Tag Archives: #romancelovers

FREE! on Kindle for a limited time!!!

I very – VERY – rarely offer any of my books for free, be they reader or print copy.


For the next 5 days 12/15-19, my bestselling and newest addition to the NYC Socialites series, INFLUENCE, will be free – yes free! ZERO MONEY – exclusively on Amazon Kindle.

Why am I doing this?
It’s the season for giving, after all, and I want everyone to have an opportunity to read one of my favorite books in the series. So, if you like stories about women who had it all, lost it, then got it back on their own and found love along the way, the NYC Socialites are for you. Why not start with INFLUENCE. I mean…it’s FREE!! LOL. What have you got to lose?

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Filed under Influence, NYC Socialties


Just like the graphic says, I’ll be one of many authors participating in this year’s HOLIDAY HOOPLA over on the WCC AUTHOR AND READERS FACEBOOK GROUP

The party goes from 9am – 930 PM EST and I’m slotted for 2-230 pm!!! So come on over. I’ll have games, giveaways, prizes, and fun facts. It’ll be jammed 30 mins for sure, lol!

Tell your romance reading friends, too! The more, the much merrier. See you Tomorrow!

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OKRWG is having a #virtual #Bookfair and I’m taking part!!!

This year, to try something new, the Oklahoma Romance Writers Guild is hosting a VIRTUAL BOOK FAIR.

Multiple authors in multiple genres have their books available for purchase directly to you from the lovely convenience of your laptop/desktop/device.

Pretty cool, no?

Check it out on FACEBOOK< here: OKRWGFB

Love reading romance? You’ve come to the right place! Here you’ll find romance of all steam levels and genres. So take your time, have a little fun here on our event page, and please visit our official book fair page and enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card

My steamy romance, BALANCE, part of the NYC Socialites Series, is one of the books listed. Check it out, here: OKRWG BOOK FAIR under the STEAMY category!

She’s a wealthy socialite who survived an abusive marriage.
He’s a hardworking guy raising his son and caring for his widowed father.
They come from different worlds, but it’s said…opposites attract.
Can they find the balance between their two lifestyles to make their love work?
Or will their differences tear them apart?

Life and love are a balancing act.

BALANCE is also a 2022 Nominee in the InD’Tale Magazine RONE AWARDS. The award ceremony if set for Saturday, 10.9 at 8pm EST!

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Filed under #balance, Writing