Tag Archives: #serialromance

#tuesdaytease #teasertuesday

I’m currently editing my next HEAVEN’S MATCHMAKER, LOVE MATCH, book 2 in the series. I don’t have a release date yet, but here’s a little taste of what’s to come.

“Let’s go grab lunch,” he said after a moment. “We can discuss it, iron out all the details over a burger or a sandwich.”

She blinked several times, hearing his voice, but the words made no sense.  “What?”

“Lunch? You know? That meal between breakfast and dinner?”

She gaped up at him, her toes starting to tingle when he grinned down at her.

“I’m assuming you’re done visiting for today?”

She nodded.

He returned the motion. “And I just finished visiting with mine. I’m hungry and I have a long afternoon ahead of me, so why don’t we head into town, grab something to eat and we can go over what it is you want me to do? Sound good?”

It took her a few moments of internal debate before she finally said, “I could eat.”

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Filed under Teaser Tuesday