Tag Archives: #readaromancenovel

#bookreviews DON’T MESS WITH THE MISTLETOE #Smalltownromance #workplaceromance

I’ve said this so many times I’m even annoying myself, but to an author, book reviews are the joy of your life and the bane of your professional existence. Luckily, I haven’t received too many egregious and soul-sucking ones ( although, I have received them!)

My newest book, DON’T MESS WITH THE MISTLETOE, has been receiving overwhelming 5-star reviews from readers. I am beyond thrilled with the response to Michael Charles’ story. Across the board reviewers and readers are thrilled with the HEA I gave this deserving man.

From Goodreads, “This is the perfect small town holiday romance.”

From Amazon: “Loved the characters and the vivid locales. Entertaining situations and banter kept the pages turning. Terrific ending.”

From Bookbub: “What a beautiful Christmas story about family, hope, love, together, happiness, taking a chance of forever along with a little bit of Christmas Magic thrown in for good measure. I loved this book so much and I can’t wait to read more books in the future.”

All 5-star reviews!

If you love a holiday romance as much as I do – and my readers do, grab this one. Right now it’s only 99 cents on Kindle, but in 11.8 it goes to full price. So, save some cash and enjoy a fabulous, heartwarming Holiday romance story, too. And enjoy all the other Dorrit’s Diner Dickens books, as well!

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Halloween 2023 reads #ghosts #hauntedhouses #witches #PNR

With Halloween just around the proverbial corner, I figured now was a good time to remind you I’ve got some of my own spooky books available for purchase!.

The Romantic Hauntings Series

THE Sheriff & the Psychic

THE Ghosts of New England: Last Light Point ( anthology)

Spooky season is a season for creepy-crawlies, being scared, and….Romance ( LOL!)

And don’t forget my short story collection about Death:: DEATH BETWEEN THE PAGES

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On Sunday, 10.1.2023., the whole cover for DON’T MESS WITH THE MISTLETOE will be revealed, including the preorder link!!

For now, here’s a little teaser from the book…

Humbled was something he could truthfully say he’d never felt before. But he was. Added to it was his hyperawareness of her and the fact she’d referred to him by his Christian name. The sound of it on those perfect lips, in that voice handmade for seduction by the god of temptation, had things happening to his body he was worried she’d notice. Things, specifically, south of his belt.

He didn’t want to scare her; have her think he was just another guy on the make, out to use her; hurt her. He certainly didn’t want her to think he’d ever take advantage of the power situation they were in with him as her de facto boss while his mother was gone. That was a whole world of worry he didn’t sign up for.

Why, then, did she have to feel so good in his arms? Smell so alluring? Be so naturally appealing? And why did he want to do everything in his power to make her life manageable again?

It didn’t take a genius to decipher how attracted he was to her. Even his sisters had seen something going on with him that morning. Try though he did not to, his gaze tracked her wherever she was in the diner. He knew when she entered the kitchen even if his back was to the swing door. He wanted to protect her, erase all the bad things going on in her life, and at the same time take her to bed where he could show her what a man who truly desired her could do for her.

If ever there was time to not tempt fate and act on his feelings, it was right now.

Michael took a giant mental breath. Nodding, he slid his hands from around her waist and stepped back until he was certain he couldn’t reach her again if he stretched out his arms.

And Lord, did he want to touch her again. For as long as she’d let him.

“My mother raised us with the philosophy that kindness and caring are what truly make the world a better place,” he said when he could trust himself to keep the lust from weaving into his voice. He took another step backward. “I’ll let you go on up now. Thanks again for Saturday. You saved me a huge scheduling headache and I’m grateful.”

It was her turn to nod. “I’m the one who’s grateful,” she said, with a lopsided grin as she swiped at her wet cheeks. “Good night. I’ll see you in the morning. I’ve got opening shift.”

Want to know what happens next?? You’ll need to…read the book, LOL!!

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#Thursdayteaser Sweet Romances, rule! If you’ve read the LAST MAN STANDING series, you’ll love the 14 ladies in ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID~

Last year I was part of a multi-author series titled LAST MAN STANDING. 14 men who were determined never to walk down the aisle, jump the broom, wear the ball and chain.

In essence, that guy who vows never to get married.

The authors took those 14 men and gave them the perfect mate, then watched as each and every one of them fell in love and changed their mind…and their lives.

My addition to the series was CHANCE – Book 12.

