s a question journalist Dominick Templeton wants an answer to, because Lizzy Cray used to be known in the gossip pages as socialite and wild-child Mackenzie Craymore.

Mackenzie disappeared from the public’s eye twelve years ago, right after her fiancé, hotel-heir, Lucky Blumenthal, died in a fiery car crash rumored to be fueled by drugs and alcohol. But now she’s back, still hauntingly beautiful, rebranded, and from everything Dominick’s researched about her, a much different person. When she ignores all his attempts at an interview, Dominick tries a different tactic and soon becomes embroiled in a world he never imagined…with a woman he’s rapidly falling for.

I spotted a lone guy in a tux at one end, leaning an elbow on the counter and facing the room, a tumbler in his hand. I couldn’t make out his face clearly from this distance but he was tall, trim, had a mass of wavy dark hair and a neatly trimmed goatee.

And he was staring straight at me while he lifted his glass to his lips and drank.

His attention never wavered from me while he sipped. There was something so…erotic about that. For a moment I didn’t think he was looking at me, but maybe lost in thought, you know? Looking toward me but not really seeing me? When his lids dropped down to half-mast and he stopped sipping, he held the glass up in a subtle salute aimed right at me, and one side of his mouth lifted.

Every nerve ending in my spine fired and I shuddered like I’d stepped into an ice-cold bath.

But I wasn’t. Cold, that is. Nope, I was about as far from cold as a person could get on a temperature scale.

Hot didn’t even come close to what my insides were experiencing. If you happened to step into a roaring volcano and come in contact with all that molten lava spewing from it, then maybe – maybe – you’d know how I felt with this guy’s piercing gaze glued to mine.

Mesmerized, I couldn’t pull away from it.

You ever have the notion your life is about to change, something big is about to happen, and you can’t figure out what it is but you’re powerless to alter the course? That’s what it felt like with this guy’s focus zeroed in on me.

Excited anticipation zipped through me.

You can get your copy here: INFLUENCE

Read the reviews:
Goodreads (And add it to your WANT TO READ list)


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Filed under Influence, NYC Socialties

INFLUENCE is available for #readandreview on Booksprout…

Good news: if you’re a BOOKSPROUT reader and reviewer, the 4th book in my NYC Socialites series, INFLUENCE, is available for a limited time. Just click here to download your copy: BOOKSPROUT.

Reader reviews are the bed and butter of authors, and Booksprout readers are the best!!

If you do download the book, just a few caveats:

~this is an ADVANCED READER COPY which means it may have typos, missing words, etc. All those will be fixed prior to publication, so please don’t score the book low because of any you find

~there are a few explicit lovemaking scenes in the book, hence the steamy romance tag. NOT EROTICA or EROTIC ROMANCE, but normal, everyday, HOT sexy scenes. So know this. This book isn’t a sweet romance by anyone’s standards, LOL.

~posting your review to AMAZON is a must. Many people want to read the book but then don’t want to post to amazon – I don’t know why. But…if you do read it and don’t post a review on amazon, Booksprout has a way that they won’t allow you to read any more of my work, pre-publication. And I’d hate for that to happen.

~reviews are due on August 14 on Amazon, or within 7 days after.

I hope, if you can get an early copy, you enjoy it!

And if you’re not on Booksprout, no worries. You can preorder INFLUENCE from amazon, here: PREORDER LINK

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Filed under Influence, NYC Socialties

A GOODREADS giveaway that’s too good to scroll by…

In anticipation of my August 14th release of INFLUENCE, book 4 in the NYC Socialites series, I’m having a Goodreads giveaway for book 1, IT’S A TRUST THING from today until Jul 10th. I’ll be gifting 100 Kindle copies to randomly chosen entrants. Goodreads does the choosing at the end, but you’ve gotta be in it to win it!

Click on this link to enter: IATT

And don’t forget to add INFLUENCE to your WANT TO READ pile on Goodreads. You can click that, here: INFLUENCE.

Good luck!!! ~ Peg


Nell Newbery has trust issues.

It’s hard to trust when you’re the daughter of a fallen financial scion who bilked people out of billions. Nell’s done everything in her power to keep away from men who see her as their ticket to fortune and fame. All she wants to do is run her ultra-successful business, HELPFUL HUNKS, in peace. But it wouldn’t hurt to find a guy who doesn’t know a thing about her father’s felonious past; one she can give her heart to and trust it won’t come back to her battered, bruised, and broken.

Is Charlie Churchill that guy? On the surface, he seems perfect, all polished manners and quiet mirth. Nell’s convinced he knows nothing about her, other than she likes superhero movies and views junk food as a food group. Can she trust him to be what he appears to be? Or is he just pretending?

For Nell, trust is everything in life…and in love.


Filed under Influence, It's a trust thing, NYC Socialties

The story behind the story…

Instead of first line Friday today, I want to do something a little different.

My newest book, INFLUENCE ( A NEW YORK SOCIALITES ROMANCE) is releasing on August 14th and I’d like to tell you the story behind the story. Or in other words, what made me write Mackenzie’s tale.

Back in 2019 when Limitless Publishing released my book DIRTY DAMSELS I had, in my mind, four books for the DotComgirls series. Once Limitless decided they didn’t want any more of the books in the series I was – heartbroken for sure – but I still wanted to publish the remaining books. So that’s when I decided to go independent. IT’S A TRUST THING was the first book to release. I had to change the series name from dotcomgirls to something else and THE NEW YORK SOCIALITES seemed right. The tagline Riches to rags and back again, finding love along the way, came to me in the car one day, and I was set.

WOKE, then BALANCE were published in subsequent years and I thought I was done.

Then the pandemic hit and I noticed something I never had before – the absolute power of Social Media. A new term, Influencer, popped up one day in a news report on Good Morning America, and I got an idea for a character who has burst onto the scene as one of these influencers.

Who was she? What was her story? Why does she crave the attention of likes and follows from strangers? The notion to make her a former socialite jibed with an idea I’d been kicking around for another book in the series. Mackenzie Cray had to have something, something BIG motivate her to put herself in the public eye as an Influencer. Her tragic love story with Lucky Blumenthal was born. While we never meet Lucky in person, on the page he is a powerful force behind everything Mac does.

Now I needed a hero.

One of my favorite secondary characters in my books has always been Dominick Templeton from IT’S A TRUST THING. When we meet him we think he’s sleazy tabloid journalist, but once the story unfolds, we find out just how wonderful he is – especially to his brother. I’ve wanted to give Nick a love story since then, and decided he would make the perfect foil for Mackenzie.

So I did.

In INFLUENCE, Nick has been assigned a series of articles by the magazine he writes for, detailing the past and present lives of former debutants. Mackenzie Craymore is on his list, but she’s stonewalled every call he’s made and refuses to be interviewed. Nick wonders why this former wild child trust fund baby has done a 180 in her life and is now a serious businesswoman and influencer who goes by the name Lizzy Cray. And he’s determined to find out her motivation – even though she’s not revealing it.

So, I guess you can blame the idea for INFLUENCE on the power of social media and the pandemic, LOL!

The book releases on 8.14.2023 and will be available in KU for the first few months. You can preorder your copy here: INFLUENCE.

And if you want to get reacquainted ( or meet them for the very first time!) here’s where you can find the other NYC Socialites and the book that started it all, DIRTY DAMSELS. And P.S. – Dirty Damsels is my most reviewed book on Amazon!!!

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