Tag Archives: #NYCsocialites

FREE! on Kindle for a limited time!!!

I very – VERY – rarely offer any of my books for free, be they reader or print copy.


For the next 5 days 12/15-19, my bestselling and newest addition to the NYC Socialites series, INFLUENCE, will be free – yes free! ZERO MONEY – exclusively on Amazon Kindle.

Why am I doing this?
It’s the season for giving, after all, and I want everyone to have an opportunity to read one of my favorite books in the series. So, if you like stories about women who had it all, lost it, then got it back on their own and found love along the way, the NYC Socialites are for you. Why not start with INFLUENCE. I mean…it’s FREE!! LOL. What have you got to lose?

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Filed under Influence, NYC Socialties

#Holiday ebook prices #99cents

Just a little friendly FYI reminder that all the ebooks in my catalog that I control ( not counting the trad published ones)will be lowered to 99cents starting on Thanksgiving and they will remain that way until 12.31.2023 You can get a jump on the BLACK FRIDAY DEALS, because since you subscribe to my blog, you know about the sale ahead of time. The ads say Black Friday, but I’m actually reducing the prices on Thanksgiving.


Ebooks anyone? They make great gifts for you. You all know I write a wide range, everything from sweet, to sweet with heat, to sensual to steamy.

But all my heroines are strong women – some are billionaires, a few are writers. One is a cheflebrity!!

Go ahead and check out my Amazon catalog ( if that’s where you shop) and if you’re on KOBO or Nook, those ebooks are on sale, too


Happy 99cent reading, Kids

And if you like print books to want to give them as gifts, my ONLINE HOLIDAY WEBSTORE is open for business. I’ve discounted all the print books to prices even online retailers can’t match!! Check it out here:

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Filed under Writing

Wrapup for the week…

I realized this morning when I woke up that I’ve got a lot of stuff going on right now, so I figured I’d make an FYI-Don’t forget post about it all for you

Yeah, I know: I’m generous that way ( Cue the goodnatured sarcasm music! Whaawhaa…)

First, In anticipation of the 8.14 release of INFLUENCE, my newest addition to the NYC Socialites series, I”, having a #goodreadsgiveaway for IT’S A TRUST THING, the first book in the series. You can enter here: GOODREADS.

Second, I’m attending ROMANTICON 2023 in just 2 weeks and I’ve got a pre-order list for the books I’ll be bringing with me. Since there are so many fabulous authors attending – not to mention the higher numbers of readers than ever before, it would make sense that you, as a reader, might want to preorder your books from authors you now so you can, 1. guarantee the book you want will be available and not sold out, and 2. this gives you more time to visit the authors you don’t know and want to meet. Here’s the preorder form for Romanticon: Books.

Also, I’m attending my first GETTING WITCHY WITH IT in September, and for all the same reasons I mentioned above. I’ve got a preorder list for that event, too. Here it is BOOK 2.

Last, if you’re on BOOKSPROUT and you are a reader and reviewer, I’ve got a campaign underway for INFLUENCE. Just download the book, read it, and then post your review to the sites allowed – Amazon being the most important one on release day, 8.14. Here’s the info on the campaingn and the link to request: REQUEST.

And, as always, I’m over on TIKTOK/BookTok a few times a day with new content about my dog, my life – writing and personal – and books I’m reviewing. Follow me, here: TIKTOK.

Goodness, that’s enough, right?
Hee hee.

Have a great week, kids ~ Peg

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Filed under Writing