CHANCE had a lot of admirers: reviews

This year, those same authors have joined together to bring you the ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID series, 13 gals looking for the one.

My addition to this series is SABLE – Book 12. She’s Chance’s sister, whom we met in last year’s book. Sable is a pediatrician, and she’s sick and tired of being the go-to, dependable bridesmaid in all her family and friends’ weddings. But her demanding job, the ridiculous hours, and endless family commitments keep her from finding the perfect man. A matchmaking service? Sounds like too much work. Swipe right dating? Not her thing. The bar scene? When was the last time she even had an evening free to go to a bar?

And forget about dating the myriad of on-the-make doctors and residents in her hospital. Besides, workplace romances never work out.

Sable’s options to meet the man of her dreams and start a family are dwindling and time is running out, because she promised herself the next wedding she would attend would be her own.

Kristopher Lee, the Physician’s Assistant assigned to Sable has a crush on his new mentor. But she’s got a hands-off rule when it comes to dating someone she works with. Kris is nothing if not persistent, though. After all, he didn’t survive three tours in the Army without focusing on a goal. And making Sable Miller fall in love with him is his best goal yet.

SABLE releases on May 17th and you can preorder her story, here: BOOK 12

And here’s a little giftaway from me if you do preorder. Check out the rules in the graphic below – and if you comment here, below in the comment section, and send me your email addy, you’re entered!

Good luck, and happy reading!!!! ~ Peg

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#Saturdayblogs CHANCE (Last Man Standing) is a 2022 Heart Awards Finalist! #sweetromance #novella

So this happened….

Dear Peggy,

We’re excited to notify you that your book, Chance ( Last Man Standing) is a 
Category 5.5: Sweet Novella2022 Heart Awards Finalist

Thank you, OKRWG! I am humbled and sosososo very Honored!

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Happy Read an Ebook Week! To help you find a book to celebrate, you can find my entire collection at a promotional price at @Smashwords from March 5-11. Find my books on sale ( a ridiculous sale!!!!! Now is the time to stock up or gift a book to a friend) here: PEGGY JAEGER SMASHWORDS

and many more at https://www.smashwords.com/ebookweek

Reading is fun – especially when it’s on sale!!! Heehee

happy reading, kids!

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FALL INTO A BOOK is coming tomorrow!!!

Over two-hundred and fifty authors have signed up to take part in Isn’t It Romantic Book Club’s Fall Into a Book Giveaway on Facebook (AND I’M ONE OF THEM!!!). This fantastic and fast-paced event is your chance to meet authors, play games, and win lots of prizes, including books! It’s one day only, but the group lets readers interact and talk romance all year long. Isn’t It Romantic Book Club’s monthly meetings are live-streamed, so readers can chat and ask questions with their favorite romance authors!

We each get to post 1 time, so you’ll be scrolling and refreshing to find your fave authors and what they’re giving away- but it’s sososos worth it!!

Join us!!!

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A #christmasinJuly fete from NN Light’s Bookheaven; #giveaway #entertowin

Calling all holiday-themed readers! It’s more than evergreens and twinkly lights at N. N. Light’s Book Heaven’s sixth annual Christmas in July Fête. 46 Christmas, Hanukkah and holiday-themed books featured plus a chance to win a $75 Amazon (US or Canada) gift card.

I’m thrilled to be a part of this event. My book, ANGEL KISSES & HOLIDAY WISHES is featured Today! Wait until you read what I love most about the holidays. You won’t want to miss it.

Bookmark this event and tell your friends:


ANGEL KISSES & HOLIDAY WISHES ( A Dickens Holiday Romance)

Can a first love be rekindled when the past is filled with heartache?

After a personal tragedy, Sage Hamilton left the town she’d grown up in and the boy she’d given her heart to. With a vow never to return, Sage forged on with her life in order to forget the sadness of her past.

Keith Mills loved Sage from the first moment he spotted her ambling down the hallway of their middle school. And she’d felt the same about him. Or so he’d thought until she’d walked away from everything they’d meant to one another with a tearful and rushed goodbye.

But now, eighteen years later, she’s back and, as the town’s new doctor, it looks like she’s staying. Can Keith put the hurt of Sage’s dismissal to bed for good? And will she want to rekindle the love that had burnt so bright all those years ago?

Giveaway Information –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon (US) gift card.

Enter here: https://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/92db7750175

Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win.

Runs July 1 – 31

The drawing will be held on August 1.

Good luck, peeps! ~ Peg

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