Tag Archives: #booksasgifts

#booksigning #meettheauthor 12.16.2023

I’m so stoked!

On Saturday, December 16, 2023, from 11 am until 1pm I will be at the TOADSTOOL BOOKSHOP in Keene, NH, discussing and signing my newest releases. Hope to see you there!
And remember: Books make great gifts – for others and yourself, so why not treat yourself to a little romance this holiday season?!

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#sundaySNippet 12.10.2023

Because we’re all in the holiday mood, here’s a snippet from this year’s Dickens Holiday Romance addition, DON’T MESS WITH THE MISTLETOE, out now in print and e-copy. Books make great gifts, kids – for the romance reader on your list and you!

I love when siblings tease one another because there is such a wealth of history behind it. In this snippet, Michael’s sister Abra goes all out in the tease-department.

When his sisters walked into the diner five minutes later, he had his answer.

“I need your help,” he said without preamble as he sidled up to their table, two glasses of ice water and menus in his hands. He plopped them all down on the countertop.

“Shove in,” he commanded Sasha.

His sisters looked up at him, eyes questioning, then at one another. Abra’s left eyebrow rose to kiss her hairline, while Sasha stifled a laugh as she moved so he could sit next to her.

With the privilege of birth rank and the dry sarcasm her book fans adored, Abra spoke first. “Good morning to you, too, little brother. We’re good, thanks for asking. Both a little tired, but that’s to be expected in our ready-to-pop-states. And how are you on this fine, cold day?” She took a sip of her water.

Exasperation drilled through him. While Sasha ultimately let the laugh go, Michael’s jaw clamped down so hard his back molars whacked against one another. He’d for sure be using the bottle of Ibuprofen Amy kept in her desk sometime today.

He fisted his hands on the table then opened and flexed them a few times as he told himself to keep calm. “Listen. I’m in a bind.”

Both their teasing smiles dissolved.

“What’s wrong?” Sasha asked, at the same time Abra said, “What happened?”

“Nothing happened.” He explained about the late hours and the way things were looking back at the house. Dragging a hand through his hair the knowledge it was a month or so behind a cut just added to the list of things needing tending in his life.

“I don’t know how mom manages to run this place and keep the house looking so good. In addition to the baking she does for here, which I haven’t done, just FYI, because –hello! – I have no idea what to do and no time to do it even if I did.”

“I can help with that,” Sasha said. “I’ve got mom’s pie recipes at home. I’ll bake a few today and have Steve bring them by in the morning when he heads to the hospital.”

“Thanks, Sash.” He looked across the table at Abra.


“Think you can stop by the house and run a load or two of laundry for me? I’m not asking you to clean the place up. I don’t want you lifting anything, but I need,” he glanced furtively around them, “stuff. I haven’t done laundry since I’ve been here and I’ve run out of everything.”

“And by everything you mean underwear?” she asked.

“Jesus, Abs. Keep your voice down, will ya?”

“You wearing repeats?” she asked, having difficulty keeping the laugh from ringing in her voice, “Or are you commando underneath those pants?”

Embarrassing him had been her full-time job when he was a teenager. Six years older, Sasha always felt she needed to look out for him as a kid. When he grew seven inches between his twelfth and thirteenth birthdays and had started towering over her, she’d decided taking him down a peg or two was her lot in life as a big sis. As adults, she still felt the need to exert her birth order status.

Heat rose up his neck at her question. The fact Julia happened to arrive at their table, her order book poised in her hand, at the same moment made him want to dissipate into a plume of mortified smoke and dissolve away. No way she hadn’t heard Abra’s question.

Intrigued? LOL I hope so.


Filed under Dickens Holiday Romance

#BLACKFRIDAY ebook sales! #booksasgifts #Earlyshopping

BLACK FRIDAY is the standard start of the shopping season ( although I start in July, lol!) To help you with your gift list, I’m putting most of the ebooks in my catalog on sale for just #99cents. You can gift the romance reader on your list with the entire NYC Socialites series for less than $4.00 – or to put it in perspective – less than a cup of designer coffee at Starbucks, or a meal at McDonalds! Or you can stock up on your own winter reading! No one says you can’t give yourself a little gift, too!

Here’s the link to my AMAZON page with the book details: PEGGY JAEGER, AUTHOR

Don’t forget- I’ve also got my ONLINE HOLIDAY BOOKSTORE open for you to order PRINT copies of my titles as well. The order form is here: HBS

I love shopping from the privacy and ease of my bed!!! Do you? If so, here’s your chance to take advantage of some great book price deals.

Happy shopping, kids! ~ Peg

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Lesson learned…more to come.


