Tag Archives: #teasertuesday #tuesdayteaser #WIP

#tuesdaytease 6.25.25

I’ll be teasing the cover reveal for my newest Dicken’s book in July,but for now, here’s a little something about my 2024 Dickens book, A CHEF’S KISS CHRISTMAS. In this scene, Portia and Tony go Christmas Tree shopping for the diner’s tree. He has no idea it’s a ruse Portia is using to get him out and about…

“I knew this tree would look perfect on this table,” Portia said two hours later while she affixed the last ornament.

Tony lifted his head from his position at the stove, stared across the room at her, then shook his head.

Three times.

Three times now she’d all but bamboozled him into doing something he thought he’d never do or sworn not to.

By the time they arrived at the office to give the clerk the tag for the diner tree, he’d forgotten all about her prompt that he get his own holiday tree, instead, his thoughts turned to food. He’d been playing with the idea of deconstructing an alfredo sauce and using it on poached eggs. Maybe he could take a few hours tonight and whip up a few samples. The idea had come to him earlier in the week when a customer had praised the new tangy Alfredo he’d been using in the diner. Amy had relayed the customer’s compliment and he’d begun thinking of alternate ways to use the sauce.

While Portia had paid, he’d gone to bring the car around from the packed lot. When she emerged from the office ten minutes later, she had a wrapped bundle in her arms and was wearing a smile that more than hinted at a Cheshire cat vibe.

“What’s that?” he thrust his chin toward the bundle when she got in the car.

She turned to him and with her eyes wide, chin dropped a hair so she could zero in on him, she said, “A freshly cut tabletop tree. It’s barely thirty-six inches.”

Glaring at her, his own eyes narrowing, he said, “For Abra?”


She popped the P with a flare.

“Portia.” She’d have to have a hearing loss to mistake the warning in his voice.

“Anton,” she said back, using the same tone.

“Don’t call me that.” For some reason, he rolled his head right and left.

“We’re in your car, silly. No one can hear us. And before you have a conniption,” she held up one hand, effectively silencing him, “It’s a gift.”

“A gift?”

She nodded and said, “There you go repeating everything again, but yes. It’s a thank you for helping me today.”

“I didn’t help you at all,” he countered. “When you called me and then we wound up at the tree farm, I thought it meant you needed help with cutting one down.”

“Initially, that was my thought. But it seemed easier, once we got here, to have the farm hands to it. They’ll do a great job and deliver it, too. But you came with me, gave up your one free afternoon, and because of that I wanted to say thank you, and getting you this tree is my way of doing it.”

He could argue, but he’d look like a real loser if he refused the offer of the gift.

But… “I don’t have anything to decorate it with and like I said, I’m not investing in a bunch of things that I won’t be taking with me when I leave.”

“No worries.” She pulled out her phone and gave him the directions to the town’s secondhand store, Curious Curios.

“And we’re going there, why?” he asked, pulling onto the county road.

“Because they have a package waiting for me that I need to pick up. They don’t deliver. And before you say a package, in that deep, smokey, sexy voice,” he clamped his mouth shut because he’d been about to do just that, “Yes, a package. It’s filled with used ornaments and tree trimmings the owner picked out for me.”

“When?” was all he could think to ask.


“Not what. When?”

“When, what?”

The force and breadth of the sigh he expelled fogged up the front windshield. “I feel like I’m in a bad Yogi Berra movie and it’s déjà vu all over again.” Another exhale, this one followed by a cleansing inhale meant to calm him. “When did you arrange for a box of ornaments to be filled for you?”

For the first time in all their interactions, awkwardness descended upon her face and body. Shoulders slumped under her coat; mouth pinched in one corner as if lost in thought; brows flirting with one another, a delicate crease bifurcating them; even her color heightened a bit as her cheeks pinked.


She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then opened them again. “I spoke with her on the phone this morning. Told her what I needed and then trusted her to get everything ready for pick up.”

