Tag Archives: #steamyromance

#sundayShare 6.30.24

Somedays, it pays to get out of bed and check your email.

Yesterday, I was informed that TWO of my books were high finalists in the 2024 National Excellence in Story Telling Awards ( NEST)

In the SUSPENSE category, A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: DYLAN placed 2nd and in the Short Contemporary category, SABLE, ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID came in third.

Yippie! Two finals in one contest is major!! Thank you to all who read the books and voted. You made my day. What a way to end a month!

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Filed under A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: DYLAN, always a bridesmaid

#sundaysnippet 12.17.2023

Just an fyi- today’s snippet is from INFLUENCE which is currently FREE on kindle until 12.19.2023. Have you read it yet? Now is the time to before the price goes up again on the 20th!

“Excuse me, Mr. Craymore,” I said. “I believe I’m next on your daughter’s next dance card.”

Sterling Craymore’s gaze raked me from head to feet, an assessing glare in his eyes and one, if I’m being truthful, meant to assure me he could cut me off at the knees if he wanted to. If I’m ever lucky enough to be a father I’m going to use that withering glare on all my daughter’s boyfriends.

“It’s okay, Daddy,” she said, removing her arm from the crook of his elbow crook and simultaneously planting a kiss on his cheek.  She whispered something in his ear that had the suspicious look dissolving, to be replaced with one of pure paternal love.

I didn’t want to give her a moment to reconsider, so I stepped forward and extended my hand. “Shall we?”

Effortlessly she slid into my arms. For a brief moment, I allowed myself to simply enjoy the feel of her body close to mine. The song was a slow, jazzy ballad perfect for swaying to. Both of us, though, were too practiced as dancers to ever simply sway.

We were silent for a few moments as I glided her across the dance floor, each of us learning and concentrating on the movements of the other.

“You’ve done this before,” Mackenzie said, smiling, as I spun her to the right.

“Never underestimate the benefits of a good dance instructor.”

“Miss Davenport’s?” She asked, naming a school I knew catered to the wealthy.

“No. I took lessons in England as a boy, where I was born.”

“Why don’t you sound like your brother, then? His accent is charming.”

I lifted a brow as I stared down at her. “And mine isn’t?”

The tips of her ears went pink. “I meant,” she said, “When Charlie opens his mouth you know he’s English-born. I don’t hear a hint of anything in your voice.”

“It’s because I grew up in the States. When my parents divorced, my father wanted to come back here after being away from the country for almost a decade. He’d been running his business from England, but with the split, decided to return. Charlie got mom and I got dad in the divorce settlement.”

“That’s sad. But you two kept in touch, right?”

“Of course. He’s family. My older brother.” I grinned down at her. “Of course, he does like to laud the older part over me.” I glided her to the left. “We saw one another on most of my school holidays. The bond between us is strong.”

Her sigh drifted over me, the sound like the high register keys on a piano tinkling.

“It must be nice to have a sibling. I always wanted one, but.” She delicately lifted a shoulder.

“A blessing and a curse is what I tell people having a big brother is like.”

Her smile was like a thunderbolt and knocked me back as if I’d been struck by its force.

“So,” she asked, “how do you know Gideon?”

“I don’t. Not personally. I know of him through Nell. He’s friends with her new stepfather.”

“William McNab.”

“Yeah. When Charlie mentioned they were attending this shindig tonight, I wormed an invite.”


To meet you would have been an answer I’d need to explain, so I told her instead, “The cause is a worthy one and my mother raised us to support worthy causes.”

She nodded. “His clinic is wonderful. He takes in anyone, whether they can afford to pay for the top-notch care they receive, or not. One hundred percent of tonight’s proceeds from the silent auction are earmarked to continue that service.”

“Worthy and noble,” I said.

I glided her around a couple who’d stopped to speak to another pair of dancers.

“So, is this how you spend your free time, Mackenzie Craymore? Attend charity auctions? Hobnob with society movers and shakers? Have lunch with friends?”

“Dance with strange men?” she said back, making me laugh.

“Touche. I didn’t mean to sound snarky. I’d just like to get to know you better.”

That must have touched a cord. Her expression blanked a bit. “I keep busy,” she responded, noncommittally.

“Which tells me absolutely nothing.” I smiled when I said it.

“A woman likes to be a little mysterious,” she said, her lips twitching. “How about you? What do you do all day when you’re not attending charity fundraisers garbed in a five thousand dollar tuxedo?”

