Tag Archives: Ebooks #99centsale

Digital shopping, Covid, and a #99cent sale…

Ever notice how most of my post titles come in threes? LOL


Today is – commercially – referred to as CYBER MONDAY, the Monday after Thanksgiving.

The experts tell us this is the most heavily shopped day on the Internet during the holiday season. I don’t know if I agree with that because I know people who are still online, shopping, on Christmas Eve with the thought the gift will be delivered December 25th morning.

With the advent of a spike in Covid cases recently, I wonder if people are going to take advantage this year – as they did last year – by doing a great deal of their shopping online instead of having to brave the outside, infected, world. Shipping and the supply chain issues are also currently problematic, so it may be easier to find that perfect gift online.

It’s said this day is predicted to be the best of the year for retailers who offer online shopping this year. As someone who sells her books, for the most part, through digital means, I hope this is true.

If you are shopping the Internet today and have a book lover and/or romance reader/women’s fiction reader on your gift list, I hope you’ll consider my newest Holiday RomCom, FIXING CHRISTMAS, as a gift. It’s on sale digitally for the next few days at only 99cents at all major online booksellers ( not only Amazon!).

Here’s the universal link if you’re interested: FIXING CHRISTMAS

Christmas has never filled writer Abra Charles with undiluted pleasure. If you’d been left on a doorstep on Christmas Eve morning, you might have a few issues with the holiday as well.

Abra’s avoided her hometown of Dickens for the past twenty Christmas seasons, but now she’s returned in an attempt to get her writing mojo back. Twice-divorced and with her third engagement ending in heartbreak, anger, and blackmail, Abra is now six months behind on submitting her current book. She hopes renting Copperfield House and immersing herself in solitude will cure her writer’s block and get her life back on track. The house she rents isn’t helping her achieve her goal, though, as one thing after another breaks, collapses, or floods.

Colton Bree, Dickens’ very own Mr. FixIt, can’t help but wonder if the new resident of Copperfield House is cursed. After being called to repair a broken window, he’s then needed to fix an exploding coffeepot, an overrunning toilet, and a washing machine that has a mind of its own. Bree doesn’t mind all the unexpected repair jobs, though, because the sexy renter is something to look at despite being a little neurotic and a whole lot of snarky.

Can Abra get her book done with all the distractions and craziness of her life, the biggest distraction being the flannelled hunk with the bedroom eyes and scowling yet oh-so-kissable mouth? Or will Dickens’ Mr FixIt have to step in and save the day and in so doing, fix Christmas for Abra forever?

Happy shopping peeps – in person or online ~ Peg


Filed under Writing

Black Friday, shopper anxiety, and a #99cent sale…

And so, on this day after America gave thanks for her many blessings, the commercialization of the holiday season – better known as BLACK FRIDAY – begins.

I will tell you this honestly: I have NEVER gone shopping on Black Friday. I’m not one for crowds. They make me nervous. Covid didn’t help my anxiety, either, but bolstered and increased it a million-fold.

Cyber shopping was truly invented for people like me – the ones who must and need to shop, but hate going out in public to do so. Long lines. Whining kids. Grumpy shoppers. People who don’t cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze right in your face.

Nope. Not my cup of tea at all.

Which is why I love to shop internet/store deals on this day.

If you’re like me and hate to leave home on this busy, ridiculously busy day, I’ve got a deal for you and the book lovers on your holiday gift list – a #99cent sale on FIXING CHRISTMAS my latest Dickens Holiday Romance. Today it is available for a limited time at #99cents everywhere digital books are sold – Amazon, Nook, Applebooks, even Kobo.

Here’s the universal link. Just click and choose your purchase venue: FIXING CHRISTMAS

If you like a small town, later in life, and holiday romcoms – or the romance reader on your gift list does – this is the book for you! And at less than a dollar? Well, that’s even better.

Whether you’re embracing the hordes in the stores, or sitting on your couch finger shopping, I hope you find all the deals and gifts you want this holiday season.

And I really hope one of them includes my book! Shameless plug, I know, but this is me, after all!

