Tag Archives: Paranormal fiction

Meet #author Denise Carbo….


Today, I’ve got another one of my new Wild Rose Press sistahs, Denise Carbo, visiting me. She’s got quite the tale to tell. If you’re a lover of paranormal stories, witches, and fantasy, this is one interview and book excerpt you don’t want to miss!

Sit back and let’s learn a little more about this versatile writer.

Denise,  The Writer 

What drives you to write?   

I’ve made up stories in my head for as long as I can remember. It’s a part of me, simply who I am and what I do. And it’s fun!

What genre(s) of Romance do your write, and why?    

The supernatural and anything out of the ordinary has always fascinated me, thereby leading me to write Paranormal. Suspense because I love solving mysteries and figuring out the details and motivations behind them. I write Contemporary for the emotional journey.

What genre(s) of Romance do you read, and why?                                                        

All of them! It depends on my current mood.

What’s your writing schedule? Do you write everyday?

I write every weekday my kids are in school. Their schedule runs the household.

Give us a glimpse of the surroundings where you write. Separate room? In the kitchen? At the dining room table?

I am fortunate enough to have a dedicated office, so I can close the door and immerse myself in whatever manuscript I’m working on. Of course the kids, the dog, and cat all like to follow me in there.

Are you the kind of writer who needs total quiet to compose, or are you able to filter out the typical sounds of the day and use your tunnel-vision?                

Typically, I prefer the quiet but if the muse is in a demanding mood I’m capable of ignoring everyone and everything.

Do you listen to music while you write, and if so, what kind? If not, why not?

No, I love music, but I get distracted by stories forming in my head to coincide with the lyrics rather than my current WIP.

. How did you come up with the plotline/idea for your current WIP?

I’ve always been interested in witches and what it would be like to have magical abilities. What would happen if a seemingly normal woman suddenly discovered she was a witch and magic was real? How would she learn to control her powers? How would it affect the people around her and her relationships with them? What other witches existed? Are they good or evil?

Which comes first for you – character or plot? And why?     

Plot. An idea/sentence/line of dialogue pops into my head and then I start weaving the story from there. The characters naturally develop after the initial idea.

What 3 words describe you, the writer?    Plotter, introvert, dreamer ( Peggy here: Love that!!!)

Denise, the Gal

Tell us one unusual thing about yourself – not related to writing!  Okay, I turn bright red if I eat anything with vinegar in it. Amuses my kids because I simply have to have ketchup with my fries which of course my face will match the color of.

Who was your first love and what age were you?    My husband. We’ve been together since I was 16.

If you could relive one day, which one would it be? Think GROUNDHOG DAY, the movie for this one – you’ll have to live it over and over and…. One particular day sticks out in my mind here, Christmas Eve 2011 because the point of the movie is to change it, right? My Dad was in a car accident that day which he was never able to recover from and passed away six months later. I would make sure he never got in the car.

Do you like a guy in boxers, briefs, or commando?   Boxer briefs

If you had to give up one necessary-can’t-live-without-it beauty item, what would it be? Frizz Ease hair serum. Humidity is not my friend. (Peggy here: I Hear ya, sistah! Curly, kinky hair here, too!)

What three words describe you, the person?   Mother, Wife, Writer

If you could sing a song with Jimmy Fallon, what would it be?   Oh Lord, I cannot hold a tune, but if I could “Unstoppable” by Sia.

If you could hang out with any literary character from any book penned at any time line, who would it by, why, and what would you do together?       Ooh, interesting, just one? Let’s see, Acheron from Sherrilyn Kenyon’s dark hunter series because he’s a god and can do pretty much anything. I would see all the exotic places I dream of visiting.

Bonus round

I love the Actor’s Studio show on Bravo, so this is my version of it:

Favorite sound       My child’s laughter

Least favorite sound       Nails on a chalkboard

Best song every written     Because you loved me by Celine Dion

Favorite actor and actress       Meryl Streep and Hugh Jackman because they possess that rare ability to portray the character rather than just a version of themselves in a role.