My brows shot up.

“I know the brand.” Her cheeks pinked a bit. Of course she did. As a professional social media influence, she must. But she didn’t tell me how she knew it.

Interesting. Her new career wasn’t a secret, not to people who knew who she was, anyway. Why hide it from me?

 Since I hadn’t answered her question yet, I decided to go with my version of the truth. “I spend my days attempting to write the great American novel.”

“How’s that going?”

“Not well, lately. But it looks as if things are starting to look up. Right at this minute they are, at least.”

The implication she was the reason wasn’t lost on her. A rosy flush started at the tips of her ears and drifted down to her cheeks and jawline.

The music pulled to a stop. We didn’t. With the silent band surrounding us, we continued to move as if lazy music pushed us on. If anyone thought it odd, I didn’t care.

“How do you feel about lunch?” I asked.

She blinked a few times. “I eat it two, maybe three times a week.”

Again, I couldn’t help but smile at her dry humor. Was there anything more alluring than a beautiful, sexy woman who could make you laugh?

“Care to make one of those two or three times with me?”


Filed under Influence

#tuesdaytease 11.28.2023

So today’s little tease is actually a pictorial.

Let me explain…

I’m doing NANOWRIMO and the book I’m currently penning for it is book 2 in my HEAVEN’S MATCHMAKER series, LOVE MATCH ( Layla and Cody).

I want to show you the Pinterest board I have for this book because it explains so much about the work in progress. Click here to see the images I’ve got in there now: LAYLA AND CODY

Here’s the blurb-in-progress, too, so you can get a feel for the plot line. (Remember – work in progress!!! LOL)

Running away from a public scandal may be considered cowardly, but to Layla Warton it’s the perfect plan.

After her politically connected fiancé is indicted for embezzlement, bribery, and taking kickbacks from less-than-savory businessmen, Layla wants to put the public ridicule and shame of her guilty-by-association status behind her and move forward with her life. Not easy to do when all her supposed friends and supporters abandoned her and the taint of scandal-adjacent destroys the successful business and life she’s fostered for herself.

Happy childhood memories and the blessing of a local friend push her toward the tiny New England town of Heaven where she spent summers with her loving grandmother.

With the paparazzi on her tale, an ancient family home she needs to get livable, and a contractor too handsome for her sanity, Layla worries she’ll never be able to get her old life back again.

But would that really be such a bad thing?

Intrigued? LOL. I know I am.

And before this one’s ready, I invite you to read the first in the series: MIX AND MATCH ( Jasmine and Donovan) The ebook is on sale until Christmas for just 99 cents.

Happy reading and Happy Tuesday, kids!

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Filed under Heaven's Matchmaker

A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: DYLAN releases Monday, 9.18.2023 #steamyromance #bodyguardtrope #STEM

As a reader, I know that some books leave you with a book hangover or the notion you wish you could go re-read it again for the very first time.

This book did both those to me – and I wrote it!!

I think Harper and Dylan are my favorite love match so far. And I know you’re not supposed to pick favorites among your kids, but…

This little gem releases on Monday, 9.18, and I just put so much of my heart and soul into writing it. I was penning it at the time I was going through a huge upheaval in my life this past year and just being able to escape into the lives of Harper and Dylan helped me barrel through that tumultuous time.

I truly hope if you read the book you enjoy their journey to their HEA as much as I did writing it for them.

Cyber Security specialist Dylan Keene is working undercover to suss out a corporate thief. The client wants answers – yesterday – and Dylan’s getting close. When he zeros in on coding expert Harper Vale, he thinks he’s found his mole and sets out to prove it.

Harper has a reputation as a coding savant and an introvert. As a woman competing in a male-dominated industry, Harper doesn’t make waves. Dylan’s interest in her is flattering, but after she’s implicated in the theft of the company’s protected software, she begins to doubt everything he’s told her.

When a series of potentially deadly accidents occur, all surrounding Harper, Dylan starts to wonder if she truly is guilty, or being made to take the fall. One thing is certain, though. The more time the two of them spend together, the more Dylan realizes he’s the one who’s falling – for Harper.

He slid his free hand into hers so he held both of them. “I hope you had a good time today.”

“I did. Surprisingly.”

He winced and winked an eye closed. “Ouch.”

“Oh, God, no. That’s not what I meant.”

Her cheeks turned five shades darker than the rest of her face.