Happy Shopping, peeps ~ Peg

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Filed under Writing

So many books for #99cents – Here are a few of mine…

I’m having a few #99cent sales right now that I want to let you in on. It’s so much easier to have a sale when you’re indie published, but I’ve even got one of my Wild Rose Press books at that bargain price too. AND…. I’ve got a preorder on a 9.1. release for the same darn price!

  • A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: RICK, book 1 in the Brothers, Inc series is 99 cents as a prelude to book 2’s release on 9.8. This sale is limited to Amazon, Nook and Apple readers.
  • BALANCE is on preorder for it’s 9.1 release for 99 cents as well.

So you’ve got a bunch of choice for me to continue your summer reading, all at reduced prices.

Books sales – they’re a good thing!

And think of it this way: If you purchase all 4 books, it’s less than a cup of coffee at Dunkin’ and much more satisfying, IMHO, LOL!!!


Filed under Romance Books

Take a good book to the beach with you by Peggy Jaeger

“Hot time, summer in the city. Back of my neck getting burnt and pretty.

Any body else remember that old Lovin’ Spoonful song?? Hee hee. I’m showing my age, I know.

When I was younger and a sun worshiper, I lived for the summer days I could take a few hours at my local beach, soak up some rays, and read without any interruptions or worries. Back then, my beach reads were mostly comprised of the newest Jackie Collins, Kathleen Woodiwiss, or Nora Roberts book that happened to release in the summer season.

The hours of escapism while sitting in the sun were marvelous and made me truly know the definition of BEACH READ; fabulous heroines meeting hunky heroes and engaging in adult behavior ( read :SEX) while escaping from danger, or trying to solve the world’s problems.

Hey, it’s not called escapist fiction for nothing.😉

Nowadays I shun the sun like Lestat because…wrinkles.

But I still enjoy a great book that can be classified as a beach read. And hey – I even write them now. LOL.

One of my favorites that I’ve penned has just gone on sale for only 99cents. 

IT’S A TRUST THING tells the tale of Nell Newbury, one time Park Avenue darling, whose father – a Madoff devotee – bilked people out of billions. The notoriety almost killed Nell’s mother and made the young girl grow up fast. Nell runs her own company now, keeps out of the public eye, and isn’t looking for love.

And then she meets a handsome economics professor who knows nothing about her and who makes her toes go numb with just a glance.

Do you like to read at the beach? Or on a boat? Or sitting in the park on a lovely summer day?

Take IT’S A TRUST THING with you the next time you go. You’ll have a fun time reading it. One of my reviewers called it a “RomCom with angst, a klutzy heroine you can’t help rooting for, and redemption.”

That about says it all. Hee Hee

Looking for me? Here I am: 

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and don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter here : Newsletter

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Filed under ROmance Gems

RAINBOW SPRINKLES, a One Scoop or two addition, is on sale for #99cents!

Don’t you love a book sale? My girl, D.V. Stone, a fellow WRP sistah, is having one righ now on her One Scoop or Two book RAINBOW SPRINKLES

Here’s D.V. with a little about the book and the sale:

Retired and widowed Gloriana Jones is forging on with the plans she and her late husband dreamed of—bringing joy and happiness, one ice cream cone at a time, to Lake Unami. But bad weather is drowning her dream. A trip to Upstate NY is bittersweet for Nathan James. He is excited to see his first granddaughter but without his wife he’s lonely. When his car breaks down, he heads to the only light he can see, an ice cream shop. With aid from a heavenly source, electricity sparks, but will the two weather the summer storms and find love a second time? Or will their hopes and dreams melt away?


“Do you mind if I wait until the tow truck gets here?” He plucked the wet shirt away from his chest with the long fingers of one tanned hand. “It must be electrical, even the radio stopped working.”

“No, you’re welcome to hang around as long as you need.” Gloriana riffled through a cardboard box under the counter, pulled out an extra-large t-shirt, and tossed it to him. “Here you go. The restroom is through there.”

Mr. Gorgeous beamed a perfect toothy smile. “Thanks. I’ll be right back.”