I’ve been writing full-time and professionally now for 8 years. I’ve had to learn stuff I never in a million years thought I’d need to learn back when I got my first publishing contract in 2014.

Book formatting. Branding. Marketing. On-spec writing. Copyright law. Book design.

That’s only the tip of the iceberg.

I joined Twitter ( back when it was called that and not whatever the hell it’s called now) Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook ( and multiple FB groups), Goodreads, Bookbub, LinkedIn – again, just to name a few.

I’ve done more marketing than I ever in my entire life thought I’d ever want to do. Which is a lot considering I never wanted to do any.

And now I’m on TikTok, hawking my books to booktokers.

Here’s the lesson I just this week learned: none of the people on these platforms is my target audience.


Tiktok? 18-24 year olds. I write 35+ age characters.

Instagram – same demographic

TwtX – I don’t even know what the demographic is there, other than the people on it are mean and grumpy and feel they can bully you anonymously

Bookbub – okay, here I may have some traction, same as GoodReads, because…readers! Of all ages.

Facebook – my professional page barely gets any traction/views other than my near and dear friends ( who also see the same content on my personal page because I’m a redundancy idiot). I don’t garner new readers to the professional page at all.

Now, I could PAY for ads for all these places to try and get new readers, but 2 things: I have no money, and the ROI is never comparable.

So my target audience is females, romance readers who like 35+ age romances, everything from sweet with heat to steamy, smalltown, romcoms and romantic suspense lite.

Now, I have my target audience. Does anyone know where I can find them so I can tell them about my books?? Because I need to sell some books.

My online holiday webstore has been open for 19 days and I’ve publicized the heck out of it.

1 sale.

KDP tells me I have no sales and no KU reads at all for the past 10 days.

Forget KOBO, Nook, and all the other sites where some of my books are widely distributed. If I get .25 cents a month in total sale royalties combined from these sites that’s saying something.

So, where can I find new readers? Where can I find readers who enjoy non-smutty, non-dark, non-erotic books, but love stories about regular people?

Recently, I wrote and posted this for a TikTok to try and find my demographic there:

If you’re looking for spicy, dark, romantasy…I’m not your writer.

If you’re looking for gritty, brought and tumble love them and leave them alphamales…I’m not your writer.

If you’re looking for historical, time travel fantasy or paranormal…I’m not your writer.


If you’re looking for rom coms, small towns, and familycentric stories…I may be your writer.

If you like female billionaires who had it all, lost it, then got it back again all on their own, finding love along the way…I may be your writer.

If you like romance books about strong women, the families who support them, and the men who can’t live without them…I’m definitely your writer.

And if you like to cry on one page and come out of it with laughter on the next…I am your writer.

So…if you like what you see here, and haven’t read anything by me, then please consider doing so.

And if anyone knows where I can find readers who do like the kinds of stories I write…please let me know.

Thanks, Peg


Filed under Writing

N.N. Light’s Holiday Gift guide! Books for everyone on your list!

So excited that A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: DYLAN is featured today on NNLight’s Holiday Gift Guide – Thriller/Suspense category. Just click on the link and scroll down to find my book ( it’s the third one!)

If you haven’t read this face-paced, bodyguard trope, romantic suspense yet, now’s the right time to do so!!

Cyber-security specialist Dylan Keane is working undercover to suss out a corporate thief. When he zeroes in on Harper Vale, he thinks he’s found his mole.

Harper has a reputation as a coding savant and an introvert. Dylan’s interest is flattering, but after she’s implicated in the theft of the company’s protected software, she doubts everything he’s told her.

When a series of potentially deadly accidents occur involving Harper, Dylan wonders if she is being set up to take the fall. One thing is certain: the more time they spend together, the more Dylan realizes he’s the one who’s falling—for Harper.

Dylan Keane knew if he hadn’t been forced to walk the straight and narrow by his parents and older brothers he would have had a lucrative career as a con man instead of a private investigator.

Both professions required a large amount of personal hubris and, well, confidence in order to get people to drop their guards and divulge things they wouldn’t ordinarily give a voice to. Both required an in-depth knowledge of human nature and the ability to predict what people were willing to do to protect their secrets. And both required an exceptional ability to believe the role they were playing and lose themselves in the character.

Dylan possessed all three qualities and one more extremely important one: he was naturally likable.

The fact he’d been blessed by the Gods of good looks didn’t hurt either.

So, armed with those good looks, likability, and superior acting skills, he skirted the perimeter of the corporate lunchroom until he spotted his mark pay for her lunch and then lift her tray.

Surveilling her for the past three days told him she’d walk directly to an empty table in the corner, not establish eye contact with any of her co-workers, and settle in, facing the parking lot through the room-wide windows to eat alone.