He digested that for the time it took to wait for the traffic light they were stopped at to turn back to green. As he pushed down on the gas pedal he said, “You planned this whole thing, didn’t you? This outing to the tree farm. Me going with you. Getting me that tree. Heck, you were probably even the one who convinced Amy to get a real tree for the diner.” He tossed her a quick glance before concentrating back on the road. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

She stayed silent for an entire block. Then, slowly, she began to nod, until a weak, “Yes,” escaped from between her lips.

“Why? Why did you go to all that trouble? Just for me to have a…holiday tree?” He shook his head. “That makes no sense.”

She turned to him then, and from the corner of his eye he could tell she was nervous.

About what? Him figuring out what she’d done? Her doing it? This was all just crazy.

You’ll have to read the book to find out why she’s so invested in getting him out of the house…

Release day is 11.11.24

Cover reveal starting July !

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Filed under #tuesdaytease

#teaserTuesday #Tuesdaytease

Today’s little sumthin’ sumthin’ comes from RETRIBUTION, which is releasing on 4.23.24 YOu can order is on Amazon or from me, directly at the above link. You’ll get your print copy autographed that way, hee hee.

After Kella is outed by the Assistant FBI Director to the press, the team worries she’s now compromised and will leave. This scene is the aftermath of that.

Kella was disconnecting a cell phone call when they came into the room.

Frowning, she looked up at Tucker from her chair.

“Don’t tell me, I already know,” he said, putting up a restraining hand. “Sean’s furious and wants me dead. You can tell him I feel pretty much the same way.”

Kella leaned forward, grabbed his hand, and said, “Yes, he’s furious, but no, he didn’t say anything about killing you.”

“That’s because he’s smart and doesn’t want you tagged as an accessory.”

Good humor restored, she grinned and squeezed Tucker’s hand. Hard. “You’re an idiot, but I love you anyway. The one saving grace, in Sean’s opinion, is that the Assistant Director didn’t give the media my name.”

“That’s a very small comfort, Kel, because those people are human bloodhounds. Especially people like Donovan Rule who make their living off people’s secrets. My guess is that by the end of today, one of the major networks will find out who you are and broadcast it all over the airwaves, official confirmation or not.”

“He’s right, you know,” Anna said, pouring two mugs of coffee. She handed one to Tucker and kept the other for herself.

Kella watched as he absentmindedly took a sip of the brew, closed his eyes, and sighed.

“I figured you needed that,” Anna said. “That press conference was anything but pleasant.”

“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Tucker told her. Kella knew that he never noticed the hint of a pleased blush that spread across the younger woman’s cheeks. “Well, so much for keeping you out of the limelight.”

“It couldn’t be helped, Tuck. Myrna Rowlands is big news,” Kella said.

He nodded, sipping his coffee. “I’m sorry. I did my best.”

She squeezed his hand again and said, “I know.”

“Does your husband want you to come home?” Anna asked, sitting down across from her.

“If you can believe it, no.”

“I’m safe for another few days, then?” Tucker asked, his face and expression deadpan as always.

“Actually, no,” she told him. “He’s flying up as soon as he makes sure everything’s okay at home and at the restaurant.”

Tucker took a moment to register her words. “Is he going to stay?”

“That’s the plan. He says he knows I want to see this through to the end but he says there’s no way I’m staying here without him. He thinks the same way you do, that the media hounds will find out who I am. He wants to be there if they do and keep me protected.”

Anna couldn’t help herself. She sighed, loudly, and dropped her chin into her fist on the table. “He really loves you.”

Tucker turned to her.

Kella’s smile was wide and open. “Yeah, he does. So it looks like you’re going to have to find us a hotel. Both of us can’t stay with Anna. And the FBI’s paying,” she added, a stern warning look in her eyes. “That is if you think you still need me. I’d like nothing better than to go home and let you and the Posse finish this up.”

“No. You’re staying,” Tucker said. “Not another word.”