Who would you want to be for 1 day and why? ( It can be anyone living or dead)  The Queen of England because who wouldn’t want to be Queen for a day?

What turns you on?       sense of humor

What turns you off?       arrogance

Give me the worst 5 words ever heard on a first date ( here’s mine: “Is that your real hair?”)   “I don’t dislike you.”

What’s your version of a perfect day? A sunny Spring day with a gentle breeze and flowers blooming. My husband’s and sons’ laughter filling the air as we spend a happy, fun filled day together.

Here’s Denise’s new book for a little look-see

Legacy of Magic

Divorced, jobless, and homeless, Cory Bishop moves to Connecticut to begin anew. She gets lost along the way and causes a car accident which does not bode well for the next chapter in her life. The reconnection with her great aunt provides her with direction and purpose. While solving a mysterious family secret, she is pursued by a charming lawyer and her exasperating neighbor who thinks arguing is a form of foreplay. But those circumstances are the least of her problem

Cory soon discovers she is a witch and must learn to control her new-found powers. An ally, a confidant, and a surprise supporter guide her, but she is almost out of time. An immortal evil wants her powers for his own and will stop at nothing to obtain them. When the battle lines are drawn, Cory must choose who is friend and who is enemy. Will love save her or endanger her even more?


His normal blue jeans were replaced with black. The customarily tight T-shirt was now a blue, button down shirt opened at the throat. Damn, it matched his eyes.

Eyes that were making a very slow, thorough, perusal of her before meeting her gaze. “Must admit, I thought you might stand me up.”

Now why hadn’t that occurred to her?

“The thought never crossed my mind. I follow through when I say I’m going to do something. Although, technically I don’t think I actually accepted your invitation.”

“Sure, you did. You said 6:15. That implied acceptance.”

Cory rolled her eyes. “We both know if Aunt Addy hadn’t been there, I would’ve said no very clearly.”

“Maybe, but then we’d both be left wondering what the two of us together might be like. Personally, I prefer a more direct approach.”

Her foot began to tap. “Oh really? Maneuvering me into a date is direct? And for the record, I wouldn’t be wondering about anything. You and I are not going to get together.” Her hand waved back and forth between them. “We can’t even be in the same room for a few minutes without arguing.”

Finn laughed. “This isn’t arguing.”

“Oh really, what would you call it?”

He leaned toward her and whispered, “Foreplay.”

 Buy Links

Amazon // B&N // iBooks //  Wild Rose Press 

A little more about Denise


Denise Carbo writes Paranormal Romance, Romantic Suspense, and Contemporary Romance. She is a voracious reader, loves to travel, is fascinated by the supernatural, and enjoys figuring out the culprit of books and movies before the ending is revealed.

She lives in a small, picturesque New England town with her high school sweetheart and their three amazing sons.

You can connect with Denise here:

Website // Twitter // Facebook // Pinterest // Instagram // Bookbub // Amazon // Goodreads  




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Devil Take Me, a #newrelease from WRP author Karilyn Bentley

You all know I lovelovelove when one of my  Wild Rose Press sistahs comes for a visit. And I love it more when they’ve got a new book to talk about. With me today is author Karilyn Bentley. She’s got a brand new release TODAY(!) called DEVIL TAKE ME, and it sounds fab!! Sit back and read all about it, then click on one of the links and BUY IT. You will be glad you did.

Devil Take Me by Karilyn Bentley


Hi Peggy! Thank you for having me on today! I’m excited to announce the release of Devil Take Me, the fourth book in the urban fantasy Demon Huntress series. Gin Crawford is back with a new adventure and lessons learned.

At the end of the last book, Demon Cursed, she was beaten down by life, depressed and not sure how to go on. Devil Take Me opens the day after Demon Cursed ends and Gin is soon faced with a demon who offers her eternal rest. Yeah, right. There’s no real rest for the world’s newest demon huntress. Unfortunately for Gin, the demon isn’t the only one causing trouble in her life. Grab a copy (links below) and join her on her journey to defeat the walking evil.


