A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: DYLAN releases Monday, 9.18.2023 #steamyromance #bodyguardtrope #STEM

As a reader, I know that some books leave you with a book hangover or the notion you wish you could go re-read it again for the very first time.

This book did both those to me – and I wrote it!!

I think Harper and Dylan are my favorite love match so far. And I know you’re not supposed to pick favorites among your kids, but…

This little gem releases on Monday, 9.18, and I just put so much of my heart and soul into writing it. I was penning it at the time I was going through a huge upheaval in my life this past year and just being able to escape into the lives of Harper and Dylan helped me barrel through that tumultuous time.

I truly hope if you read the book you enjoy their journey to their HEA as much as I did writing it for them.

Cyber Security specialist Dylan Keene is working undercover to suss out a corporate thief. The client wants answers – yesterday – and Dylan’s getting close. When he zeros in on coding expert Harper Vale, he thinks he’s found his mole and sets out to prove it.

Harper has a reputation as a coding savant and an introvert. As a woman competing in a male-dominated industry, Harper doesn’t make waves. Dylan’s interest in her is flattering, but after she’s implicated in the theft of the company’s protected software, she begins to doubt everything he’s told her.

When a series of potentially deadly accidents occur, all surrounding Harper, Dylan starts to wonder if she truly is guilty, or being made to take the fall. One thing is certain, though. The more time the two of them spend together, the more Dylan realizes he’s the one who’s falling – for Harper.

He slid his free hand into hers so he held both of them. “I hope you had a good time today.”

“I did. Surprisingly.”

He winced and winked an eye closed. “Ouch.”

“Oh, God, no. That’s not what I meant.”

Her cheeks turned five shades darker than the rest of her face.

“I meant I didn’t think tossing an ax around or beating up on inanimate objects was going to be fun, but it was. Really fun. Thank you for taking me. I’ve lived in this area for a while and never knew that place existed.”

Her nerves were adorable, another facet of her personality he shouldn’t be thinking about, because when he did it solidified he really wanted to kiss her.

Like, kiss-her-socks-off kiss her.

He nodded, then squeezed her hands. “Well, I’ve gotta head out. My brother gets testy when he’s kept waiting.” He shook his head and blew out a breath filled with dramatic exasperation.

When she grinned up at him, the free and easy laughter in her eyes warming his soul, he thought, what the hell, and let go of her hands to cup her chin.

The soft sigh of surprise that shot from her was almost his undoing. Leisurely, he rubbed her rosy cheeks with his thumbs as he watched her pupils dilate in the afternoon sun.

“Just for the record,” he murmured as he brought his head down, “I had fun today, too. More than I’ve had in a long, long time.”

And the funny thing was it was the truth.

Right before his lips touched hers, the notion to pull back and retreat from this madness blew into the front of his mind and was instantly kicked to the curb.

He knew he was playing a dangerous game, that one of them was sure to wind up hurt. But right now, with this gorgeous, fascinating, enigma of a woman standing toe to toe with him and looking for all the world like she was on board with the idea of kissing him back, he simply didn’t give a shit.

The moment his lips touched hers he knew a simple kiss would never be enough.

While his thumbs continued caressing her smooth, silky cheeks, Dylan let himself enjoy the delicate flash of desire he felt push from her. 

If pressed before this moment, he would have admitted that while he liked kissing a woman and exploring all the ways he could stoke a flame of lust, what it ultimately led to was always more preferable.

But right now? That thought went out the proverbial window, because this simple kiss was more exciting, more pleasurable, more downright erotic than any other he’d ever given or received. He wanted to kiss her straight up the steps of her building, through her apartment door, and then in every room where she lived.

He’d thought her skin was soft, but her mouth, warm and responsive, was by far the softest thing he’d ever touched. He took a step closer, willing his hands to remain on her cheeks lest they’d drop and haul her flat against them.

The feel of Harper’s hands resting on his chest was twenty shades of delicious. She had to feel his heart banging against his ribs; had to know how excited he was. When she opened her mouth, the intoxicating taste of her drifting into him assured him he had to stop this madness, when all he wanted to do was…plunder.

On a sigh, he pulled back.

Her eyes, half closed and heavy-lidded told him she was as moved by the kiss as he was.

Slowly, he slid his hands from her face, hating he was no longer touching her.

The overpowering emotions careening through him made him nervous, something he never was with a woman. He cleared his throat and searched for something to say that didn’t sound lame or juvenile.

Harper opened her eyes fully, surprise jumping through them as she stared up at him.

Yeah, I know how ya feel, babe. Kinda shocked me, too.

Dylan cleared his throat. “Thanks again for coming with me today.”

Intrigued? I hope so!

Preorder your print or e-copy here: POD

Watch the trailer here: YT

Add it to your Goodreads WANT TO READ list here: GR

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