Intrigued? I hope so.


Direct Sale from me WEBSITE SALE

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Filed under #retribution

#Tuesdaytease #teasertuesday

From the 4.23.24 release of RETRIBUTION

Staring at the phone, Tucker debated calling Kella. It had been two days since she‘d been given all the case information. She should have gone through it by now.

Just as he decided to call, his secretary buzzed through.

“Yes, Marcia?’

“Call for you on two. I almost didn’t believe who it was.” Tucker could feel her smile through the office wire. “It’s Kella. I haven’t spoken to her in I don’t know how long.”

“Put her through.”

A second later he said, “Kella?”

“Hey, Tuck.”

“Please tell me you’re done with the profile.”

“I’m fine, and how are you this lovely morning,” she asked, a laugh in her voice.

Tucker tossed his glasses on his desk and rubbed his eyes. “Kella, I don’t have time –”

“You never did,” she told him, the mirth still in her tone.

“What have you got?”

“Well, to backtrack a little, I went through everything you gave me. This is one disturbed man.”

“That goes without saying.”

“Yeah well, you and the Posse probably have a baseline profile. Male, twenty-five to forty, trouble with relationships. Lives alone, no friends, menial job, poor education. How’m I doing?”

“Right on the nose.”

“Well, you can throw it away. None of it’s accurate, except for the gender.”

Tucker sat bolt upright, put his glasses back on, and pulled a legal pad and pen across his desk.


Intrigued? I hope so. ~Peg

Preorder link: Retribution

GoodreadsGiveaway: Giveaway

Add it to your WANT TO READ list on Goodreads: Want to read

Booksprout Read and Review: Booksprout

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Filed under Teaser Tuesday

#teaserTuesday #Tuesdaytease

So my tease today is a real tease. I’m involved in a Christmas anthology this year to benefit an animal organization. 15+ authors who’ll be doing little novella/shortstories all revolving around a coffee shop called HOUNDS AND GROUNDS. Think Dunkin Donuts but with dogs allowed.

But I can’t share the book’s main cover with you, or tell you the name of my story or what my bookcover looks like. NOt yet.

See? Real tease today. I can show you the coming soon cover and provide the preorder link, though, lol. So…


All the proceeds go toward 4 Paws for Ability, a non-for-profit organization matching service dogs with Veterans.

Wednesday, Coffee, & Books presents: Love, Lattes, & Holiday Tales a collection of brand new unique short stories for this festive season. Snuggle up with some sweet and spicy romance from multi-award-winning authors, including New York Times and USA Today Bestselling.

These amazing multi-genre holiday stories featuring Hounds & Grounds and a loving pet will leave you believing in love and a happily ever after.

Featuring authors:

CJ Warrant & Rochelle Bradley
CJ Barlowe
Rochelle K Bradley
Sharon Hamilton NYT & USAT Bestselling
Phoebe Alexander USAT Bestselling
Monica DeSimone USAT Bestselling
Marie Hall USAT Bestselling
LC Taylor USAT Bestselling
Miranda Lynn USAT Bestselling
Faith Alexander
C.J. Baty
Sutton Bishop
Cynthia Carver
C. J. Corbin
Aliya DalRae
Hope Daniels
Anna Hague
Miski Harris
Sara Hurst
Juliette Hyland
Peggy Jaeger (THAT’S ME!!! LOL)
Margaret Kay
Tessa McFionn
Sharon Michalove
Charli Rahe
AJ Renee
Tori Ross
Aurelia Yates

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Filed under Writing

#tuesdayTease #teaserTuesday 2.6.2024

This past Saturday I told you some backstory to my upcoming April 23rd release of Retribution. If you can stand some more about the book ( LOL) here’s a little bit of a tease…this shows you what Kella’s life is like now, 10 years after she left the FBI.

“This is some menu,” Jameson said, reading down both sides.

“Kella claimed it was the best food for fifty miles,” Tucker told them, taking in the packed room. “I don’t think she was exaggerating.”

