Tag Archives: writing life

TWISTED LIES, a new puppy, and a visit with C.B. Clark…

My Wild Rose Press sistah, C.B. Clark is visiting me today and we’re talking about her new release, TWISTED LIES and the new addition to her family! Check this out!!! Leave her some love after you read the post.

Thank you for hosting me on your Blog, Peggy. I’m thrilled to be here. 

Twisted Lies is my seventh romantic suspense, and my first book with a dog as a central character. When we lost our beloved, fifteen-year-old pooch, the house felt empty, so my husband and I decided we needed another dog. 

I thought I remembered what a puppy was like, but I was wrong…so wrong. Penny’s a Brittany, a sporting dog, bred to run and point at game birds. She’s high energy and requires LOTS of exercise. 

The first months were challenging. We had to house train her, stop her incessant mouthing and chewing, and teach her to come on command. It was exhausting. I hadn’t counted on how much attention she’d need and how little writing was possible during those first months. It’s a miracle I completed Twisted Lies

Time moves on, and Penny’s settled down. She still needs a good run every day and lots of ball throwing, but she’s made our lives so much better. Her joy of life helped eased the stress of these past challenging months and forced me to focus on things other than the state of the world. That may be why the heroine in Twisted Lies has a beloved pet to help her though the difficult times.

Athena Cooper’s tragic past drives her to seek solace in a bottle. The addiction threatens her legal career, and she risks spiraling out of control. When her dog engineers a meeting with an all-too-handsome hunk, it’s lust at first sight…until she discovers his identity. 

Businessman Russell Crawford is desperate to find the woman who cheated him out of his inheritance. His shock when she turns out to be the gorgeous red head he had a brief encounter with is only surpassed when she claims his father was a murderer. 

Athena and Russ declare a truce and join forces to investigate the mystery of her parents’ disappearance from an isolated island off the rugged Northwest Coast of British Columbia. Russ promises to be her safe harbor as they uncover long-buried secrets that rock her very foundation. Can she overcome a lifelong distrust and open her heart to love? 

How was it possible? After all these years? The past she’d been running from had found her. The nightmare was back. The envelope fell from her shaking hands. Her legs wobbled as she rose and stumbled out of the living room and down the short hall to the kitchen.

Afternoon sunlight streamed through the window above the sink. The cozy kitchen, with its walls painted a cheerful butter yellow, and the well-scrubbed laminate countertops, gleamed. The steady hum of the refrigerator and ticking of the antique clock on the wall were the only sounds in the silent house. The pungent smell of fried onions and roasted garlic from last night’s homemade spaghetti sauce hung in the air.

The efficient kitchen, with its breakfast nook and view of the tidy, fenced backyard and the rolling, grassy foothills and snow-crested Rocky Mountains beyond, was the reason she’d bought the small rancher. This was her favorite room—the place she sought refuge when life overwhelmed her. How many times had she sat there in the evenings after work, sipping a glass of chilled white wine, watching the birds at the feeder on the back porch, breathing in the sweet smells of flowering Saskatoon bushes, regrouping until she was ready to face the world?

These days, her drink of choice was a cup of herbal tea or unsweetened apple juice. Alcohol was off the table…had been for twenty-one unendurable days.

But today, all bets were off.

Buy Links:

Amazon ~ Universal link ~ Kobo ~ B&N ~ iBooks:


Twisted Lies is award-winning author, C.B. Clark’s seventh novel published by The Wild Rose Press. When she’s not busy traveling around the globe or hiking and camping in the wilderness near her home in northern British Columbia, she can be found in front of her laptop plotting the next story. 

Social Media Links:

 Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Blog ~ Goodreads Author ~ Instagram ~ Amazon Profile Page ~ Book Bub

Peggy here: Penny is such a cutie – and hubby and I also adopted a Covid-times puppy!!! I haven’t had a dog in over 21 years so I feel you when you say you thought you remembered what a puppy was like, but NOT!! Hee Hee


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#RomanceGems May in Bloom…

It’s my turn over on the Romance Gems today and May’s topic is Romance in Bloom. I’m talking about the difference between planting an annual garden and a perennial one and how that relates to love. Come check it out here: Romance Gems

Until next time peeps ~ Peg









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#LongandShortReviews Blogging Challenge 5.6.2020

Goodness! How is it Wednesday already??