When he disappeared into the hallway and the door clicked shut, Gloriana fanned her face. What the hot fudge was wrong with her? “Coffee. Make coffee.”


Born in Brooklyn, D.V. Stone has moved around a bit and even lived for a time on a dairy farm in Minnesota before moving back east. Throughout her wandering, she always considered herself a Jersey Girl. She met and married the love of her life, Pete—a lifelong Jersey Man, and moved this time to Sussex County. They live with Hali, a mixed breed from the local shelter, and their cat, Baby. Certain threads appear in her books, like Heavenly Brew the coffee shop, Taylor Egg and Cheese, and in Rainbow Sprinkles, her time as an ice cream shop owner is evident. Even the basset hounds are part of her past.

Purchase links


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You can find out more about D. V. by following her on Social Media

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Filed under WIld Rose Press AUthor

a #99cent Christmas in July sale from Sadira Stone…

Christmas Rekindled Cool off with a little mistletoe magic! Christmas Rekindled (ebook) is just 99¢ throughout July 2021

Tagline: When two Scrooges unite to save a bar in trouble, a kiss under the mistletoe sparks the sexiest Christmas miracle ever.


Bartender River Lundqvist has a damn good reason for hating Christmas. Bangers Tavern is the perfect place to lay low over the holidays—until Charlie walks in. His first encounter with the saucy server nine years ago was utter humiliation. Her reappearance stirs up powerful desires and hopes for a new start. But the timing is all wrong.

Back in Tacoma to care for her estranged dad over the holidays, freelance web designer Charlie Khoury braces herself for the suckiest Christmas ever. A temporary job at Bangers Tavern gives her a chance to escape Dad’s criticism and blow off some steam. But why does the hunky bartender seem to hate her?    

A pretend girlfriend is just what River needs to keep his family off his back—until a kiss under the mistletoe flares hot enough to melt the North Pole. When greedy developers threaten Bangers Tavern, River and Charlie must team up to save it. Their sizzling chemistry feels like the real thing—but everyone knows rebound relationships don’t last.

Come to Bangers Tavern for an enemies-to-lovers tale of reconciliation, found family, holiday cocktails, and the steamiest Christmas miracle ever.


Her low, throaty chuckle made him want to kiss her again. Though he pretty much wanted to kiss her anytime she was within range.

She laid her hand palm-up on the center console. “The thing is, I’m not looking for a relationship.”

Remembering a bit of Dawn’s wisdom, he nestled his hand into hers. “You never find a relationship when you’re looking for one.”

Her gaze softened, open and vulnerable. “Are you looking?”

Warning sirens blared inside his head. This was a question to answer very carefully. “If you’d asked me a month ago, I’d say, ‘No way.’ But then, I kissed this girl under the mistletoe, and…”

She closed her eyes, lifted his hand, and pressed it to her sternum. Beneath his palm, her heart thudded fast. His pulse sped to match hers. He held his breath.

“I like you, River.” Her whisper matched the brush of snowflakes against the windows.

“I like you too.”

She inhaled deeply, then met his gaze. “Enough to be my friend?”

He nodded, mesmerized.

“Because my life is a mess right now, and I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing.”

Her coarse language stirred up a heady swirl of laughter, sympathy, and arousal. He scooted as near as the center console allowed and placed his lips close to her ear. “I’ll tell you a secret. Me neither.”

Fire flickered in her eyes’ inky depths. Her lips parted. A golden thread wound around his heart and tugged him toward her. His thumb stroked the delicate line of her jaw as he closed the distance.

Get your copy here:


Barnes & Noble


Apple Books

A little about Sadira Stone

Ever since her first kiss, Sadira’s been spinning steamy tales in her head. After leaving her teaching career in Germany, she finally tried her hand at writing one. Now she’s a happy citizen of Romancelandia, penning contemporary romance from her new home in Washington State, U.S.A. When not writing, which is seldom, she explores the Pacific Northwest with her charming husband, enjoys the local music scene, plays darts (pretty well), plays guitar (badly), and gobbles all the books. Visit Sadira at http://www.sadirastone.com.

