Tag Archives: #booksasgifts

#blackFridaySales on #books

Covid has forced a change in our Holiday shopping habits in 2020. Cyber Monday may still be a thing, but BLACK FRIDAY may turn out to be an even bigger digital sale day.

So, having said that, many of my romance books are on sale for #99cents right now, making your digital shopping not only easy, but economical, too!

And dont forget  my website store! All the print books listed there are just #10.00 waaaaaaaaaay below Amazon, B&N, Kobo and all the others charge! WAAAAAAAAAAY BELOW ( just in case you did’t hear me!)

So…happy shoppiing, peeps!


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Filed under Romance

#SundaySnippet – a little something from the new anthology SWEET SENTIMENT

Yesterday I posted about the new anthologies that Wild Rose Press have put out, pairing two or more ONE SCOOP OR TWO BOOKS into print versions. My OSOT story, Vanilla with a Twist was paired with another book by author Amey Zeigler in an anthology titled SWEET SENTIMENT.

It seemed fitting today, then, that I put up a little snippet from my addition!

Here’s the blurb so you know what my book is about:

Tandy Blakemore spends her days running her New England ice cream parlor, single-parenting her teenaged son, and trying to keep her head above financial water. No easy feat when the shop’s machinery is aging and her son is thinking about college. Tandy hasn’t had a day off in a decade and wonders if she’ll ever be able to live a worry-free life.

Engineer Deacon Withers is on an enforced vacation in the tiny seaside town of Beacher’s Cove. Overworked, stressed, and lonely, he walks into Tandy’s shop for a midday ice cream cone and gets embroiled in helping her fix a broken piece of equipment.

Can the budding friendship that follows help fix their broken spirits and lead to love?

In this scene, Tandy and Deacon are sharing a meal and getting to know one another….

“Proprietary is my middle name.”

He laughed. “Mine’s Basil.”

She tilted her head. “Your initials are D.B.W, like in dubyuh?”

His wince was as charming as his smile. “I know, pretty awful, right? In school, I was called D.B., which is even worse.”

“What do you like to be called? Deacon? Deke?”

“Deacon’s fine. Is Tandy short for anything?”

“Nope. It’s actually a mistake.”

“How so?”

“The nurse at the hospital who filled out my birth forms had a bit of a hearing problem.” She rolled her eyes at the story her brothers loved teasing her with.

“My mother wanted to name me Sandra after her own mother, and then call me Sandy to distinguish the two of us. The nurse heard it as ‘Tandy’ and recorded it as such. My father found it hysterical, so the name stuck. It’s kind of unusual, so…” She lifted a hand in a there- you-go gesture.

He flicked her a lopsided grin again. “It is, but lovely, too.”

Heat flew up her neck and sprinted to her cheeks.

“One of my partners says he doesn’t care what you call him, but don’t ever call him late for lunch.” He shook his head and forked in a chunk of his lobster. When, a half second later, he sat back and closed his eyes, a tiny moan blowing through his lips, she knew he was having a moment.

“Good God, this is even better than advertised.”

“Yup,” she said.
Deacon opened his eyes again and focused on her face.

“This is another of those recipes Ricky refuses to share,” she told him.

“That’s too bad, because this”—he lifted his filled fork—“is something I’d love to reproduce when I’m back home.”

“Where’s home? I don’t mean to be nosy, but you sound like you’re from the East Coast, only…not.”

“You’re not being nosy. We’re sitting, enjoying a meal, and getting to know one another.” He took a sip from his own water bottle as his gaze held hers. “I grew up in Rhode Island, but for the past fifteen years, I’ve lived in New York. Manhattan.”

“I’ve never been.”

“To the city?”

She shrugged and popped in another knot. “To New York.”

His eyebrows rose again.

“I’m the poster child for small-town girl. Born, bred, lives, and will die here. I’ve only been out of New Hampshire once, in middle school, for an all-states band contest.”

“Where’d you go?”


One corner of his mouth twitched. “Not exactly international travel.”

“Nope. Took a school bus. Competed. Lost. Came home. Didn’t even have time for any sightseeing.”

“Now, that’s a shame. Boston’s a great town. I have an off-site office there, and I usually go up once a week on business.”

“What do you do? If I had to guess, I’d think something in”—she tilted her head again as she regarded him—“finance. You look…I don’t know.” A quick lift of her shoulder and then she said, “Successful.”