A demon attack…

Reeling from a personal tragedy and abandoned by all she loves, the world’s newest demon huntress, Gin Crawford, sinks into a deep despair. She’s forced back to reality by news of a large number of people committing suicide, all on the same night. Suspecting demon involvement, Gin must work with her sexy but estranged mentor Aidan Smythe to track who, or what, is behind the deaths.

Leads to a new discovery…

As they come closer to finding the culprit, they realize their employer, the Agency, is hiding its own secret, one which threatens Gin’s very existence. New discoveries reveal that even those dedicated to eradicating evil can be bought. Can Gin and Smythe forgive each other and work together or will they fall under the demon’s thrall?


 A vision of an auburn-haired man dressed in dark trousers and a gray button-down, appears in my head. He sits on my closed toilet lid, watching me sleep in the full tub, watching as my head slides closer to the waterline.

It must be a dream. How else can I be asleep and still see the bathroom, my sleeping self and the man? A dream. Only a dream. His voice is nothing more than my imaginings.

And yet I feel the need to answer. To deny his words.

I’m not listening to you. I make an effort to rebuke the voice, refusing to take what it offers, refusing to admit its enticing pull.

     Oh, but you are. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his gaze firmly affixed to my face. You contemplate my words. You seek the rest only I can give.

     Yeah, right. Not buying it, buster. Although I’m starting to want what he offers. I’ll never admit it to Mystery Man. What can a figment of my imagination really do?

I am not a figment. He smiles, his lips pulling away from straight, white teeth.

Despite the warm water, a chill runs down my spine. He holds out his hand.

Come. Take my hand. Rest. Leave your problems behind.

Buy Links for Devil Take Me:

Amazon // iBooks // B&N // Wild Rose Press

Karilyn’s Bio:

Karilyn Bentley’s love of reading stories and preference of sitting in front of a computer at home instead of in a cube, drove her to pen her own works, blending fantasy and romance mixed with a touch of funny.

Her paranormal romance novella, Werewolves in London, placed in the Got Wolf contest and started her writing career as an author of sexy heroes and lush fantasy worlds.

Karilyn lives in Colorado with her own hunky hero, a crazy dog nicknamed The Kraken, a silly not-quite-a-puppy, and a handful of colorful saltwater fish.

Where to find Karilyn

Website // Newsletter // Facebook // Twitter // Blog // Goodreads // Pinterest // BookBub





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#AuthorInterview with Alyna Lochlan #BookPromo #bookHugs

Today, I’ve got an interview with a new writer to me, but she’s a Wild Rose Press sistah, so I know she’s fab! Please give a warm welcome to author Alyna Lochlan as she tells us a little about herself and then gives you a peek at her newest release – today! -of DRAGON LAIRD.

Welcome, Alyna…..

Alyna, The Writer

  1. What drives you to write?

I love to read and have built stories sense I was a little girl. I wrote my first story in kindergarten with a friend illustrating it.

  1. What genre(s) of Romance do you write, and why?

I have always loved fantasy and paranormal. The magic and adventures with unseen twists and turns then add in a sexy vampire or a dragon and sorcerer is awesome. Past or future it works for me.

  1. What genre(s) of Romance do you read, and why?

I read the same genre I write. I am hooked on fantasy and paranormal. I also love to read historicals as well.

  1. What’s your writing schedule? Do you write every day?

Yes I try to. I schedule to write one thousand words a day and have twenty-eight books in the works with four series. J

  1. Give us a glimpse of the surroundings where you write. Separate room? In the kitchen? At the dining room table?

Normally I write in my office. I sit at a large wrap around desk with two computers and three monitors. I have music and candles going and shelves with dragons on them. Many of the dragon statues have come from fans. I love them. I display everything fans send me in my office. I will also write on the back porch in sunny weather, and if it’s late I will sometimes take pen and paper to bed with me and write there. I always have a pen and pad by my bed so if an idea pops up I can write it down.

  1. Are you the kind of writer who needs total quiet to compose, or are you able to filter out the typical sounds of the day and use your tunnelvision?

I can get distracted easily. I have to turn off my phone and I use earphones with music to loose myself in the story. I love to burn candles as well.