Visit Sadira on All the Socials!

Author Website   Facebook   Twitter  Goodreads   Bookbub   Amazon Author Page   Pinterest   Instagram   Author Newsletter    

Tell us about what you write (short stories, novellas, novels, non-fiction)?

I write steamy contemporary romance set in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. My Book Nirvana series centers around a quirky bookshop in Eugene, Oregon. Gelato Surprise is a steamy older woman/younger man beach romance novella. The Bangers Tavern Romance series is set in a neighborhood tavern in Tacoma, Washington, where I live—the town, not the tavern! Each story features a holiday celebration in Bangers Tavern: Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, 4th of July, Halloween, etc. During this sad time when so many bars, restaurants, and other businesses are shut down, Bangers Tavern gives me the chance to virtually share the fun, camaraderie, and bar food I miss so much. And each volume includes tasty cocktail recipes I’ve personally tested and tweaked—a tough job, but I do it for my readers (wink).

Under my own name, I write cozy mysteries and creepy short stories—think The Twilight Zone—but so far only one creepy short has been published. I’ll get to the rest of them eventually, but right now I’m having too much fun writing romance!


Filed under WIld Rose Press AUthor

A 99Cent ebook sale from Constance Bretes

Operation Code Name: Desert Love by Constance Bretes

Her best hope for survival is the one man she never wants to see again.

Clarissa Maasen is a humanitarian relief worker who’s stationed in Afghanistan. When she and two of her coworkers are kidnapped by insurgents and held hostage, she can only hope that her father, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will send his best men to rescue them—more specifically, Len Roberts of the Delta Force.

The last time Len saw Clarissa, it did not end on good terms. But he will risk his life to rescue this woman who is never far from his thoughts.

Can he rescue her in time? And will they be able to control the passion erupting between them?

Content Warning: contains sexual content

Universal Buy Link:  https://books2read.com/u/3Gvola

A little about Constance Bretes:

  Constance started writing contemporary romance and romantic suspense fifteen years ago. She was born and raised in Michigan. After working for the State of Michigan for 38 years, she retired. She and her husband moved to Montana and lived in the mountainside of a small town. There, locked in her office overlooking the mountains, was where this story, Operation Code Name: Desert Love, was written. After living in Montana for three years, they moved to Alabama with her cat, Sunny, who owns both her and her husband. Her hobbies include basket weaving, reading mafia romance books, diamond painting, and fiddling at the piano. 

Constance’s Website: www.constancebretes.com 

Reader eMail: cbretes@constancebretes.com  


Filed under Writing

A 99cent sale for a great book by Lucinda Race

Three sisters and one enchanted wedding dress… 

When three single sisters inherit their Scottish great-grandmother’s wedding dress, they also inherit the legend that comes with it: put on the dress, look in a mirror, and reveal their future. The dress is more than just silk and lace, for magic has been stitched into the seams of the heirloom. For the MacLellan sisters, the enchanted wedding dress promises a legacy of everlasting love. 


Can something old lead to something new? 

Jamie MacLellan is content with her life. Her business as a certified public accountant is going well, she owns her own home, and she never wants to live anywhere but Vermont, near her sisters. Why bother getting married, when no man could measure up to her father’s example of a loving, respectful husband? Then she tries on her grandmother’s wedding dress. Is the shadowy man she sees in the mirror her future, or just a trick of the light? Jamie may have vowed to stay single, but could the handsome lawyer she’s been dating could be “the one”? Then she meets his sexy twin brother, who, with a simple look, sets Jamie’s heart racing. 

Caleb Sullivan has clients all over the world who appreciate his skills as a traveling personal chef. The footloose and fancy-free lifestyle isn’t always as glamourous as it seems, and sometimes Caleb secretly longs to settle down, but for now, there’s a lot of food to cook and a lot of world to see. But Jamie MacLellan’s crystal blue eyes have him dreaming unexpected dreams. 

