Tag Archives: Holiday romance

Return to the wonderful town of DICKENS this holiday season

I had the amazing opportunity to join a group of writers last year to pen a Christmas Anthology titled CHRISTMAS COMES TO DICKENS.

Several of the writers – including myself – are back again this year with more stories about the heartwarming little town during the holiday season.

The first up is Nancy Fraser’s CHRISMAS CAROLE, available now.

When divorced mother of two, Carole Kelley, moves herself and her children to Dickens, she figures the most difficult thing she’ll have to face is providing a perfect Christmas for her 7-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son.

What she doesn’t count on is Jaxon Matthews, Wil-Bar Toy’s attorney and quite possibly the most infuriating man she’s ever met.

Jax wants nothing more than to finish up his current workload within the next few weeks so he can pack his bags and leave for his usual solitary Christmas on Grand Cayman Island. His plans are quickly derailed when a big contract falls through, forcing him back to the negotiating table less than a month before the holiday.

His plans are further delayed when he meets Carole Kelley. Despite his best intentions to steer clear of any romantic entanglements, he can’t help but be drawn to the beautiful woman and her infectious holiday spirit… something he hasn’t felt in years.

Once he realizes getting to know Carole means competing with her two children for her attention, he’s ready to give up on furthering their relationship. What he doesn’t count on is the power of family, and the magic of the wish stick.

Downtown Dickens

November 24th

“Momma, are we there yet? Will Millie be there? Are we going to have Thanksgiving at their house?” Lila’s questions came in rapid-fire succession. “Will I get to sleep in the tent in her room like last time?”

Carole Kelley shifted in the front seat of her minivan and glanced in her rearview mirror. Her daughter was fighting sleep with the stubbornness of a seven-year-old diva.

Her four-year-old son Jake, on the other hand, was sound asleep in his car seat, not a care in the world.

“Yes, sweetie, we’re finally here. At least in Dickens proper. It’ll take a few more minutes before we reach Barrett House. As for where you’ll sleep, that will be up to Rick and Cassidy.”

“And Uncle William?”

“Yes, dear, him too.”

“Are we going to live at Barrett House? I want to ride the horses like last time.”

Carole released a long, weary sigh, then pulled in a much-needed breath. “No, dear, we won’t be living at Barrett House, as much as I’m sure you’d love to.”

“They have lotsa bedrooms,” Lila pointed out.

“Yes, they do. However, we don’t want to impose any longer than necessary. We have a nice apartment waiting for us in the same building where Cassidy and Millie used to live.”

“Is that where the lady lives who’s going to watch me and Jake when you’re at work?”

Gripping the steering wheel, Carole stretched her back and craned her neck, working out the kinks from the eight-hour drive, before responding. “Yes. Miss Frances comes highly recommended. Millie says she’s the bestest babysitter ever.”

“Are you excited about your new job? Will it be like the job you had back in Chester?”

“It’s not exactly the same as my last job, but I’m sure I’ll love it. Who wouldn’t love working in toy factory, even if it is in the office?”

“Will Jake and me get to see where the toys are made?”

Where was that blasted Sandman when you needed him?

“I suppose, but not right away. They’re way too busy to host tours, even for family.”

“Do you think Uncle William will give me another Princess doll for Christmas?”

“I guess it will depend on how good you’ve been this year.”

“I’ve been really good,” Lila insisted. “Really, really, good.”

“Yes, Lila dear, you have been very good, and very helpful with your little brother.”

Carole negotiated the last of the three turns in the road leading from town to the outskirts, finally pulling into the driveway at Barrett House.

Once she’d parked at the front door to unload her children and their overnight bags, she pushed the button to slide the rear door open only to find her daughter had finally fallen asleep. Just when she didn’t want her to be.

Purchase Links:

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DWPCK87

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Trailer Link:

NANCY FRASER is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

Nancy published her first book in 1996 and hasn’t stopped since. Her 100th book will be released on her birthday in April of 2022.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

Read reviews of Christmas Carole here: reviews

Add Christmas Carole to your Goodreads WANT TO READ LIST

Join the DICKENS facebook page for all updates about the DICKENS STORIES: CHRISTMAS COMES TO DICKENS


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A Christmas Goodreads Giveaway!

Hey kids ~ delighted to tell you that FIXING CHRISTMAS – A Dickens Holiday Romance ( Dorrit’s Diner) is a GOODREADS GIVEAWAY for the next few weeks.

You can enter to win 1 of 5 PRINT copies here: FIXING CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY.