  1. Do you listen to music while you write, and if so, what kind? If not, why not?

Yes this is an important part of my writing. The music I listen to goes with what I am writing. Hard fast rock with battle scenes and music with a strong beat goes with sex scenes. Music for me is inspiring.

  1. How did you come up with the plotline/idea for your current WIP?

Funny that normally the characters come to me and start bombarding me with their stories or I will dream an idea and have to write it down. I even get ideas in the shower and that sucks because I have to wait until I get out to write it down.

  1. Which comes first for you – character or plot? And why?

The character comes to me and shows me a scene of their lives and then hounds me to get it down on paper. I have a DVR movie that runs through my head so I can see, hear, smell, and taste everything the character shows me. And if I don’t get it down on paper it’s like the movie got stuck on repeat and plays over and over like the movie groundhog day.

  1. What 3 words describe you, the writer?

Passionate, dedicated, imaginative.

Alyna, The Person:

  1. Tell us one unusual thing about yourself – not related to writing!

I have a graphic design business and love to can and preserve food.

2. Who was your first love and what age were you?

His name was John and I was 14

3. If you could relive one day, which one would it be? Think GROUNDHOG DAY, the movie for this one – you’ll have to live it over and over and….

The birth of my daughters would be right up there. Loved every minute of it.

4. Do you like a guy in boxers, briefs, or commando?

Oh baby commando is sooooooo hot. Love that idea.

5. If you had to give up one necessary-can’t-live-without-it beauty item, what would it be?

This is hard. I have to have my mascara. I hate to go out without mascara. LOL

6. What three words describes you, the person?

Creative, busy, loving

7. If you could sing a song with Jimmy Fallon, what would it be?

LOL it would have to be, Whip my hair.

8. If you could hang out with any literary character from any book penned at any time line, who would it be, why, and what would you do together?

I have a bad boy vampire named Blade I am writing now that I so love, and honey I would do anything he would let me do with him. LOL

Bonus round

I love the Actor’s Studio show on Bravo, so this is my version of it:

  1. Favorite sound

Wow do I have to choice only one? I can’t do that. I love Two steps for Hell, Sickicks, Chainsmokers, Sucide sheep or only a few. Music to me is like breathing.

  1. Least favorite sound

I don’t do rap. I just can’t get into that.

  1. Best song every written

Barbra Streisand – Somewhere. Love this song. Inspires dreamers to make a world where everyone is accepted just the way they are. J

  1. Worst song ever written

I don’t listen or remember songs I don’t like.

  1. Favorite actor and actress

Actor: I think Jason Momoa is soooo hot he is Blade in my new book Tame the Blade coming out in 2018.

Actress: I have always like Angelina Jolie. After her movie tomb rader I was a big fan.

  1. Who would you want to be for 1 day and why? ( It can be anyone living or dead)

LOL you didn’t offer anyone that is fictional. If it was fictional I would be Laura Croft. But if I had to pick someone in real life, I would say myself. I like the person I am. Wink.

  1. What turns you on?

I really love a confident guy. A man who’s not afraid to tell me what he wants or his likes. A man that knows who he is and can be in touch with how he feels and his needs.

  1. What turns you off?

I don’t care for winy people at are negative about everything and feel they need to point out everything that can or will go wrong. Yes shit happens so what. Life is an adventure. Live it to the fullest. J

  1. Give me the worst 5 words ever heard on a first date ( here’s mine: “Is that your real hair?”)

LOL “Are you paying for mine?”

  1. What’s your version of a perfect day?

Sunny in the 70’s, sun sinking over a mountain range. You on the over hanging porch in a large cushioned lounge, cuddling with your favorite man, drinking your favorite beverage. Music playing and a log fire burning in the fire-pit close by, and the man can’t keep his hands off you.

Blurb for Dragon Laird:

Enchanted as a child, Rhiannon grows up hidden, safe from a destiny that could be disastrous to her world. But when an evil sorcerer, seeking to destroy the Power of Two, opens the veiled gate that holds the dragons underground, Rhiannon must emerge. She must find the warrior marked with the dragon’s flame, for only he can defeat the evil devouring the land.