You’d think that was a no-brainer because I writer romance books and what’s the one day of the year devoted solely to romance, but Valentine’s Day?

You would be wrong.

Well, then you might think the happiest holiday of the year, Christmas, would be my favorite. All the presents, the joy, the family get togethers.

Wrong again.

Easter? GroundHog day? Thanksgiving?

Nope, nope and nope.

My favorite holiday of the year isn’t a publicly celebrated one, but believe it or not, it’s FLAG DAY.

I can see your mouths all drop open as you read that! hee hee.

Let me ‘esplain.

When I was a kid in grade school 175 years ago, we were taught about Flag Day and its significance for our country. Serendipity is a real thing, because the night after we studied Flag Day in school I happened to be watching the Red Skelton show on tv ( yes, I am that old!) and he did his famous rendition of what the Pledge of Allegiance really means. If you’ve never seen it, you can click on here and the marvels of You-Tube will play it for you.

From that day to this I never miss commemorating this wonderful day.

I’ve always known and believed America was a great county – I didn’t need anyone to tell me to make America great again because it always has been.

I am honored to live in a country that, even though it has many, many heart wrenching problems and issues like poverty, racism, and insane,  illegitimately elected political leaders, we were founded on the concept of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which every human being should consider natural rights.

I can imagine some people will roll their eyes at this, or feel the need to write a scathing comment. Go ahead. You prove my point because you have the freedom to disagree with me and the right to say so publicly.

Now, let’s see what some of the other writers in the blog challenge consider their favorite holiday: L&SR

And I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you of my upcoming 5.20.2020 release and preorder sale: Hee hee

VANILLA WITH A TWIST releases this month ( the day after my birthday, in fact) and if you preorder it now thru Amazon, it’s just #99cents.

Tandy Blakemore spends her days running her New England ice cream parlor, single-parenting her teenage son, and trying to keep her head above financial water. No easy feat when the shop’s machinery is aging and her son is thinking about college. Tandy hasn’t had a day off in a decade and wonders if she’ll ever be able to live a worry-free life.

Engineer Deacon Withers is on an enforced vacation in the tiny seaside town of Beacher’s Cove. Overworked, stressed, and lonely, he walks into Tandy’s shop for a midday ice cream cone and gets embroiled in helping her fix a broken piece of equipment.

Can the budding friendship that follows lead to something everlasting?

Get your copy here:

Amazon // Nook // itunes-apple books //

Until next week, kids ~ Peg


Filed under Long and SHort Reviews

#HappyAnniversary to Romancing the Genres – 10 years strong!


It’s the 10th Anniversary month for Romancing the genres and the Genre-istas are having a full month party! Today it’s my turn and I’m talking about why we should be celebrating out Independent Bookstores.

It’s no secret that writers are readers first. I know I was – and still am.

As a child, before I had disposable income of my own,  I got all my books from the local library. It was wonderful to be able to stop by any day and take out a number of books to read. The one drawback? I  had to return them. I really wanted to keep them, too, but couldn’t.

Flash forward to the time when I began making my own money and could spend it on things I wanted. Did I purchase fabulous clothes? Travel to exotic locations? Drive a luxury car?

Nope. I bought books. Hardbacks, paperbacks, new and used. Books were my binge purchase, my addiction.

Still are.

Drop by and read the rest of the blog, here:
Romancing the Genres

Until next time ~ Peg

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Filed under Romancing the Genres

#tuesdaythoughts Why would you read another book by an author when you obviously don’t like their work??

First, a disclaimer: this is not an infantile rant. It may seem like one, but I’ve rewritten this 4 times to try and ensure it’s not, so I hope it comes across in the spirit it is intended for and not just me whining.


We all have our one-click authors, right? The ones where we preorder their newest soon-to-be-released book without even knowing anything about the story, simply because we’ve loved the way they have written their previous books and know we will get enjoyment out of reading their new stuff? For me, those authors include: Lauren Layne, Jill Shalvis, Kari Lemor, Marianne Rice, Donna Simonetta, Sandra Brown, and of course Nora Roberts/JD Robb. The moment Goodreads informs me these gals have new books on the horizon, I head over to amazon and preorder.

No thoughts about not doing this. Ever.

