Tag Archives: a room of ones own

A little slice of writing Heaven…

When I decided to write full time after having my first book published, I knew I needed a spot of my very own. A space just for me to escape to and write away. I’m lucky enough to live in a huge house with a finished attic. It has 2 rooms and one was used as a playroom for my daughter when she was a child. The other is basically a storage room chockablock with Christmas decorations, suitcases, furniture no longer is use. You get the idea.

Since my daughter moved out of the house I decided to use her former playroom as my “office.” And that term in a loose one. I had an old desk that I situated near the window in the room which overlooked part of our woodland property. Since I live in the woods, this seemed like the perfect place to write.

Not so much. After a few weeks of writing full time -and sticking to a fairly inflexible writing schedule of 8-10 hours a day, this position proved not so wonderful after all. You see, even though my nearest neighbor is 1/4 mile away geographically, our backyards abut. The neighbor has two very large, very NOISY dogs who spend most of their days outside, fenced in, in the backyard. The fenced in portion is a mere 200 feet from my property line so I could hear the dogs barking LOUDLY ALL DAY LONG.

Can I just say: I lovelovelove dogs. But these two? Not so much.

I needed a new space to write in peace and quiet.

“What about the other room?” hubby asked when I told him my dilemma?

I hadn’t considered it before because the room was, as I’ve said, a storage room. A hovel. A hoarder’s paradise. To use it, the room would not only need to be culled, it would need to be redone because the walls were plain sheetrock and the floor, well, there wasn’t much of a floor.

“No prob,” said hubby. Can you see why I adore this man?

First, I cleaned everything EVERYTHING! out of it. Did I say hoarder? What’s worse than a hoarder?

Then, hubby got to work. He plastered the walls then painted them in two colors I’d requested – muted sage and buttercup, and then laid a new floor. The entire project took three weeks because he could only work on it during the evenings when he got home from work.

This office was a real office, not just a desk. Now I had a desk, a few bookcases, and plenty of room to store all my book swag, books and all the accouterment that go with marketing and publishing.

Oh, and there’s a window in this office too that I put my desk in front of. I get to watch the seasons change daily since it overlooks our forest. When I’m daydreaming I get to observe the deer, squirrels, chipmunks and birds frolic and play in front of me.

It’s the perfect place for me to just drift away and ….write.

The best part? Since it’s on the opposite side of the house I never hear those damn dogs barking anymore.

Le sigh. Perfection.

I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to read about the writing rooms of the other authors in this blog.



Filed under #Mfrwauthors

#NewYear, #NewOffice…

I’ve mentioned here, ad nauseum(!), that I write in my attic overlooking my property. It’s private, spacious, and quiet most of the time. I put that last part in because of late it has become almost impossible to work in.

Why, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you.

The window overlooks the woods and the property next to mine. A property occupied by an elderly couple and their two very ….loud and obnoxious dogs. The dogs are put into a pen several times a day for hours at a time and the pen is directly in line with my window. In fact, they’re out there right now, barking away. When the window is open in good weather I am treated to hours upon hours of continual barking. It’s just as loud in the winter because the trees are bare and can’t buffer the sound. And it’s not just a few woofs and then a doggie nap. It’s like Dino Flintstone barking. Just click this link and you’ll get an idea of what I mean. This is all day, every day, no matter what the weather. Dead of winter or heat of summer. After a day it’s annoying. After a year it’s soul sucking.

So…this year I am moving to the other side of the attic into a room we’ve used as a storage/craft/sewing/painting room for me for the past 24 years. This is a sample of what was stored in the room until this weekend when I did a massive clean out!


This is what the room looks like right now:

newroom         newroom2


Hubby taped the window, door and closet frames and now we are all set to paint. As you can see it’s a very light, pale blue. I’m going green on this…more pictures to follow once the process begins. I can’t wait to have my own REAL office.

And I can’t wait to get away from the Dino twins next door!

Here’s a quick video on my FaceBook Author, author page to “see” the renovations.

When I’m not redecorating or being annoyed by barking dogs, you can find me here: Tweet Me//Read Me// Visit Me//Picture Me//Pin Me//Friend Me//Google+Me//

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