Laird Dylan is a shadow in his own keep. Branded at birth with a dragon’s head mark, he is shackled to a cursed life. Now dragons lay waste to his land. But his duty to stop them is derailed when he meets a woman who is unafraid of his shadowed past—a woman he could love.

In the midst of evil, Dylan and Rhiannon find a love more powerful than dragons and sorcerers. But will it be lost to save the world they know?



When Laird Dylan’s gaze touched hers, the breath left her body. It was as if her soul somehow connected with his. He was the very image of the warrior from her dreams, but could they be one and the same? Could this be the man Dela had spoken of, the enemy who would be hers? She wondered how he would affect her life, this man from her vision. She placed a hand over the moonstone lying under her shirt and felt its cool surface. There was not evil within the walls of this castle. She couldn’t look away from him, but he broke the gaze first, as he continued his inspection of the prisoners. A guard to her right yelled, startling her from her thoughts. “Kneel ’afore the Laird Dylan MacGregor.”

Rhiannon watched the members of her clan kneel one by one. Some of the men were bleeding, and most of them were muddy and defeated. A new shaking took over as anger filled her.

Her thoughts turned to the women without husbands, children without fathers, and sisters far from their brothers. When all knelt but her, she knew she would not and stiffened her spine. She would endure this humiliation. She stood up for all that died that day.

The guard advanced, pulling his sword free. “Kneel or I shall cut you down where you stand.”

Never taking her gaze from the Laird, she spoke clearly, “My knees are stiff from the mud and blood. They will not bend.”

She knew they saw through her lie from the expressions of surprise, open irritation, and even apprehension. The warrior sneered and moved to strike her.

There was a stirring among the people kneeling on either side of her. The spirit was returning to them and though unarmed they would protect her.

The MacGregor’s eyes narrowed. Their dangerous sparkle pierced her soul. She knew he saw the peril of more bloodshed and barked a command before the blade met her flesh.


The guard stayed his hand and turned toward his laird. The blue fire in the MacGregor’s eyes severed her failing courage, yet she could not find the strength to bend her knees.

“Lad, speak truth, why do you not kneel, knowing you will be struck down if you do not?” The laird asked.

Before she could hold her tongue, words bubbled forth. “The MacKays have been humbled enough. We have lost this day’s fight and have yet to bury our dead. We concede to your victory for battle is honorable. But we will not toss our already wounded pride and honor upon the floor to be trampled.”

A few gasps echoed in the hall from those standing about, followed by a deathly quiet. Even the hounds that sat around the Laird’s feet raised their heads from their bowls.

All waited to see what Dylan MacGregor would do. He held her gaze for a long time, making her uncomfortable. Again, she felt him piercing through her disguise to touch her very soul. He wanted something from her. What, she didn’t know.

“You speak well, lad. You have courage to speak truth. For this, we will leave you your honor.”

He turned to the Highlander who had commanded them to kneel. “Put a task to each man, then find them a warm place to lay their heads and someone to bind their wounds. They may start work on the morrow. The lad will serve me.”

She gasped and curled her toes in worry, but gave no other outward sign of her terror. Had he guessed she was a lass and not a lad? Would he take her maidenhead before the night was through? It was his right as victor. The laird still had his dark gaze locked on her, and she had no wish to give her fears away. She had a part to play.

As each MacKay passed, they slapped her on the shoulders to show their pride. Several slaps almost sent her to the floor, but she accepted each with pleasure.

The MacGregor went about filling his trencher, but she knew he missed none of the exchange. Then, with all her kinsmen gone, she stood alone.

Dylan MacGregor’s handsome face and body moved with a predator’s grace. The hair that hung around his shoulders shone like black onyx in the candlelight. His clean-shaven chin a strong compliment. Deep blue eyes, the color of the sea were set with thick black brows. The muscles in his arms twisted and bunched as he used his blade to cut through a piece of meat. His straight white teeth tore into the flesh, causing the meat’s juice to run down his fingers. The smell of roasted chicken made Rhiannon’s stomach gurgle. She hadn’t eaten since the night before.