Not today, sweetheart.

He tugged his phone from his back pocket and clicked on one of the apps. Pretending to read it, he moved towards the mark, his apparent concentration focused solely on his phone.

Apparent being the operative word, because his true attention was fixated on the woman now crossing the room on her way to her table.

She dressed for comfort, but then everyone in the tech division of Kirkpatick Industries did. Worn and aged Converse sneakers were the shoe of choice among the twenty and thirty-somethings who made up the bulk of employees, his mark no different from her coworkers. Where they did differ was in the definition of comfort. Where t-shirts and faded jeans were the norm, she routinely wore body-hugging black leggings with oversized, long-sleeved button-down shirts in varying neutral colors. No jewelry, no personal adornments. He doubted she had a drop of makeup on.

That told him she didn’t like to stand out in a crowd, but didn’t necessarily want to be a lemming, either.

 Her shoulder-length wavy blonde hair was typically pulled into a messy bun or dangling in a tale down the nape of her neck.

Dylan wondered what it would look like free and flowing down her neck and back.

The few things he knew about her life he’d culled from an in-depth and barely legal digital deep-dive. An only child adopted by a couple who had long since given up on ever having biological children, she’d been the class nerd all through grade school, high school valedictorian and then graduated second in her class at M.I.T with a double degree in computer programming and engineering.

She’d been recruited by ten top tech companies while a senior but had opted to get her Master’s degree before signing on to any.

Daniel Kirkpatrick himself had recruited her after reading a paper she’d penned on the future of the gaming industry for her thesis.

That had been eight years ago. By all appearances, she was a diligent worker, wicked smart, and had perfect performance reviews. She was also a loner and hadn’t moved up the corporate ladder as one would have expected given her educational pedigree, something that alone was suspect.

With a flick of his finger across the screen, giving the impression he was engrossed in what he was reading, Dylan moved with ease and finesse across the lunchroom until he bumped into his mark, clipping her lunch tray and causing it to fall flat on the floor.

Oh, Jeez. I’m so sorry.” He reached out to grab her forearm when it looked like she was about to follow the tray.  A jolt of surprise surged through him when his work-roughened hand met skin spun from silk. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Nothing hot spilled on you, did it?”

Brows the color of unmined gold pulled together over eyes a hue his mother would have dubbed fresh basil. Sitting behind oversized glasses that hid their natural beauty, those eyes now squinted as she peered up at him. Annoyance flicked in the moisture coating them.

Glancing down to where the contents of her ruined lunch sat and then back up to him, she shook her head. “Lucikly, no.” Irritation spilled through the words.

“I’m really sorry,” he repeated. “I was so engrossed in reading an article I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“There’s a reason you shouldn’t walk and read,” she said, testily. Squatting, she grabbed the tray and began placing the spilled contents back on it.

The subtle chide had him smiling on the inside because it sounded like something his mother would say. And in exactly the same pissed-off tone.

“Here, let me do that.” He bent and took the tray from her. “There’s nothing salvageable here,” he said, inspecting the now-ruined salad. “Let me buy you another one since I’m the reason this one is toast.”

Intrigued? I certainly hope so, LOL. IF you like Dylan, you’ll like his brothers – the rest of the Brothers, Inc. bodyguards in the PRIDE OF BROTHERS series.




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Filed under A Pride of brothers: AIden, A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: DYLAN, A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: RICK

Books make great holiday gifts!

Did you know I have my own Holiday Web store where you can order books directly from me to give as gifts – or to keep for yourself?

The store is only open until 12.15.2023 and only for Continental US readers ( Sorry, Canada and Hawaii! Shipping costs are prohibitive.)

If you’d like one of the titles listed of my titles, just indicate which one(s) and fill out the sheet – and remember: you can also purchase my handpainted bookboxes if you’re giving the book as a gift. I can hand design any cover title I offer. It’s a beautiful way to present it to the romance reader on your list.

Here’s the form: HOLIDAY 2023 order form

Happy reading and happy Holidays ~ Peg

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#bookreviews DON’T MESS WITH THE MISTLETOE #Smalltownromance #workplaceromance

I’ve said this so many times I’m even annoying myself, but to an author, book reviews are the joy of your life and the bane of your professional existence. Luckily, I haven’t received too many egregious and soul-sucking ones ( although, I have received them!)

My newest book, DON’T MESS WITH THE MISTLETOE, has been receiving overwhelming 5-star reviews from readers. I am beyond thrilled with the response to Michael Charles’ story. Across the board reviewers and readers are thrilled with the HEA I gave this deserving man.

