Tag Archives: #nanowrimo2023

#fridayfive 11.10.2023 5 things I love about doing #NanoWrimo

So this is my 11th year participating in National Novel Writing Month ( Nanowrimo.) I just looked at my stats from past years and the very first book I wrote in 30 days in 2013 was THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME, the second book my MacQuire Women Series. That book and every other one since I’ve written in the month of November during the challenge has gone on to be published.


These are my five top reasons why I love love love doing NanoWrimo each year for today’s edition of the Friday Five.

  1. doing the challenge forces me to write every single day. I don’t get a chance to slouch off like I routinely would during the other 11 months.
  2. doing the challenge fosters habituation. If I write every day for a month, it becomes a habit in my brain and I want to continue doing it after November ends.
  3. I see instant progress daily as my word count increases because I never edit until the book is finished.
  4. I get to meet new authors on my buddy list
  5. I get to encourage and motivate other authors in the challenge

Are you a writer who participates in Nano? If so, drop a comment and tell me why you love it – or hate it!!

See ya on the flip side, kids. ~ Peg

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It’s almost NANOWRIMO time again…

Every November, from the first to the thirtieth, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, attempt the National Novel Writing Contest ( NANOWRIMO) challenge of penning a 50,000+ word novel in those 30 days.

I have participated in the event for the past 9 years and will again this year.

The goal is to write at least 1700 words daily to reach the minimum 50,000-word count set up by the challenge. The exercise helps build momentum for your writing ( you have to write every single day!), makes writing every day a goal and a challenge, and forces you ( gently) to sit your butt down and get that word count done without distractions.

As a writer, I know that life intervenes on my writing time almost daily. This challenge makes you push everything else to the side and do the work first. Love that.

If you’ve been trying to get your manuscript finished, or attempting to begin a new one, consider this NANOWRIMO challenge. If nothing else, it will help you remember that the only way to get a book written is to…write it!

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