How can Jamie fall for a man who’ll be away more than he’ll be home? She’s a happy homebody who loves her roots. He’s a traveling vagabond. But it was Caleb that Jamie saw in the mirror. Will she turn her back on a chance at a once in a lifetime love, or is Jamie ready to embrace the promise an enchanted old wedding dress holds for a new future?


Jamie went in search of scissors and pointed to the closet. “Kenz, the box is in there.” Kenzie opened the door and carefully carried the box to the coffee table, as if it contained something irreplaceable.

Jamie returned, and said, her hand hovering over the tape, “Here goes nothing.”

Grace came in holding a bottle of wine. “Be careful, Sissy,” she whispered reverently. “It was Gran’s, so it’s really old.”

Jamie held her breath as she cautiously sliced through the layers of packing tape and eased back the cardboard flaps.

Standing on tiptoes, Kenzie peered over her shoulder. “What is it?”

Jamie withdrew a cream-colored envelope. “It’s a letter.” Grace reached out to pull back the bubble wrap when Jamie touched her hand. “Wait. We should read it first and then we’ll see what’s inside.”

Kenzie stretched out her hand. “I’ll read it.” She slit open the wax seal and pulled out several pieces of stationery. Glancing down, she said, “I don’t remember Gran’s handwriting so spider web like, so it might take a while.”

Grace leaned in and studied the page. “I don’t think its Gran’s. What if it’s Great-gran’s? You know Dad’s grandmother.”

Jamie admonished, “If we stop talking and let Kenz read, I’ll bet we find out.” She picked up her wineglass and settled back on the sofa cushions.

My dearest granddaughters,

This is your father’s grandmother writing to you long before you were even a gleam in his eye or even before he had any interest in lassies. If you have received this box, it means that I’ve had the joy of seeing my beloved daughter, your grandmother, again. I’m sorry for your loss and hope your memories of her will sustain you through the years to come and her wisdom will guide you. I will assume you have a box from your Gran. Have you looked inside? If not, carefully unwrap the contents and lay the three items I chose for you on a table.

Jamie’s eyes grew wide as she looked at her sisters. “What the hell, is she psychic or something?”

Grace clapped a hand over her mouth. “Remember, Gran said the women in our family were special. Maybe that’s what she was talking about.”

Kenzie’s eyebrow shot up. “That would explain a few things about Gran. She always seemed to have eyes on us all the time.”

Absentmindedly Jamie tapped her glass with her finger. “Do you remember the time…I must have been around ten. We decided to get up early and go fishing, and when we got to the bottom of the stairs Gran was dressed and waiting for us? I know we never talked about sneaking off while we were in the house where she could hear us.”

“You’re right.” Grace let out a rush of breath. “Our sneaky plans were always hatched underneath that old willow tree near the creek.”

Kenzie gasped. “Oh, wow. That does make me wonder about all kinds of things.”

Jamie waved her hands toward the box. “Enough speculating about Gran being able to read our minds—let’s see what’s inside.”

Taking care not to rush, Grace took a small package wrapped in plain brown paper. She pulled back the paper and cut the bubble wrap inside, to discover a carved wooden box. Her voice was barely above a whisper. “Should I open it?”

“Hold on, let’s see what Kenzie has.”

Kenzie withdrew a large floppy package wrapped in white tissue paper tied with the deep green satin ribbon. She pulled back the paper, revealing a large piece of wool, a Scottish tartan. “Isn’t this the MacLellan plaid?” She carefully placed it on the back of the sofa.

Jamie and Grace nodded, eager to see the third item.

“One item left, Jamie, your turn.” Kenzie slid the box in front of her older sister.

Jamie pulled out an identical-looking package tied with the same ribbon. “Do you think it’s another plaid, maybe a cape?” She tugged the bow and eased back the tissue paper.

“Oh my gosh! It’s a wedding dress.” Awestruck, Grace reached out and fingered the silky fabric. “Do you think it was Great-gran’s?”

Get your 99 cent copy here:



Filed under Writing

BRODY’S BRIDE by Kathleen Lawless is #onsale for #99cents

One of my fabulous Romance Gems sistahs, Kathleen Lawless is having a sale on the first book in her Seven Brides for Seven Brothers series, BRODY’S BRIDE. Check this out:


99cents all of April 2021


Brody has his hands full with a murderer next door trying to take over his ranch.  Laura broke his heart ten years earlier.  Now she’s back, and right in the crosshairs of his sworn enemy.