Leaning over the table, The MacGregor motioned for a man to come to him, then spoke in low tones. The man nodded.

She was having trouble separating The MacGregor from the man in her dream. Dela told her she was to join with her enemy or great evil would befall them all. Being a maid, she had no idea how to go about finding out if he was the one. She had yet to see the mark of the dragon. There must be no doubt before she gave herself to him.

She shook her head. She was more than a little weary, yet she continued to stand and wait. A thirst pulled at her throat. Mayhap this weakness was going to her head. She noticed a large barrel with a drinking scoop near the door and turned toward the water.


She stopped and turned around to meet the laird’s angry gaze.

“You will not attempt to leave.”

“I was not leaving. I but wanted water to ease my thirst.”

“You will stand by my chair and wait upon my pleasure.”

She wanted to stomp her foot but instead clenched her hand into a fist and grinded her teeth as she went over to stand close to the table. Ignoring her, he resumed eating. Rhiannon waited a few minutes more, and when it seemed he would not give her a drink, she stepped to the table and took a cup full of liquid. She lifted the cup to her lips.

The scrape of a chair was her only warning before a strong hand grabbed her wrist, making her spill some of the liquid down her arm. He took the cup from her hand and put it back on the table.

“What are you doing? I thirst,” Rhiannon snapped. Would he starve her, too?

“You will not take anything but what I give you. You are a prisoner now and subject to my demands. If you thirst, ’tis I you will ask for drink, and if you hunger, you will wait ’til I give you food. Do you ken?”

So, he wished her to beg. Well, he would soon see she would not bow to anyone. She raised her chin.

The Laird’s brow narrowed, and he leaned close. “’Tis by my good grace that you will receive all you need. Do not defy me, lad. For I am law here.” Dylan waved his hand in dismissal of the man beside him. “You may take your leave, Orin. I wish to speak to the lad alone.” The man seated at the table nodded and left.

“Do all jump to your command?” Rhiannon asked. Geoffrey often had to hit a person before his orders were followed.

“Aye.” He answered as he reclaimed his seat. He kicked out a chair beside him. “Do you think your knees will bend enough to allow you to sit?”

Rhiannon moved over to sit in the chair. Every bone ached with tiredness. She yawned and put her hand to her mouth, then realized what she’d done. She closed her mouth and looked at The MacGregor. He watched her, and one corner of his mouth lifted, as did an eyebrow. A small smile curved his lips, and a sparkle lit his eyes.

Without comment, he handed her his mug willing to share his brew. “Drink. A lad seeing his first battle should have good Scottish whiskey. How old are you?”

“Old enough.”

“For what? For battle? For women? I think naught. You cannot even grow a beard. Here, eat, you are by far too skinny.”

Rhiannon was too hungry to take offense at his words and found the meat fresh and juicy. She had seen how her cousins treated their prisoners. No mercy was allotted them. Her clan had said Dylan MacGregor was worse, yet this seemed unfounded. “Why are you being kind?”

“Why should I not be? Have you done something to warrant punishment?”

She shrugged.

“Being kind does not make me less of a man. My judgments are swift, but deserving. Do as I ask and you will not find life here so bad.”

Dylan sat back in his seat to watch the lad eat. There was more to this boy than met the eye. At times, he acted almost feminine. He had heard of a person being a man with a woman’s mind, but he didn’t think this was the case. The lad had courage and strength, but his hands were small and slender, his face delicate, and he moved with a gentle grace. The bare skin of those knees below the kilt was smooth and well rounded.

If indeed a female, why would she dress as a man and fight in a battle? He couldn’t understand a woman doing something so absurd and dangerous. Also, there was the strength of character and honor he had never seen in a woman. Mayhap she had followed her lover to the battle. Many women did, but that still didn’t explain the disguise. She could be a thief stealing from the dead. With winter just past, many were without and they took any means to feed their family but it was all speculation

Buy Links:

Amazon // Wild Rose Press //

Award-winning author of Scottish paranormal dragons and wizards and dark vampire bad boy romances, Alyna Lochlan has a love for all things mysterious and magical. It is the heartbeat of all humans to wonder what lies beyond the next turn or what dwells in the darkness. She started writing stories at a young age. She held on to her secret passion and has won various writing awards, one being Romantic Times’ Reviewers Choice Award, Book of the year.

