Tag Archives: #readormance

#tuesdaytease 11.28.2023

So today’s little tease is actually a pictorial.

Let me explain…

I’m doing NANOWRIMO and the book I’m currently penning for it is book 2 in my HEAVEN’S MATCHMAKER series, LOVE MATCH ( Layla and Cody).

I want to show you the Pinterest board I have for this book because it explains so much about the work in progress. Click here to see the images I’ve got in there now: LAYLA AND CODY

Here’s the blurb-in-progress, too, so you can get a feel for the plot line. (Remember – work in progress!!! LOL)

Running away from a public scandal may be considered cowardly, but to Layla Warton it’s the perfect plan.

After her politically connected fiancé is indicted for embezzlement, bribery, and taking kickbacks from less-than-savory businessmen, Layla wants to put the public ridicule and shame of her guilty-by-association status behind her and move forward with her life. Not easy to do when all her supposed friends and supporters abandoned her and the taint of scandal-adjacent destroys the successful business and life she’s fostered for herself.

Happy childhood memories and the blessing of a local friend push her toward the tiny New England town of Heaven where she spent summers with her loving grandmother.

With the paparazzi on her tale, an ancient family home she needs to get livable, and a contractor too handsome for her sanity, Layla worries she’ll never be able to get her old life back again.

But would that really be such a bad thing?

Intrigued? LOL. I know I am.

And before this one’s ready, I invite you to read the first in the series: MIX AND MATCH ( Jasmine and Donovan) The ebook is on sale until Christmas for just 99 cents.

Happy reading and Happy Tuesday, kids!

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