I venture to say we also all have those authors whom we’ve read once, maybe twice, and then realized…never again. Not even if their books are listed at $.99 cents or free.  They are probably not bad writers, but something didn’t resonate with their story, or characters, or something was missing in the plotline. Whatever it is, you’ve decided that you’re not going to waste your time – an hour you will never get back! – or hard earned cash on purchasing something you know will not bring you enjoyment. I have several I’ve read in all different genres like this, and no, I’m not going to name them here. If I can’t say something positive about someone I’m going to do what my mother always told me to and keep my mouth shut and my  thoughts to myself. I satisfy myself by simply  not purchasing these authors’ books no matter how many Amazon alerts I receive to.

End of story. Well, not quite, yet….

The question I pose today is why would anyone read an author they have so obviously disliked in the past – even venturing to pan their books on review sites and give their stories 1 ratings? Seems ridiculous and counter intuitive, right?

Yeah, well it’s happened to me. Twice. By the same reviewer and of course she’s the type of reviewer/reader who broadcasts her opinions/reviews/pannings on every book outlet from Bookbub to Goodreads to amazon and B&N.

I won’t mention her name but you can see her reviews ( I actually call them attacks on my character, but that’s me) on Goodreads first for DIRTY DAMSELS and then for my newest release. Let’s be real here: she HATED Dirty Damsels. Hated it. Why,  I wonder, did she request to read and review the newest one, knowing she hated the other one?

I actually asked this question of a few people because it bothers me so much and most of the answers were the same: Maybe she wanted to give me another chance, or the first book just wasn’t to her liking, but thought the second would be.

Yeah..NO.  Not buying either of those responses. I won’t be vicious and say what I really think motivates someone like this ( read yesterday’s blog for a little insight, though.). But maybe  I harmed her in a previous life; or maybe I went to high school with her and she thought I was mean ( It can’t be that, because I was a total geek introvert in HS and never talked to anyone.) Or maybe  she’s just the kind of person that lives to brings others down by writing nasty things about their work – in all truth I have no idea what  motivates a person like this.

When I’ve read a book that is categorically a misread on every level for me- character, plot, actual writing – I don’t review the book, scathe the author, or broadcast the fact this book was the spawn of the devil to anyone, anywhere, or across any media. I simply don’t purchase another book from this author and move on- which is what I wish everyone would do.

Now, as I said, I don’t want this to sound like I’m whining because this individual didn’t like my books. The right to have an opinion on something is just that – a right. Not everyone will like what I write. Hey, not every one likes me as a person. I’m cool with both those things. What I’m not cool with is nasty vitriol for no apparent reason other than to be, well, nasty, and appear better than anyone else around you.

I learned a long time ago that the person who is the smartest one in the room is NEVER the person telling you or shouting out that they are the smartest. It’s the person who goes about their business, living their smarty-ness without rubbing it in the faces of others, or shouting it from the rooftops. This goes for book reviewers, too. Hopefully, you can understand in what way and why.

Okay. Rant over.

For now….

Until next time ~ Peg


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#Mondaymusings On why things are they way they are…according to me.

My brain never shuts down.


You would cringe at some of the dreams I have, but that’s for another blogpost.

Today, I want to share something that popped into my subconscious brain the other night that made a great deal of sense to me.

On Facebook the other day I saw a meme-post that said people will think nothing of plunking down $5-6 A DAY for a cup of overhyped coffee they could make at home for pennies on the dollar and that will be gone within minutes, but they complain about having to spend $2.99-4.99 for a book that will give them hours of enjoyment and even re-enjoyment if they read it again.

True? You betcha. I’ve even had people ( not nice ones) tell me to my face, “Why should I spend $1.99 on a book that I’m just gonna read and never use again.”

I have to admit I am struck dumb every time someone says this to me. Not because I can’t think of response. I mean, do you know me?? I’m never at a loss for a snarky retort. It’s because the stupidity of a statement like this one boggles the logical mind.

So, to the point about my subconscious…

While sleeping, this thought popped into my mind and I was lucky enough to remember it when I woke: the reason people will think nothing about spending oodles of cash on a designer coffee but balk at the cost of an ebook, is because the coffee is all about them. They want the caffeine high, they want the jolt, they want the flavor burst and ultimately, they will be the ones ingesting it, enjoying it, and benefiting from it ( in their minds).