Christmas has never filled writer Abra Charles with undiluted pleasure. If you’d been left on a doorstep on Christmas Eve morning, you might have a few issues with the holiday as well.
Abra’s avoided her hometown of Dickens for the past twenty Christmas seasons, but now she’s returned in an attempt to get her writing mojo back. Twice-divorced and with her third engagement ending in heartbreak, anger, and blackmail, Abra is now six months behind on submitting her current book. She hopes renting Copperfield House and immersing herself in solitude will cure her writer’s block and get her life back on track. The house she rents isn’t helping her achieve her goal, though, as one thing after another breaks, collapses, or floods.
Colton Bree, Dickens’ very own Mr. FixIt, can’t help but wonder if the new resident of Copperfield House is cursed. After being called to repair a broken window, he’s then needed to fix an exploding coffeepot, an overrunning toilet, and a washing machine that has a mind of its own. Bree doesn’t mind all the unexpected repair jobs, though, because the sexy renter is something to look at despite being a little neurotic and a whole lot of snarky.
Can Abra get her book done with all the distractions and craziness of her life, the biggest distraction being the flannelled hunk with the bedroom eyes and scowling yet oh-so-kissable mouth? Or will Dickens’ Mr FixIt have to step in and save the day and in so doing, fix Christmas for Abra forever?



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25 Days of Holiday Romance day # 25 – Christmas & Cannolis

is it a bad thing that I put my own Holiday books up on this list?


Today, I’ve got my second San Valentino Christmas book, CHRISTMAS & CANNOLIS for you.



Can a second chance at love heal a broken heart? 

With Christmas season in full swing, baker Regina San Valentino is up to her elbows in cake batter and cookie dough. Between running her own business, filling her bursting holiday order book, and managing her crazy Italian family, she’s got no time to relax, no room for more custom cake orders, and no desire to find love. A failed marriage and a personal tragedy have convinced her she’s better off alone. Then a handsome stranger enters her bakery begging for help. Regina can’t find it in her heart to refuse him.
Connor Gilhooly is in a bind. He needs a specialty cake for an upcoming fundraiser and puts himself–and his company’s reputation–in Regina’s capable hands. What he doesn’t plan on is falling for a woman with heartbreak in her eyes or dealing with a wise-guy father and a disapproving family.

Can Regina lay her past to rest and trust the man who’s awoken her heart? Readers who enjoy the following kinds of stories will love CHRISTMAS & CANNOLIS: big families, Holiday romance, RomCom, surviving loss, moving on, foodies, bakers, Christmas

Amazon Purchase link

About the author: me!!

Reviews for C&C

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24 Days of Holiday Romance day # 24 – The Key To his Heart: A Steampunk Christmas Fairytale

The WIld Rose Press certainly loves the HOLIDAYS!!! Today, it’s WRP sistah Barbara Burke’s turn with THE KEY TO HIS HEART


Since he was a small child Andre has been treated like a monster because of his mechanical parts – scorned and reviled by children and adults alike. He’s learned to hide himself away from people.
Arabella, an airship engineer in training, doesn’t believe he’s a monster at all. But can she convince him of that?
When she’s forced to join him on his airship, The Rose, on a flight through the winter skies it’s an opportunity to teach him that love is for everyone and humanity is more than just flesh and blood.

Amazon purchase Link

About the author: Barbara Burke

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25 Days of Holiday Romance day # 23 – Practicing for Christmas

One more Wild Rose Press sistah! Rachael Richey has PRACTICING FOR CHRISTMAS on day 23 of the blog event.

A remote coastal cottage; a group of old friends; the Christmas holidays. It’s just the break Olivia needs to help her relax and forget her worries. What could be more perfect? But that was before she found a handsome unconscious stranger on the beach. Add in a case of mistaken identity, a lot of kissing practice, and an inquisitive best friend, and things begin to get more than a little complicated.

The large bump on Adam’s head hurts, but he refuses to go to the hospital—or back home—and eventually accepts Olivia’s offer of hospitality. When her friends arrive the following morning, a chance remark catapults them both into a bizarre and amusing situation that promises to make it a Christmas to remember.

Amazon purchase Link

About the Author: Rachael Richey

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25 Days of Holiday Romance day #22 – Christmas in Catalonia

Fellow Rose Karen Hulene Bartell is my day 22  Holiday Romance choice for her book CHRISTMAS IN CATALONIA

A simple trek through Spain becomes a life-changing journey through fear and hope.