“I meant I didn’t think tossing an ax around or beating up on inanimate objects was going to be fun, but it was. Really fun. Thank you for taking me. I’ve lived in this area for a while and never knew that place existed.”

Her nerves were adorable, another facet of her personality he shouldn’t be thinking about, because when he did it solidified he really wanted to kiss her.

Like, kiss-her-socks-off kiss her.

He nodded, then squeezed her hands. “Well, I’ve gotta head out. My brother gets testy when he’s kept waiting.” He shook his head and blew out a breath filled with dramatic exasperation.

When she grinned up at him, the free and easy laughter in her eyes warming his soul, he thought, what the hell, and let go of her hands to cup her chin.

The soft sigh of surprise that shot from her was almost his undoing. Leisurely, he rubbed her rosy cheeks with his thumbs as he watched her pupils dilate in the afternoon sun.

“Just for the record,” he murmured as he brought his head down, “I had fun today, too. More than I’ve had in a long, long time.”

And the funny thing was it was the truth.

Right before his lips touched hers, the notion to pull back and retreat from this madness blew into the front of his mind and was instantly kicked to the curb.

He knew he was playing a dangerous game, that one of them was sure to wind up hurt. But right now, with this gorgeous, fascinating, enigma of a woman standing toe to toe with him and looking for all the world like she was on board with the idea of kissing him back, he simply didn’t give a shit.

The moment his lips touched hers he knew a simple kiss would never be enough.

While his thumbs continued caressing her smooth, silky cheeks, Dylan let himself enjoy the delicate flash of desire he felt push from her. 

If pressed before this moment, he would have admitted that while he liked kissing a woman and exploring all the ways he could stoke a flame of lust, what it ultimately led to was always more preferable.

But right now? That thought went out the proverbial window, because this simple kiss was more exciting, more pleasurable, more downright erotic than any other he’d ever given or received. He wanted to kiss her straight up the steps of her building, through her apartment door, and then in every room where she lived.

He’d thought her skin was soft, but her mouth, warm and responsive, was by far the softest thing he’d ever touched. He took a step closer, willing his hands to remain on her cheeks lest they’d drop and haul her flat against them.

The feel of Harper’s hands resting on his chest was twenty shades of delicious. She had to feel his heart banging against his ribs; had to know how excited he was. When she opened her mouth, the intoxicating taste of her drifting into him assured him he had to stop this madness, when all he wanted to do was…plunder.

On a sigh, he pulled back.

Her eyes, half closed and heavy-lidded told him she was as moved by the kiss as he was.

Slowly, he slid his hands from her face, hating he was no longer touching her.

The overpowering emotions careening through him made him nervous, something he never was with a woman. He cleared his throat and searched for something to say that didn’t sound lame or juvenile.

Harper opened her eyes fully, surprise jumping through them as she stared up at him.

Yeah, I know how ya feel, babe. Kinda shocked me, too.

Dylan cleared his throat. “Thanks again for coming with me today.”

Intrigued? I hope so!

Preorder your print or e-copy here: POD

Watch the trailer here: YT

Add it to your Goodreads WANT TO READ list here: GR

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#teaseMeThursday – A Pride Of Brothers: DYLAN

Today’s little tease is from ( you guessed it) Monday’s release of A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: DYLAN.

Harper Vale is my kind of woman and heroine: smart, snarky, doesn’t suffer fools, introverted, and has a dream.

Here’s a little insight into what happens after she’s fired…

In the elevator, the guard demanded her badge and security code card, which she handed over without a word into his meaty outstretched hand. Harper was too furious to feel embarrassed when the questioning stares and raised eyebrow glances of co-workers shot at her as she was escorted through the lobby and out the front doors. She was met at the entrance by another guard holding her backpack and told it contained everything in her desk of a personal nature, including her bike helmet.

The pack was unzipped, indicating they’d searched through it.  A sense of violation shot through her and the anger swimming inside her intensified.

“Don’t try to come back into the building,” the Neanderthal said. “You’ll be stopped, detained, and handed over to the police for trespassing.”

“Don’t worry, Dickhead,” she said, her voice carrying clearly into the lobby. “I have no intention of ever coming back here.”

He tossed her a speaking glance and it took every ounce of will she could summon not to shoot him a middle finger salute as he strode back into the building on legs ridiculously too large for his pants.