Ms. Lochlan studied commercial art in college, developing several commercials for Channel 6 TV, as well as menus for some top restaurants in Florida. She also is a cover art designer for published books at DCAGraphics.com, but her love of the written word held fast.
Alyna has completed many novels and novellas with many others in the works. Her other published works have appeared in health magazines, newsletters, and other short story publications. She also works as an editor, helping others obtain their dreams.

You can  connect with Alyna here:

Amazon // Website //Twitter // FaceBook //








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An interview with #author Karilyn Bentley


Today I get to introduce you to another of my wonderful, talented, and prolific Wild Rose Press sistahs, Karilyn Bentley. Karilyn writes in a genre I am ashamed to say I don’t know much about: Urban Fantasy. But I’m going to rectify that today because the little snippet of her current work she’s talking about today sounds amazeballs! Come and meet Karilyn….

Karilyn,The Writer Questions

  1. What drives you to write? The stories and characters in my head keep talking to me and I have to put them on paper or go nuts!
  2. What genre(s) of Romance do you write, and why? Currently, I write urban fantasy. I started off writing paranormal and fantasy romance, but something about the urban fantasy genre drew me in. I love to write in first person with a snarky female heroine.
  1. What genre(s) of Romance do you read, and why? Historical, paranormal, mystery, and urban fantasy are my favorites. I like to be taken to a different place when I read, and of course, I need the HEA.
  1. What’s your writing schedule? Do you write every day? I try to write every day but oftentimes am not successful. I work mornings at the day job, so I try to write either in the afternoons or the evenings.
  1. Give us a glimpse of the surroundings where you write. Separate room? In the kitchen? At the dining room table? We moved last year and prior to that, I had my own office. When we moved, my desk went into the room where my hubby works from home, but instead of using that desk, I now write at the kitchen table. The view is prettier. And I don’t have to listen to hubby’s conference calls. J
  1. Are you the kind of writer who needs total quiet to compose, or are you able to filter out the typical sounds of the day and use your tunnelvision? I need almost total quiet. I can’t even put on headphones or listen to music. Spoken words distract me when I try to write. (Peggy here: me, too!!! I should live in a sound booth that keeps all noise out!)
  1. Do you listen to music while you write, and if so, what kind? If not, why not? Nope, no music. Too distracting!
  1. How did you come up with the plotline/idea for your current WIP? It’s part of my urban fantasy series so I am trying to wrap up plot threads. J But, the original idea for the series was a cross between an old TV show and a nurse who has problems. I wanted it to be a little funny, a lot snarky, and have a bit of a mystery.
  1. Which comes first for you – character or plot? And why? Usually plot, but for this series, the main character came to me first. I wanted to tell Gin’s story. But now that I have her character in my head, it’s the plot that comes for the other books in the series.

What 3 words describe you, the writer?

Slow. As in, I’m one of the slowest writers ever!

Pantser hybrid. As in, I have to know where the story ends but nothing else.