Laura never stopped loving Brody.  And when she learns of his unscrupulous rival’s plan to take his home, she can’t stay away.  Even though he rebuffs her help, she is determined to make amends for the past.

Can Brody save the ranch, keep its secrets, extract vengeance and protect Laura?  All without losing his heart to her all over again? 


  A week passed during which Brody never left the ranch, using a multitude of excuses to himself to stick close.  Never far from mind was the ridiculous task he’d been set.  What did he know about wooing a woman?  Unsuccessfully, he tried to stop his mind from going down that dark pathway to the last time he saw Laura. 

Or the first. 

He’d known right from the get-go that she was above his station, but his ego got the better of him.  Made sure she was intrigued by his eighteen-year-old swagger and confidence.      

He heaved a sigh.  Maybe this little exercise, to woo the schoolmarm, would shake off those cobwebbed memories once and for all. 

Brody took his time getting ready.  Shaved, slicked down his hair, put on his best shirt and polished his boots.  Without a word to anyone he saddled up Phoenix and made his way to Bullet.

The schoolhouse stood off to one side, next to a field where the kids could run around and play, shiny as a new pin.  He tilted back his head and studied the exterior of the building.  It looked nicer than the one in Yuma.  Cleaner too.  Red brick must have cost Hawkes a fortune, but the man surely did like to flaunt his wealth.    

 Slowly Brody dismounted and tied Phoenix to the hitching post out front.  Feeling like he was facing his executioner, he made his way up two steps to the front door, only to find it locked tight.  

 His heart lightened, feeling a reprieve.  His steps were lighter, too, as he made his way back to his horse.  He’d barely touched the reins, when he heard a female voice behind him. 

 “Brody.  Brody is that you?”

 Slowly he turned.  Laura stood before him like a vision from the past, one he wasn’t sure was real or imagined.  All the pain and confusion from ten years ago rushed through him, filling his head with so much chatter he couldn’t hear a thing.

Don’t miss the great First-in-a-series sale!

About Kathleen Lawless:

Kathleen blames a misspent youth watching Rawhide, Maverick and Bonanza for her fascination with cowboys. Historical or contemporary, cowboys continue to resonate with her today.

One of her heroes, Steele, is a modern-day cowboy, so when she was dating on-line and met a man called Steel– Well, he’s not a cowboy but his is an alpha male and her forever hero. Which is why all of her stories end Happily Ever After.

Not that she can ever stick to just one genre. So many stories to tell–never enough time.
With close to 30 published novels to her credit, she enjoys pushing the boundaries of traditional romance into historical romance, erotic romance, romantic suspense, women’s fiction and stories for young adults.

Sign up for Kathleen’s VIP reader newsletter for your free copy of BEFORE THE BRIDES. http://eepurl.com/bV0sb1


Filed under ROmance Gems

A HUNDRED LIES by Jean M. Grant available for preorder at 99cents!




My lovely and talented Wild Rose sistah JEAN M. GRANT is visiting today, telling us all about the third book in her trilogy, A HUNDRED LIES, which is up for preorder right now at the incredible price of 99cents! Jean shared with me a little about the road to publication for this third book and I thought it might be nice to hear about a writer’s process from an exceptional writer!


Tying a Trilogy Together

What seemed ages ago, but in the grand scheme of life, was only about 6 or 7 years ago, I sat down to write another manuscript. With three “practice” novels written but shelved, I dug into a new story. I changed my time period from the 12th to the 13th century (the heart of the Scottish Wars of Independence), wove a mystical element into the storyline, and on some invaluable advice from an agent, worked the heck out of that story to give it twists and turns to excite my reader.