He’d called ahead for reservations, and they’d been shown to a table immediately upon arrival. He’d seen no sign yet of Sean or Kella.

“What looks good?” Diego asked.

“Everything,” Anna said, her eyes widening at the vast and varied array of choices. “I’m glad I had that workout today. There’s no dish on here that isn’t at least fifteen hundred calories.”

“Oh, there are a few,” Kella said.

She was standing at their table, three little bodies with her. On her hip was a small girl whose hair and texture were cloned from her mother. Brilliant, oval blue eyes shot out at them, wide and watchful, a thumb secured in her mouth.

Anna was stunned to see the three men rise.

“Sit down,” she said, waving her hand at them and smiling. “These are my girls. This,” she jiggled the toddler in her arms, causing a squeal of giggles to erupt around the mouth-attached thumb, “is Bridget. She’s eighteen months. This,” she laid a hand on the shoulder of her second daughter, a small version of her father with curly black hair pulled back in a headband, and eyes the shape and color of perfect chocolate chips, “is Enya.”

“I’m five.”

“And proud of it,” Kella said. “And this is –”

“I’m Donelle. I’m the oldest. I’m nine.”

Tucker stared, mesmerized by the little girl. Sean’s build, coloring and physical intensity were branded on her, but her face was pure Kella, right down to the slight dip that ski-sloped the edge of her nose. Eyes the shape of seasoned almonds and lashes darker than anything Tucker had ever seen fanned her high, chiseled cheeks when she blinked. A small, lush pouty mouth ended in a strong and perfectly heart-shaped jaw which was boldly upturned, an expression Tucker knew from memory.

“In case you missed it, she’s also the shyest,” Kella said, her lips curving at the corners.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Tucker said, reclaiming his seat.

“How do you know Mommy?” Enya asked. “You’re not from here. We know most everybody ‘cause our daddy owns this rest’rant and everybody in town comes here. But you’re new.”

Tucker managed to conceal the smile looming on his face by reaching for a drink of water.

“I know them from where I used to live,” Kella said.

“In Washington, D.C.” Donelle told her younger sister.

“That’s right. From a long time ago before you were all born.”

Enya turned her attention back to Tucker and said, “You must be old.”

He was reprieved from replying by their waitress returning to take their order.

Intrigued? LOL. Hope so

~ Peg

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Filed under Teaser Tuesday

#tuesdayteaser #teaserTuesday 1.23.2024

I’m almost done with book 2 in the Heaven’s Matchmaker series, so here’s a little bit…

Twenty minutes later he came back upstairs to find her sitting in front of her laptop.

“So?” she asked.

“Good news/bad news. The wiring is fine. But you need to replace both units. They’re almost forty years old, according to the model info. It’s amazing they lasted as long as they did, but the washing machine’s got multiple issues and the dryer even more. It makes more economic sense to replace them both than to repair the issues. It’d be quicker, too.”

She blew out a breath, then flexed her neck side to side, as if stretching some kinks out. He crossed over to her when her hand slid up her neck to squeeze the back of it. “How long will it take to get replacement units?” she asked.

Before he answered and without asking for permission, he flattened his hands across her shoulders and began kneading.

If she was shocked or mad he was touching her she disregarded it, instead letting out a low, guttural moan.

“Oh, good Lord, that feels good.”

“You’re a network of knots back here, Layla.”

“Work hazard,” she mumbled, dropping her chin to her chest as he worked out a particularly tight muscle group. “I’ve been on the computer for a week, exclusively, doing all my work there.”

“How do you usually do it?” He dug his thumb into a mass of knots just below her hairline.

Oh. Wow. You’re good at this.”

He grinned. “Muscle strains are part of my job. Now, answer me. If you don’t work at the computer all day, what are you usually doing?”

“Visiting showrooms, warehouses. Design stores. I meet face-to-face with clients. Do consults.”