It’s all about THEM, their needs and desires.

Kinda reflective of where we are as a society right now, isn’t it? The 1980’s may have been dubbed the ME GENERATION, but honey, it had nothing on the idiosyncratic narcissists walking the earth right now, drinking their frue-frue coffees and ranting at anyone and about anything that pops into their tiny little brains on social media.

In those tiny little minds THEY don’t reap any benefits from paying for and reading a book. They don’t care that the barrista making their coffee makes minimum wage, just that their coffee gets made and gives them that instant jolt of pleasure.They don’t care that an author toiled for months on a piece of fiction. What’s it to them? No, seriously, WHAT IS IT TO THEM? In their minds, nothing.

A while back I put up a bit of rant on facebook and had more shares and comments than anything else I’d put up recently. I wrote:

I needed to share this because I’ve heard too many people who think writing a book is easy and authors shouldn’t charge anything for doing so. Don’t you pay your doctor when he treats you? Don’t you pay to see a Broadway show? Don’t you pay your hairdresser? Barber? For your groceries?
Think about it…what if you made something, sweated over getting it perfect, spent sleepless nights finding the best way to share it, spent your own hard earned money in advertising…would YOU want to be told, “I want it for free?”
Just sayin’…

And again…just sayin’.

Any thoughts, peeps?

Until next time ~ Peg


Filed under Author

If it’s November it’s…….?


For the past 6 years I’ve participated in National Novel Writing Month. I’m happy to report that all 6 of those books written during those november days have been published. So, why mess with success?? I’m doing it again this year.

These are the books that have found publishing homes that I wrote during Nano:







2018: Today, Tomorrow, Always

This year, I’m writing book 3 in my Match Made in Heaven series, Baked with Love. This is the cover mock-up I made:



If you’re doing NANO  too, YAY. If you’d like to buddy up, my nano handle is Margaret-Mary Jaeger. Send me a buddy request. I haven’t turned down one yet! Heehee.

Let’s do this, writing peeps!
If you need me, I’ll we Nano-ing.

Until next time ~ Peg



Filed under NaNoWriMo

What’s in a name? Well, placement of a book on a book shelf, for one thing…

I’ve never been quiet about the fact I’m not a fan of the 50 Shades phenom. I don’t read erotica or erotic romance and the thought of having to endure a three book arc on the subject wasn’t something in my reading desire wheelhouse.

Now, before the haters start commenting, know this. I applaud EL James. I truly do. She wrote a series that hadn’t been seen or read before and made quite the beaucoup bucks doing so. So, yay for her. The subject matter simply didn’t appeal to me so that’s why I never read it or watched the movies made from the book.

The title of this blog may have you scratching your head and saying, “What’s EL James got to do with placement on a book shelf?”

Let me ‘esplain, Lucy.

The name on my books is Peggy Jaeger. J.A.E.G.E.R.

The name on ELJames books is, well, EL James. J.A.M.E.S.

The reason I mention this is because I was in my local independent bookstore, the Toadstool, the other day and saw this:


Get a gander at that second shelf. My books, my sensual, contemporary romances about strong women, the families who support them and the men who can’t live without them, are sitting smack-dab next to books that…are not about those kinds of people. This is the luck of the alphabetical draw. My fear is that people will see her name, my books next to them, and equate the subject matter in her books with the kind that I write. This is a valid fear, too, because I’ve had more than 1 person come up to me at book signings, author events, and when I’ve been on the radio, and ask, “Do you write crap like that 50 Shade stuff?” And yes, that is a direct quote. So, my fear is justified, kids.

I knew I couldn’t complain to the manager because, really, it’s not his fault our names are so close alphabetically. Also, complaining would make me look like a diva-bitch, something I never want to be, especially since the Toadstool has been so good to me.

So, I grin and go on, hoping that someone will be trolling the Romance aisle, see her new book displayed and then their gaze will drift toward my books. They’ll pick one of mine up, read the blurb and realize my books are sososososo different from EL’s. And they’ll buy one of mine, instead.

Hope springs eternal, kids.