In 2017, A Hundred Kisses was born with the publishing house The Wild Rose Press. But my medieval muse was not done with me yet. Characters like to pester an author, and the backstory of the heroine’s parents nagged at me. And guess what? When I looked at historical events thirty years prior to the timeline of the first book (which was 1296, and I looked back to 1263), lo and behold, it was a time rife with Norse-Scottish turmoil. The end of the Viking reign to boot. Oh yeah, there be Vikings! Ahh. I had fun with it. That story came forth in a flurry, and I found myself contemplating the third book even before I finished that manuscript, in what was now becoming a trilogy. A Hundred Breaths (the prequel, and book one) released in 2019. However, readers wanted to know what happened after the HEA in A Hundred Kisses (the middle book). Fast-forward to 1322, a time after the Scottish Wars of Independence, and this August, A Hundred Lies will be in bookstores.

I know, silly me. I wrote the middle book first, then the prequel, then the sequel. Hey, I had to follow that muse. Now I have a trilogy.

Each story is a standalone, but they can be read in or out of order. Each book weaves a tale of a MacCoinneach family member gifted but afflicted with a mystical ability that comes at a cost: to heal but to lose your own breaths in return, to feel auras/lifebloods but to feel others’ pain, and to portend the future but to be unable to prevent the visions unless refraining from touch. In addition to the mystical elements, there is plenty of medieval history: conquering Norse, Scottish lore, Ancient mythical communities, and invading English…lairds, ladies, warriors, castles, journeys upon horseback, dragon ships, fortune-tellers, rat-catchers…all the goodies of medieval Scotland.

Will our mystical family hone their gifts for good, escape curses, discover mercy, find home, and find love? I’ll give you a hint: I like HEAs.

Psst…the final book in the trilogy is on pre-order sale now at an e-book price of $0.99. The first two books are out in e-book, paperback, and audiobook format. A Hundred Lies will be out as an audiobook later this year.



1322, Scotland

Rosalie Threston’s fortune-telling lies have caught up with her. Uprooted yet again, she’s on the run from a ruthless English noblewoman. She flees to Scotland and seeks refuge in the arms of a laird’s son who happens to be a real Seer.

A bloody past and inevitable future plague Domhnall Montgomerie. He avoids physical contact with others to ease the painful visions. When an accidental touch reveals only delight, he wonders if Rose is the key to silencing the Sight.

Mystical awakening unravels with each kiss. But can Domhnall embrace his gift in time to save her life, even it means exposing her lies?


She drew his hand into her palm. Her pulse drummed in her ears. Breathe, Rose. Breathe. His fingers trembled in her hand but neither of them released the look. She tried to convey trust and understanding with her own gentle smile. When he seemed settled, she turned her gaze to his hand. After a pause, she said, “It is as I said. Air is your element.”

“What else do you see?” He leaned in, closer. Sweat, sage, hmmm…male? Was male a scent?

Feeling his eyes upon hers, she continued to scrutinize, drawing light touches over the mounds. “You’re somewhat content, though you spend hours alone to get away?”

He held a straight face. “Easy enough facts to guess. I’m a watchman. Fortune-tellers are good in their ploy.” She refrained from arguing. He was on the defense. Understandable. Most people were. He was correct after all. She stroked his fingers. Pretended to examine. His hands were ice-cold.

All right, memory. Time to shine. The marketplace fire, something from his youth. Domhnall liked animals. Seemed to not like fire or touch. She chanced the next statement. “Something in your past upsets you.” Again, stone-faced. At least his hand had stopped trembling.

She would throw out statements until one stuck. Had she been incorrect in her eavesdropping? Surely the servants had been gossiping about Domhnall.

He chewed his lip. Held her gaze.

She paused and pushed the candle closer. “To see better.”

He flinched.

Yes. Fire. It bothered him.

Buy/Book Links:

Amazon // B&N // Bookbub // Goodreads //

 A little about Jean…

Jean’s background is in science and she draws from her interests in history, nature, and her family for inspiration. She writes historical and contemporary romances and women’s fiction. She also writes articles for family-oriented travel magazines. When she’s not writing or chasing after children, she enjoys tending to her flower gardens, hiking, and doing just about anything in the outdoors.

You can connect with and Follow Jean here:

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