Category Archives: #mondayMusings

#mondaymusings #Musingsonamonday

It’s gonna have to be chapstick, moisturizer, and baby powder for me!!

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#Mondaymusings #musingsonamonday

“Do what you love, what gives you joy, what brings you the most pleasure imaginable. It will never be a job, but always be a constant source of happiness.”

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#mondaymusing #Questionoftheday 4.8.24

We all have at least 1. Mine is that I can make the sound of a horse whinnying.

So, what’s yours?

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#mondaymusings 34.1.2024

For me, I am grateful that the year is progressing so far without any major life catastrophes! Lol

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#mondaymusings #musings on a Monday 3.25.24

This is a question I get asked a great deal…

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#Musingsonamonday #Mondaymusings

The Grand Dame of women’s fiction and romance, is my pic as my all time fav author. And I was lucky enough to meet her.

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#musingsonamonday 2.19.2024

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February 19, 2024 · 12:16 am

#mondaymusings #MusingsonaMonday


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#mondaymusings #musingsonamonday 2.5.2024

Shows my age, doesn’t it?? LOL


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#mondaymusings 1.28.2024

I know some authors who only consider a spreadsheet as an indication of how they are doing in their careers. How many book sales they’ve had; how many preorders on a new book coming out. And there’s nothing wrong with that. We didn’t go into the writing career to lose money, now did we? LOL

For me, though, my success – if you can call it that – has been more internal than the external monetary reward tract.

The very first time I ever had someone I didn’t know come up to me at a book signing and tell me they loved my book because the story or characters spoke to them, was a huge measure of personal success for me. I mean, we expect our family and friends to like what we write ( even though I don’t have many non-writing friends who read what I write, and no one in my family reads my books) when a total stranger who has nothing to gain by telling me that actually speaks those words, the internal orbit in my heart goes into the stratosphere!

I’ve entered more than my share of contests since I’ve been published and every time I win, place or even show in a contest based on writing, I feel successful because it means someone read my words with a critical eye and felt they were good enough to win some sort of prize.

So, not every measure of my personal success is measured in money or book sales.

Not that I’m saying those aren’t great, because…duh!

So how do measure your own personal/professional success? I’d really like to know because I’m nosy that way!

Have a good week ~ Peg

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Filed under #mondayMusings