His laugh was swift, open, and free, and she felt it all the way to her toes.

“You make it sound like a curse.”

“I don’t mean to, sorry. It’s been…a while since I’ve been able to sit and chat. Running the shop is a twenty-four-seven life in the summer months, and it doesn’t give me time for other things. Like making small talk.” She glanced out at the water.

He was quiet for a moment, studying her, while she tried to hide the heat slipping up her neck again from her confession by dipping her chin.

“I can understand that. My business occupies my life twenty-four-seven, too.”

“And yet you’re here, on vacation, so you’re able to take some time away from it.”

This time his laugh held a darker, strained note.

He shook his head and dropped his gaze to the water bottle in his hands. “This isn’t exactly a vacation,” he told her. “Not in the true sense.”

“A vacation’s a vacation in my book.”

“In mine, too. Usually. But I didn’t plan to take these three weeks away. I was, well, the best word is coerced.”

Intrigued? You can purchase the ecopy here: VWAT

Or you can purchase the print version thru WRP here: Sweet Sentiments

Or you can FACEBOOK Message me for a reduced rate print copy here: Peggy Jaeger, Author

And remember: books make great holiday gifts!! just sayin’

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Filed under sunday snippet

SWEET SENTIMENTS – a One Scoop or Two delicious pairing!

It’s so exciting when a publisher does something – just because! – that makes your day. Recently, THE WILD ROSE PRESS paired several of the One Scoop or Two books up into print anthologies, and I was blessed enough to be one of the authors who had their book put into this format!!

Vanilla with a Twist was my addition to the One Scoop or Two series and now it’s paired with WRP sistah AMEY ZEIGLER’s book, SUMMER OF SUNDAES. Both are in this lovely print version, titled SWEET SENTIMENTS. You can only purchase the book from the WILD ROSE PRESS – or from me ( I am offering a discounted price!!!!) I have copies that I am selling direct to readers who want them. Just reach out to me via Facebook Messanger at Peggy Jaeger, Author

Here are the blurbs for both books:

Tandy Blakemore spends her days running her New England ice cream parlor, single-parenting her teenage son, and trying to keep her head above financial water. No easy feat when the shop’s machinery is aging and her son is thinking about college. Tandy hasn’t had a day off in a decade and wonders if she’ll ever be able to live a worry-free life.
Engineer Deacon Withers is on an enforced vacation in the tiny seaside town of Beacher’s Cove. Overworked, stressed, and lonely, he walks into Tandy’s shop for a midday ice cream cone and gets embroiled in helping her fix a broken piece of equipment.
Can the budding friendship that follows lead to something everlasting?


After dropping out a semester short of college graduation, Bailey Madison inherits the management of her family’s struggling ice cream shop in Seward, Alaska. When Kingsley Tours needs her prime location to expand their business into the Last Frontier, Bailey must use her wits and creative ice cream recipes to save her shop.

Usually carefree and self-centered Brahms Kingsley must prove to his father he can buckle down and lead Kingsley Tours as the company grows. But how can he close Bailey’s shop when she still holds a place in his heart?

Brahms must choose between pleasing his father and earning the love of a woman he never forgot.

Get both books for the price of 1!!

And just as an FYI – books make GREAT HOLIDAY GIFTS to the romance reader on your list!!! Heehee


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Filed under One Scoop or Two

#SundaySnippet 11.17.19

Well, you had to know I was going top up a little sumthin’ sumthin’ from my current book sale, didn’t you? Hee hee.

A KISS UNDER THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS is on sale right now for 99cents at Amazon // iBooks // Nook. It’s a great little story to gift to the romance book lover on your Holiday list – or for yourself if you’re looking for a fun RomCom with a message to escape with for a few hours.

This scene is when Gia meets the guy who she believes is her new parish Priest.

He came toward me and I could see every ripple of muscle, every action and reaction of his gait, every blink of his eyes, as it happened. Detailed, distinct, delicious.

The bright sun shone low due to the hour, but it haloed around his form, bathing him in light.

He looked like an angel.

A dressed-all-in-black angel, but an angel, nonetheless.

“Need some help?” he asked when he was within a foot of me.

I still hadn’t moved, my fingers cemented around the ladder rungs. I couldn’t feel them anymore. Merda, I couldn’t feel anything I was so numb from just looking at him.