Karilyn, The Person 

    • Tell us one unusual thing about yourself – not related to writing!
      • I can’t leave the house until the bed is made. (Peggy here: oooo! Me, too!!)
    • Who was your first love and what age were you?
      • I was in love with a little friend from the time I was 3 until I was 12. Yeah, crazy. As far as men goes, I’d have to say it was my hubby. J
    • If you could relive one day, which one would it be? Think GROUNDHOG DAY, the movie for this one – you’ll have to live it over and over and….
      • Oh wow. I have no idea. But that’s a great question! There are a lot of things I’d like to do again (as in places to travel to) but I’m not sure about one day.
    • Do you like a guy in boxers, briefs, or commando?
      • Briefs
    • If you had to give up one necessary-can’t-live-without-it beauty item, what would it be?
      • Lipstick
    • What three words describe you, the person?
      • Funny, a good friend, likes to listen (Okay, so that’s more than three. I’ve never been good at math. Ha!)
    • If you could sing a song with Jimmy Fallon, what would it be?
      • I can’t sing!!
    • If you could hang out with any literary character from any book penned at any time line, who would it be, why, and what would you do together? Claire and Jamie from Outlander. They always seem to be having an adventure, so I’d go along with them.
  • I love the Actor’s Studio show on Bravo, so this is my version of it:
  • Favorite sound — My windchimes
  • Least favorite sound – I know it’s cliché, but anything that sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard (am shivering just thinking of that noise!)
  • Best song every written – Too many to pick just one!
  • Worst song ever written – I don’t like country/western, but not sure it’s the worst ever written.
  • Favorite actor and actress – I love Harrison Ford and Robert Redford. Not sure about the actress, I like several of them.
  • Who would you want to be for 1 day and why? ( It can be anyone living or dead)
    • A guy, just to see how the other half lives. (Peggy here – this is one of the best answers EVAH to this question!!!)
  • What turns you on?
    • Umm…
  • What turns you off?
    • Rude people
  • Give me the worst 5 words ever heard on a first date (here’s mine: “Is that your real hair?”)
    • I can’t believe someone asked you that on your first date! Here’s mine: “Let’s go to Hooters. They have good wings.” (they do have good wings, but let’s face it, that’s not why the guy wanted to go)
  • What’s your version of a perfect day?
    • Sleeping in late, drinking several cups of coffee while sitting on my deck and reading a book.
    • Blurb:
    • Gin Crawford, the world’s newest demon huntress, just wants to enjoy a football game, but finds herself hunting a serial killer minion instead. When his victims turn out to be the local football star’s female fans, she must determine if the player has joined forces with the minion, but her efforts lead her deeper into danger. When her mentor, Aidan Smythe, is attacked, Gin resolves to go to any lengths to save him, even if it exposes her most tightly held secret. Minions and demons, however, aren’t the only terrors she faces. Will she realize the greatest danger lies within—before it’s too late?
    • Excerpt:I shake my head at him before straightening my shoulders. And slapping a hand over my mouth and nose. Yuck. Hours-old death in humid Texas weather makes for a smelly situation. At least I’m not the only one with their hand, or handkerchief, over their mouths.“What happened?” Smythe meets the gaze of each guard and the hyperventilating janitorial women who clearly found the body.One of the women points to where the body lies in front of the Dumpster, flat on her back, hands resting in classic death pose on her bloody stabbed chest, a red rose clasped in her fingers. Her open eyes stare into the night, her mouth curled into a grimace of pain and death. Her clothes look like she came from a club: tight, short, and low-cut, with spiky heels. At one time, I would’ve been jealous of her hot-to-trot figure. Now all I notice is the pain and terror stamped on her face and the unfurling anger deep in my core.Fucking murderers. I might be a fancy-assed demon huntress, but I destroy minions, not human killers. Lucky for me, I can tell which type of kill this scene belongs to with little effort.

      Closing my eyes, I start to take a deep calming breath, think better of it, and focus on activating my minion sensors. Tapping into the power of the entity lying along my nerves, I open my eyes to a tactical grid display of reds and oranges, a clear indication of a minion’s presence at the scene.

      Looks like I’ll get my wish to annihilate the bastard who killed this poor woman.

      Buy Links: Amazon // B&N // Wild Rose Press // iBooks //


      A little more about Karilyn

    • Karilyn Bentley’s love of reading stories and preference of sitting in front of a computer at home instead of in a cube, drove her to pen her own works, blending fantasy and romance mixed with a touch of funny.Her paranormal romance novella, Werewolves in London, placed in the Got Wolf contest and started her writing career as an author of sexy heroes and lush fantasy worlds.Karilyn lives in Colorado with her own hunky hero, a crazy dog nicknamed The Kraken, a silly puppy, and a handful of colorful saltwater fish.Connect with Karilyn here: Website // Newsletter // Facebook // Twitter //Blog // Goodreads // Pinterest //AmazonPeggy here: Karilyn, it has been such a privilege and joy getting to know you, today! Much luck in all your future endeavors! Keep writing.



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