A daddy’s girl born on Father’s Day, Gwen Alton lost faith in men when her father emotionally abandoned her. Despite her impending marriage, she has doubts.
A spiritual orphan with trust issues, Gwen lets no one crack her shell of self-reliance. When the young photojournalist sets out on her family’s pipedream of walking the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage through Spain, she has no real faith in the divine or supernatural. But along the Way, her deceased father haunts her and she meets a mysterious man with violet-blue eyes who bewilders her.
Can she resolve issues with her father-figure fiancé? Will she choose the familiar, well-worn path of emotional rejection or blaze a new and exciting trail? Through a series of divine signs along the Way, Gwen takes the first steps on a life-long pilgrimage.

Amazon purchase link

About the Author: Karen Hulene Bartell

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25 Days of Holiday Romance day # 21 – CHRISTMAS CAROLE

The WIld Rose press dominates in this Holiday Blog Event! Today, I’ve got fellow sistah Stephanie Sullivan and her addition to our holiday romance reading, CHRISTMAS CAROLE

After the death of her fiancé, workaholic Carole Sinclair vowed never to fall in love again. She can’t face another loss of someone she loves.
Firefighter Derek Langston was interested in Carole years ago, but his best friend asked her out first. Derek has stayed friends and supported her while she grieves. Two years have passed, and impatient for his life to move forward, he proclaims his feelings.
Their friendship becomes much more complicated than either bargained for. After a glimpse into her past, present and future, Carole must choose between remaining stuck in old memories or claiming the future she longs for. Can a treasured friendship grow into a lasting love?

Amazon Purchase Link

About the Author : Stephanie Sullivan


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25 Days of Holiday Romance day #20 – Love’s in the Cards

Today I’m introducing you to another WRP sistah, Becky Lower and her addition to the 25 days of Holiday Romance, LOVE’S IN THE CARDS

Penny Beedle’s outlook on Christmas, as her favorite holiday, was destroyed by a messy breakup years earlier and a botched wedding last year—both on Christmas Eve. But since she and her sister now own a greeting card store, and the holidays are their crazy selling season, she has to put on a happy face.

Del Madison has loved Penny since kindergarten. Commissioned by a big greeting card company for a line of Christmas and Valentine’s cards, he has to emerge from behind his alter ego and unveil himself to the public. He chooses Penny Beedle’s shop for the big reveal. If he plays his cards right, he just might gain Penny as part of his life.

Amazon purchase link

About the Author: Becky Lower

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25 Days of Holiday Romance day # 19 – The Naughty List

Today’s addition to the 25 days of Holiday Romance is from another WRP sistah, L.A. Kelley: THE NAUGHTY LIST.

An appropriate title for a holiday romance, no? Hee hee

Something smells at Penrose’s Department Store and it isn’t sugarplums.

Christmas had always been a magical time for Rosalie, but not this year. The new manager introduces idiotic rules, steals the affections of the cute temp Santa, and forces employees into butt-ugly elf hats. Then Rosalie meets a real E.L.F. (Elemental Life Form) named David and gets lassoed into a desperate hunt for the stolen Naughty and Nice List. Now the couple must stay one step ahead of the hellhounds, dodge a murderous invisible demon, and retrieve the List before the world tumbles into chaos.

Amazon Purchase Link

About the Author: L.A. Kelley


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25 Days of Holiday Romance day #18 – If Wishes Were Earls

Honestly! I have so many talented Wild Rose Press sistahs!!! Today, I’m featuring Luanna Stewart’s Historical/Victorian Christmas romance IF WISHES WERE EARLS.

Her wish will be granted…
When a mysterious note directs Miss Miranda Large to a tiny village in Cornwall to find her heart’s desire, she’d be a fool to not go. The excitement mounts when she meets a strange shopkeeper who claims that a magical keepsake will make possible her dream of marriage to a man with a title. But a snowstorm forces her to accept the hospitality of a sullen earl and Miranda fears she’s made a horrible mistake.
He’s given up hope…
Edward Penhallion, the 12th Earl of Claverlock, is not in the mood to search for yet another wife. He longs to be left alone with his books and his dreams of revenge. But the arrival of a headstrong, sharp-tongued spinster forces him to play the charming host. Not a difficult task, given her intelligence and beauty.
As the blizzard rages, Edward discovers there’s more to Miranda than a lively wit and a lovely face. And Miranda wonders if the trappings of wealth are enough for true happiness.

Amazon purchase link

About the Author: Luanna Stewart


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