But I could hear. My blood, as it river rafted crazily through my temples; my heart drumming like a heavy metal band in my chest.

And his voice. Mio Dio, his voice.

When I was six I had a terrible chest cold. Wheezing, choking on phlegm, unable to cough anything up. The doctor told mama to keep me warm and hydrated and the cold would ride itself out in time. Nonna Constanza, ancient even when I was a kid, scoffed and prescribed her own old world remedy. She sat me in her lap, cooing to me with her singsong voice and held a tiny shot glass up to my lips coaxing, “Tu bevi, Gia bambina. Tu Bevi.”

Drink, Gia baby. Drink.

She tilted the glass back into my mouth and I did. I drank every drop.

I don’t remember much after. Daddy told me later I slipped into a mini-coma for about sixty-two hours, bombed out of my head from the anisette nonna had dosed me with.

But this is what I do remember. The amber colored liquor slipped down the inside of my mouth to the back of my throat and onward into my belly, tasting of melted marshmallows and warming each place it touched like a million little hits of heat popping everywhere inside me. When it reached my tummy it settled and dug in, filling my senses with the sweet flavor of mama’s Sunday morning caramel rolls and sugar.

That’s what his voice sounded like: warm and sweet, thick, delicious, and soothing.

My entire body relaxed when I heard it. My paralysis flew and my frozen-in-place digits melted.

He’d held my stare the entire time, never wavering, never becoming distracted by something else. He looked straight at me; just me. Like a missile dead-eye-aimed for a target.

“Here,” he said, moving in closer, so close I could make out the actual color of his eyes now. I’d thought they were dark and from far away and they were. But seeing them now, face-to-face, I spotted little flecks of yellow and slivery shards of gold mixed into the center and surrounded by a ring of deep, rich, mink.

If his voice was warm and soothing, his eyes were hot enough to singe, and mama mia, I wanted to be burned.

Intrigued? Hee hee. I am and I wrote it!!! Buy links are above if you are.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Until next time ~Peg

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Filed under A kiss Under the Christmas LIghts, Family Saga, Foodie, WIld Rose Press AUthor

#99centBooksale just in time for #ValentinesDay2019

My very first San Valentino story, 3 Wishes, is on sale from now until Feb. 15 – just in time for Valentines’s Day! Why not give the one you love a gift that’ll last long after the flowers have drooped and withered and the candy is a memory now settled on your loved one’s hips?!

A book can be enjoyed over and over and a RomCom ( like 3 Wishes) always brings a smile to anyone’s face.

Plus, it’s a romantic love story,  so YAY – perfect for the one day of the year everyone devotes to love!
The ecopy is  available at  these venues for just 99cents right now, so get shopping!

Amazon // Wild Rose Press //  Nook //i-books //

And if the person you’re looking for a gift for is an audiobook lover, well, I’ve got you covered because 3 WISHES is also available in audio here: Audible // i-tunes


(Heehee) ~Peg


Filed under 3 Wishes, Candy Hearts, Food lover, Foodie, love, Romance, Romance Books, The Wild Rose Press, WIld Rose Press AUthor

If you’re still looking for that perfect last minute gift…..

You didn’t think I could go silent for the holidays before another shameless plug, did you??

Silly peeps! Hee hee

But in all sincerity, if you are still looking for a last minute gift for that book lover or romance reader on your list, take a chance and send one of my new releases to their Kindle or Nook or even iPad. The books and links are listed below. The prices are decent and not bank-breaking. Go ahead and give the gift of reading, books, and romance all rolled into one.

It’s the perfect present!



Amazon // WILD ROSE PRESS // B&N // Google Books // Kobo


Amazon // WILD ROSE PRESS // B&N // Kobo // APple // Google Play books // Books-a-Million


Amazon // WILD ROSE PRESS // B&N // Apple

and if you’re looking to save a few cents (!) THE WILD ROSE PRESS has all ebooks on sale for 40% off until New Years! Give a great gift and sale some coin!

Merry Christmas and Happy Reading ~ Peg

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Filed under A Match Made in Heaven, author promotion, Contemporary Romance, Cooking, Dearly Beloved, Deerbourne Inn, Food lover, Foodie, Hope's Dream, love, New Hampshire, Romance, Romance Books, Strong Women, The Wild Rose Press, WIld Rose Press AUthor