Tag Archives: #freeebook

FREE! on Kindle for a limited time!!!

I very – VERY – rarely offer any of my books for free, be they reader or print copy.


For the next 5 days 12/15-19, my bestselling and newest addition to the NYC Socialites series, INFLUENCE, will be free – yes free! ZERO MONEY – exclusively on Amazon Kindle.

Why am I doing this?
It’s the season for giving, after all, and I want everyone to have an opportunity to read one of my favorite books in the series. So, if you like stories about women who had it all, lost it, then got it back on their own and found love along the way, the NYC Socialites are for you. Why not start with INFLUENCE. I mean…it’s FREE!! LOL. What have you got to lose?

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Filed under Influence, NYC Socialties