Seething, she made her way to the bike rack and slipped her helmet on. After searching her backpack she found her wallet, phone, house keys, an emergency bike repair kit, and an old pack of peppermints, everything she typically carried with her. She’d never brought any pictures or other personal items into her workspace to clutter it and make it homey. To her, it was merely a space to work.

Ten years, she muttered, as she wove her bike through traffic. Ten years of her life devoted to a company that never appreciated her and now accused her of being a thief.

Lunch hour traffic was unusually thick and it took her an extra half hour of zipping in and out of traffic before she made it safely to her apartment.  Throughout the trek, her anger grew to a boiling point.

She wanted to hit something. Hard.

Paying for a session at SCHMASH blew into her mind but was quickly discarded. She’d been fired which meant her income was now gone.


How in the world had this happened? She’d done nothing—certainly never stolen from him. Or anyone.

And where had that bank account with her social security number attached to it come from?

If she possessed fifty thousand available dollars it certainly wouldn’t have been in a bank in another country. She’d have invested it in her project,  not socked it away on foreign soil.

Someone had set her up. That was the only explanation. Someone had stolen something from Kirkpatrick, sold it, and made it look like she was responsible.

Why? Who the hell hated her so much?

She may not be best friends with anyone at K.I. but she’d certainly never done anything to warrant this.

As she pulled her bike off the elevator, Ginger’s door flew open.

“Oh, Harper. I thought you might be the delivery person. I’m waiting for my new fruit of the month delivery. Whatever are you doing home in the middle of a workday?”

Nerves raw and emotions in chaos, the last thing Harper wanted was to get into a gabfest with her nosy, however nice, neighbor.

“Just taking some personal time,” she said, shoving her bike through her apartment door. With a forced smile, she added, “I’ve got a bunch of vacation time saved and if I don’t use it I lose it.”

Ginger’s expression told Harper if given the slightest indication she wanted company, the woman would be in her place in a heartbeat.

“Oh, well, enjoy the afternoon, then, dear. I’m off to pack for a visit with one of my sons for a few days.”


“You as well.”

She shut herself into her apartment, fell back against the closed door after slamming it against the stuck portion, then slid down it to the floor.  The tears she’d been valiantly holding back were finally allowed to rain down her cheeks.

Harper dropped her head against her knees and let them free.

Preorder here: Amazon
Watch the trailer here: You tube

Add it to your GOODREADS WANT TO READ LIST here: goodreads

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Labor Day weekend 99cent sale!!!

If you’re looking for a good read to get you through the last weekend of Summer, INFLUENCE will be 99cents for Labor Day weekend.

Brand influencer, Lizzy Cray, is killing it.

She’s got a list of high profile clients who pay her handsomely to help their products explode on social media. Everything from cameras to cashmere, shoes to smoothies. One picture of her with a product and the money practically prints itself.

Why does this trust fund-baby need to work so hard to rake in the cash? That’s a question journalist Dominick Templeton wants an answer to, because Lizzy Cray used to be known in the gossip pages as socialite and wild-child Mackenzie Craymore.

Mackenzie disappeared from the public’s eye twelve years ago, right after her fiancé, hotel-heir, Lucky Blumenthal, died in a fiery car crash rumored to be fueled by drugs and alcohol. But now she’s back, still hauntingly beautiful, rebranded, and from everything Dominick’s researched about her, a much different person. When she ignores all his attempts at an interview, Dominick tries a different tactic and soon becomes embroiled in a world he never imagined…with a woman he’s rapidly falling for.

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Filed under Influence

#SundaySnippet — INFLUENCE

Influence will be 1 week old tomorrow – I can’t believe she’s so old already, LOL!! In honor of her 1 week birthday, I figured a Sunday Snippet was in order. Here ya go:

The place Nick chose, The Good Pig was one I’d never been to before, situated on the west side of Columbus Avenue between 65th and 66th streets. I wondered at the reason for the odd name.

The moment I came into the place my focus was stolen from checking out the surroundings when I spotted Nick at the bar, his attention zeroed in on the front door. He stood, a drink sitting in front of him, an elbow leaning against the top of the bar, one hand in his trouser pockets.

He looked effortlessly elegant and supernova hot at the same time. Magazine model gorgeous looks combined with raw sexual heat.

What a combo.

I stumbled in my Paredos as I made my way to him.

And I never stumble. Not in six inch stilettoes, kitten heels, or flats.

This guy really got to me.