Until next time. ~Peg



Filed under A Match Made in Heaven, Author Branding, branding, Contemporary Romance, Romance, Romance Books

On Girlfriends, a weekend away, and how not to take a selfie

I did something I rarely do this weekend: took off for a girls birthday getaway. Busy work schedules, life and geographic dispersement makes it difficult for me to hang out with my girlfriends as much as I’d like to. So this past weekend three of us finally managed to plan an entire two days of away time, just us, to hang, eat, exercise, shop, eat some more, and shop until we dropped.

Did I mention we shopped?
The first warm and sunny weekend of Spring allowed us to visit Newburyport and Portsmouth, NH, two gorgeous New England-y towns, rife with fun, food, tourist sites, and – you guessed it – shops!

From an old fashioned General Store that had more candy than even I could eat (!) to a housewares store that featured some of the best tea towels I’ve ever read:



Remember the specialty store SPENCERS? I haven’t seen one in a while now, but I found what I think is an upscale Spencers –  lots of funny stuff but not so dirty ( and by dirty I mean sexually explicit!)

When we weren’t eating and shopping we were walking along the beautiful coast line New Hampshire possesses. Yes, we are mostly landlocked, but we do have several miles of gorgeous coastline. And it was during our attempts at getting selfies with the beautiful water and sky horizon that I learned a valuable lesson about taking selfies, namely: I can’t!!

My girlfriend in the middle looks like one of those fashion DON’Ts from the old Glamour magazine back page, but that’s really my hand holding the camera up. This taught me that in future we need a selfie-stick to take pictures when we are looking toward the sun. And what’s with the prune face on me?? I think I was talking but who knows.

These are better, no?

One of my favorite places to shop is a bookstore. Any bookstore, and boy did we find some good ones. Here are a few of my newest Must-reads:




What a relaxing, fun, stress-free getaway! This was truly the theme of the entire two days:

I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have my girlfriends…and I don’t want to ever consider it.


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#L&SR #wednesdaybloggingchallenge I don’t JUST write, you know!

This week’s topic is Your Favorite Hobby and why.

Folks, this one wrote itself.

I was a kid in the 1960’s ( I know: I’m ollllllllllld!) and one of the fun-est things to do on craft day at school was decoupage.

Decoupage  (noun) the art or craft of decorating objects with paper cut-outs.

As a kid it was sososososo much fun acquiring and stocking up newspapers, magazines, comic books, even old catalogs, and cutting out pictures, items, images that I loved just so I could them glue them to things like shoe boxes, jewelry boxes, pictures frames, and give them as gifts. I was between the ages of 5 and 10, so in those days, these were the extent of my gift-giving persona.

Nowadays, I do better.

Nowadays, I decoupage old steamer trunks that I find at rummage sales, and in second hand stores.

I’ve decoupaged 5 trunks over the past 3 years and have 2  more waiting for me to find some free time. When they are complete, I give them away as gifts to people around me who ask. My daughter has 2, my BFF has one, and I’ve got the other 2. This one is sitting in my office behind the couch I use to take naps in when the words aren’t flowing as fast as I want them to.

You can see a cut out of my first book SKATER’S WALTZ on the top of this one! The book just celebrated it’s 4th book birthday on Monday and is on sale until 3.15 for just 99cents an ecopy. ( hee hee, shameless plug, sorry. Had to!)

This is the entire top of the picture above it and if you have really good eyes, you can see a cut out of my second book THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME. I’ll give you a hint – it’s to the right ( your right as you’re looking at this) of Judy Garland.

Anyway, self promo over.

A trunk usually takes me anywhere from 1-2 months to complete, depending on the amount of damage the trunk has when I acquire it. The longest I’ve ever taken is 4 months because I had a trunk with an internal removable shelf. Both the inside of the trunk and the shelf had to be repaired, then papered, then decoupaged. I did the internals first, then proceeded to the outside.

That trunk is my favorite to date and holds sososososo much stuff I can’t stand it!

So. That’s my hobby. What about you?
Let’s see what the other authors in this blog hop do when they’re not writing away: L&SRBlogChallenge

And as always, look for me here when I’m not decoupaging, writing, or doing the other 7689 things I need to do daily:

Tweet Me//Read Me// Visit Me//Picture Me//Pin Me//Friend Me//Google+Me// Triber// BookMe // Monkey me //Watch me

Here’s the link to my TELL ME ABOUT YOUR DAMN BOOK podcast interview, just in case you missed it: TMAYDB

and the link to my recent interview on NewHampshirePublicRadio


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