From Goodreads, “This is the perfect small town holiday romance.”

From Amazon: “Loved the characters and the vivid locales. Entertaining situations and banter kept the pages turning. Terrific ending.”

From Bookbub: “What a beautiful Christmas story about family, hope, love, together, happiness, taking a chance of forever along with a little bit of Christmas Magic thrown in for good measure. I loved this book so much and I can’t wait to read more books in the future.”

All 5-star reviews!

If you love a holiday romance as much as I do – and my readers do, grab this one. Right now it’s only 99 cents on Kindle, but in 11.8 it goes to full price. So, save some cash and enjoy a fabulous, heartwarming Holiday romance story, too. And enjoy all the other Dorrit’s Diner Dickens books, as well!

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#fridayfive 11.3.2023

Today’s Friday Five is all about my online Holiday Website and why you should take advantage of it this year.

  1. I’m offering the books way cheaper than the major online retailers. Who doesn’t want to save money during the holidays? LOL
  2. You’ll receive the books autographed. Can’t say that when you order from a commercial retailer.
  3. You have the opportunity to buy one of my handpainted book boxes with your book purchase.
  4. Shopping from the comfort of your home computer is very convenient.
  5. you’re supporting an indie author and a small business with your purchase.

Here’s the link to my store – one caveat – US continental orders only ( NO Hawaii or Canada). Shipping costs are ridiculous. In that instance, it is easier and cheaper to buy the books from a retailer.


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Digital shopping, Covid, and a #99cent sale…

Ever notice how most of my post titles come in threes? LOL


Today is – commercially – referred to as CYBER MONDAY, the Monday after Thanksgiving.

The experts tell us this is the most heavily shopped day on the Internet during the holiday season. I don’t know if I agree with that because I know people who are still online, shopping, on Christmas Eve with the thought the gift will be delivered December 25th morning.

With the advent of a spike in Covid cases recently, I wonder if people are going to take advantage this year – as they did last year – by doing a great deal of their shopping online instead of having to brave the outside, infected, world. Shipping and the supply chain issues are also currently problematic, so it may be easier to find that perfect gift online.

It’s said this day is predicted to be the best of the year for retailers who offer online shopping this year. As someone who sells her books, for the most part, through digital means, I hope this is true.

If you are shopping the Internet today and have a book lover and/or romance reader/women’s fiction reader on your gift list, I hope you’ll consider my newest Holiday RomCom, FIXING CHRISTMAS, as a gift. It’s on sale digitally for the next few days at only 99cents at all major online booksellers ( not only Amazon!).

Here’s the universal link if you’re interested: FIXING CHRISTMAS

Christmas has never filled writer Abra Charles with undiluted pleasure. If you’d been left on a doorstep on Christmas Eve morning, you might have a few issues with the holiday as well.

Abra’s avoided her hometown of Dickens for the past twenty Christmas seasons, but now she’s returned in an attempt to get her writing mojo back. Twice-divorced and with her third engagement ending in heartbreak, anger, and blackmail, Abra is now six months behind on submitting her current book. She hopes renting Copperfield House and immersing herself in solitude will cure her writer’s block and get her life back on track. The house she rents isn’t helping her achieve her goal, though, as one thing after another breaks, collapses, or floods.

Colton Bree, Dickens’ very own Mr. FixIt, can’t help but wonder if the new resident of Copperfield House is cursed. After being called to repair a broken window, he’s then needed to fix an exploding coffeepot, an overrunning toilet, and a washing machine that has a mind of its own. Bree doesn’t mind all the unexpected repair jobs, though, because the sexy renter is something to look at despite being a little neurotic and a whole lot of snarky.

Can Abra get her book done with all the distractions and craziness of her life, the biggest distraction being the flannelled hunk with the bedroom eyes and scowling yet oh-so-kissable mouth? Or will Dickens’ Mr FixIt have to step in and save the day and in so doing, fix Christmas for Abra forever?

Happy shopping peeps – in person or online ~ Peg


Filed under Writing

#ShopSmall All writers are small business owners…

There’s no better time to Shop Local and support Small businesses than during this pandemic. The times of going to big malls should be over until this scourge is eradicated. It’s so much easier to shop on line or in your own home town ( if you can). And I fully believe that every single writer is their own small business, because sales are important to a writer garnering new readers.

So, having said that, I invite you to visit my website store for print book gift items for the romance book lovers on your list- or for yourself. Every print book is priced way below even what Amazon can offer. WEBSITE STORE

And please, if you can, shop local stores – not only today – but all year round. This economy needs small business owners and people to support them.

Happy shopping, peeps. ~ Peg

Looking for me? Here I am:

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