His smile started in one corner of his mouth and ambled toward the other, his lips parting to reveal his pleasure. His entire face smiled, causing tiny lines to fan across his temples and two twin crevices to pop up on his cheeks.

I couldn’t ever remember any man grinning at me the way he was, not even Lucky. My insides went into a free-fall like when you’re on the downslope of a rollercoaster, and I felt my clutch tremble in my hand.

He met me more than halfway, his hand extended.

“You look lovely,” he said as he slid that hand around my bare upper arm and bussed both my cheeks, European fashion.

My toes tingled in my Paredos.

“Thanks,” I mumbled as he removed his hand from my arm and slid it around to my back, stopping just above my waist as he guided me forward.

“I reserved a table in the back,” he said. “It can get loud in here at lunchtime, but the noise is buffered back there.”

He led me through the packed bar area through a connecting door and into a deceptively large dining room. A white shirted, bow-tied waiter met us and escorted us to a booth along the back wall. Once we’d slipped all the way in, he handed us menus and said he would be right back to take our drink orders.

“You were right,” I said, as I opened my menu simply for something to do with my shaking hands. “It’s much quieter back here.”

Nick ignored his menu, instead, leaning his elbows on the table and threading his fingers together. His gaze took a slow stroll over my face, the smile that sent tingles all the way down my spine focused on me.

“I’m really glad you said yes to lunch,” he told me. “I’ve been looking forward to this since last night.”

Those little tingles increased.

I smiled at him, unsure of what to say, another facet of my personality that isn’t usual. I never have trouble making small talk with anyone. Deportment lessons mixed with social graces were ground into me as a child.

Apparently, with this man, deportment went dormant.

Our waiter returned, took our drink orders – a diet soda for me, water for Nick – and then recited the specials of the day.

“What do you recommend?” I asked him.

His pleased smile told me most people never consulted him. My father and mother raised me to be respectful to everyone we interacted with be it a bus driver, garbage man, or the prince of a neighboring monarchy. I was the type who over-tipped, always said please and thank you, and tried to be gracious and courteous to everyone.

“You can’t beat our Caesar salad,” he said, pen poised above his order book. “Our chef does something to the dressing that makes it stand out in a crowd.”

“Sold. I love a good Caesar. I’ll have it with grilled salmon, please.”

He beamed at me, then took Nick’s order of a turkey club.

“You have that effect on men, you know,” he said once our waiter left us.

“What effect?” I wasn’t being coy. I really didn’t know what he meant.

“When you smile at them and give them your undivided attention they practically melt.”

Pleased and embarrassed, I shrugged. “My mother taught me it’s much easier and nicer to be polite to people than demanding and rude, which many in our position can be and are.”

He nodded. “My mother taught Charlie and me the same thing. You get more flies with a drop of honey, she always says.”

“She’s right.”

He nodded again, then unfolded his hands, slid one across to me and weaved his fingers with mine. The gesture shocked me. So much so, I didn’t pull back or give any indication I wasn’t fully on board with him touching me.

“Did I mention,” he said, one corner of his lips lifting, “how glad I am you took me up on my offer of lunch.”

I laughed.  “Once or twice,” I said.

The smile broadened and I swear my ovaries popped to attention.

What. The. Actual. Hell??

The waiter returned with our drinks, and a huge smile for me.

Flattering? Sure. But I was still trying to come to grips with how my female organs were all moving to alert status simply from Nick holding my hand.


Filed under Influence, sunday snippet

A GOODREADS giveaway that’s too good to scroll by…

In anticipation of my August 14th release of INFLUENCE, book 4 in the NYC Socialites series, I’m having a Goodreads giveaway for book 1, IT’S A TRUST THING from today until Jul 10th. I’ll be gifting 100 Kindle copies to randomly chosen entrants. Goodreads does the choosing at the end, but you’ve gotta be in it to win it!

Click on this link to enter: IATT

And don’t forget to add INFLUENCE to your WANT TO READ pile on Goodreads. You can click that, here: INFLUENCE.

Good luck!!! ~ Peg


Nell Newbery has trust issues.

It’s hard to trust when you’re the daughter of a fallen financial scion who bilked people out of billions. Nell’s done everything in her power to keep away from men who see her as their ticket to fortune and fame. All she wants to do is run her ultra-successful business, HELPFUL HUNKS, in peace. But it wouldn’t hurt to find a guy who doesn’t know a thing about her father’s felonious past; one she can give her heart to and trust it won’t come back to her battered, bruised, and broken.