None of which she’d done since she’d been in town.

She slid her neck to one side and he pressed in, deeply, on her scapula. A shudder ran through her that zinged right through his hands and up his arm, like he’d touched a live, sparking wire.

Layla groaned again. The sound, so erotic, so enticing, so damn…pleasure-filled drew a line straight to his dick and he hardened like a brick in an instant. He’d give anything to have her make that sound while he was inside her.

The thought sent an ice river cascading over him.

He lifted his hands, rubbed them together once, then shucked them in his pockets.

What had he been thinking to touch her like that? So boldly. So…intimately.

She’s a client. You need to remember that. No mixing business with fun.

He eased out a breath.

No matter how much fun it might be.

Layla, oblivious to his mounting lust, tipped her head left and right a few times and sighed before she turned around.

Luckily, his hoodie fell below his hips, obstructing the bulge agonizingly pressing against his jean fly.

“I don’t think my neck’s been this loose in weeks.” She lifted her gaze to his, a question in her eyes. “How’d you learn how to do that?”

“My ex was a physical therapist. She practiced on me when she was in school.” A gentle shoulder lift and he added, “Some of it –” he rolled his eyes “– rubbed off.”

That tiny grin she’d shown him previously, built and grew until her lips parted, revealing perfect teeth.

Cody swallowed as his groin grew even tighter.

She dipped her chin a hair as she continued her perusal of his face. Her breathing was a little too fast and when her pupils dilated he took a step forward, then stopped mid-stride.

Her grin flew, a worry line grooving the spot between her eyes as she hissed in a breath.


 “How long will it take to get a replacement washer and dryer?” she asked, the words rushing from her. “And please don’t say weeks.”

He shook his head to clear it. “I can have them here by lunchtime if you know what you want.”

“Really? How? I can’t imagine there’s an appliance store with that kind of inventory and same-day service in Heaven.”

“There isn’t. But there is the next town over. The owner and I went all through school together and because I bring him so much business he’s always willing to help with an emergency. And this qualifies as one.”

Thankful he had something to do instead of stand there, staring at her and wanting to do something to ease the ache in his pants, he pulled his phone from his back pocket and called up the store’s website. “Here.” He pointed to her desk. “Sit down and type in this web address. You can see the brands and models he offers. Decide what you want and I’ll give him a call to make sure everything’s in stock.”

She did as he asked and within fifteen minutes was assured both models would be delivered within the hour.

“I can’t believe this,” she said, when he disconnected the call. “Whenever I’ve dealt with dealers and businesses for merchandise for my clients, I always have to wait weeks, if not months, for the items.”

“You don’t live in a small town,” he said, lifting his toolbox again from where he’d left it in the hallway. “Those local connections go a long way toward making life easier. That old saw about one hand washing the other runs true here. Something you might consider if you decide to set up shop in Heaven.”

She stared across the room at him, a look he couldn’t decipher crossing her face.

“I’m gonna head up to the attic,” he told her. “See to those issues you mentioned. The delivery truck should be here in less than an hour.”

Worry. It was worry forming across her lips and pale skin.

“Can you be in charge of the delivery?” she asked, her voice shaking. It was subtle, and you’d have to know what she sounded like usually to actually hear it. But he did. “I mean,” she threaded her fingers together and pressed them against her tummy. “Since you know them, and everything. I’d just be in the way.”

Silently, he cursed her idiot ex- fiancé again. He doubted she’d ever worried a whit about not knowing deliverymen or anyone else for that matter. He could lay her hesitation and apprehension squarely on his indicted doorstep.

The asshole.

He’d give anything to wipe the worry and dread from her face.

“Give me a shout-out when they get here,” he told her. Relief drifted over her lovely face.

Good thing the idiot ex was in another state, incarcerated, because he really wanted to punch him in the face.

Stay tuned – publication date announcement coming…soon. At least I hope it is, lol!

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Filed under Teaser Tuesday