Is Charlie Churchill that guy? On the surface, he seems perfect, all polished manners and quiet mirth. Nell’s convinced he knows nothing about her, other than she likes superhero movies and views junk food as a food group. Can she trust him to be what he appears to be? Or is he just pretending?

For Nell, trust is everything in life…and in love.


Filed under Influence, It's a trust thing, NYC Socialties

The story behind the story…

Instead of first line Friday today, I want to do something a little different.

My newest book, INFLUENCE ( A NEW YORK SOCIALITES ROMANCE) is releasing on August 14th and I’d like to tell you the story behind the story. Or in other words, what made me write Mackenzie’s tale.

Back in 2019 when Limitless Publishing released my book DIRTY DAMSELS I had, in my mind, four books for the DotComgirls series. Once Limitless decided they didn’t want any more of the books in the series I was – heartbroken for sure – but I still wanted to publish the remaining books. So that’s when I decided to go independent. IT’S A TRUST THING was the first book to release. I had to change the series name from dotcomgirls to something else and THE NEW YORK SOCIALITES seemed right. The tagline Riches to rags and back again, finding love along the way, came to me in the car one day, and I was set.

WOKE, then BALANCE were published in subsequent years and I thought I was done.

Then the pandemic hit and I noticed something I never had before – the absolute power of Social Media. A new term, Influencer, popped up one day in a news report on Good Morning America, and I got an idea for a character who has burst onto the scene as one of these influencers.

Who was she? What was her story? Why does she crave the attention of likes and follows from strangers? The notion to make her a former socialite jibed with an idea I’d been kicking around for another book in the series. Mackenzie Cray had to have something, something BIG motivate her to put herself in the public eye as an Influencer. Her tragic love story with Lucky Blumenthal was born. While we never meet Lucky in person, on the page he is a powerful force behind everything Mac does.

Now I needed a hero.

One of my favorite secondary characters in my books has always been Dominick Templeton from IT’S A TRUST THING. When we meet him we think he’s sleazy tabloid journalist, but once the story unfolds, we find out just how wonderful he is – especially to his brother. I’ve wanted to give Nick a love story since then, and decided he would make the perfect foil for Mackenzie.

So I did.

In INFLUENCE, Nick has been assigned a series of articles by the magazine he writes for, detailing the past and present lives of former debutants. Mackenzie Craymore is on his list, but she’s stonewalled every call he’s made and refuses to be interviewed. Nick wonders why this former wild child trust fund baby has done a 180 in her life and is now a serious businesswoman and influencer who goes by the name Lizzy Cray. And he’s determined to find out her motivation – even though she’s not revealing it.

So, I guess you can blame the idea for INFLUENCE on the power of social media and the pandemic, LOL!

The book releases on 8.14.2023 and will be available in KU for the first few months. You can preorder your copy here: INFLUENCE.

And if you want to get reacquainted ( or meet them for the very first time!) here’s where you can find the other NYC Socialites and the book that started it all, DIRTY DAMSELS. And P.S. – Dirty Damsels is my most reviewed book on Amazon!!!

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Filed under NYC Socialties

#preorder INFLUENCE part of the New York Socialites series by @peggyjaeger

I’ve been waiting to get this book up for preorder for a while now!

Book 4 in the NEW YORK SOCIALITES series, INFLUENCE, will release on 8.14.2023. You can make sure you get your copy the day it releases, by clicking here: INFLUENCE

Brand influencer, Lizzy Cray, is killing it.

She’s got a list of high profile clients who pay her handsomely to help their products explode on social media. Everything from cameras to cashmere, shoes to smoothies. One picture of her with a product and the money practically prints itself.

Why does this trust fund-baby need to work so hard to rake in the cash? That’s a question journalist Dominick Templeton wants an answer to, because Lizzy Cray used to be known in the gossip pages as socialite and wild-child Mackenzie Craymore.

Mackenzie disappeared from the public’s eye twelve years ago, right after her fiancé, hotel-heir, Lucky Blumenthal, died in a fiery car crash rumored to be fueled by drugs and alcohol. But now she’s back, still hauntingly beautiful, rebranded, and from everything Dominick’s researched about her, a much different person. When she ignores all his attempts at an interview, Dominick tries a different tactic and soon becomes embroiled in a world he never imagined…with a woman he’s rapidly falling for.

If you like steamy contemporary romance, your name is all over this one, kids!

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Filed under Influence