Tag Archives: RomCom #HEA #RomCom

#Weekendupdate #kindleVella #booksprouts & #preoders Oh MY!

Don’t ever think your favorite writer is sitting at home in lounging pajamas, drinking champagne and eating decadent chocolate after just having written 250 words in her work in progress.

This is an urban myth of the first order!

Writers are more than writers these days. We are business owners, graphic artists, marketing directors, secretaries, newsletter writers, sales people, accountants, and brainstormers.

Here, just to show you how my past week has been, is what I have worked on every day, all the marketing balls I have in the air right now, and the books I am currently either writing, editing, or formatting.


I have 4, count ’em 4 promos going on simultaneously.

  1. Bookthrone JUNE Kindle VELLA promo
  2. Bookthrone June KINDLE UNLIMITED promo
  3. NN LIGHTS Summertime Books Bookish Event
  4. Booksprout reader and reviewer campaign for CHANCE ( LAST MAN STADNING)

I am writing:

  1. My 2022 Dickens Holiday Romance
  3. My part in a Ghost anthology
  4. Book 2 in Heaven’s Matchmaker

I am formatting:

  1. My Kindlevella serialization VINDICATION Into print
  2. My Kindlevella serialization THE JANE AUSTEN MURDERS into print
  3. My Dickens Holiday romance – Sasha’s Secret Santa

In addition, I have released this year this following books:

MIX AND MATCH (Heaven’s matchmaker, book 1)

THE SHERIFF & THE PSYCHIC (( Welcome to Renewal, Book 1)

THE HAUNTING OF WILTON JUNE ( Romantic Hauntings, book 2)

ANGLE KISSES & HOLIDAY WISHES ( A Dickens Holiday romance)

Since I don’t have an assistant or a PA or even a Virtual PA, I have to design and make all my graphics for sales, promos, ads.

So the next time you see me, if I seem tired/confused/out of it/thinking…don’t be insulted. I truly have 1,000,000 things on my mind and an equal number of balls in the air!

The life of a writer….le sigh

And ps….I made all of those book graphics!!!!


Filed under Writing

So many books for #99cents – Here are a few of mine…

I’m having a few #99cent sales right now that I want to let you in on. It’s so much easier to have a sale when you’re indie published, but I’ve even got one of my Wild Rose Press books at that bargain price too. AND…. I’ve got a preorder on a 9.1. release for the same darn price!

  • A PRIDE OF BROTHERS: RICK, book 1 in the Brothers, Inc series is 99 cents as a prelude to book 2’s release on 9.8. This sale is limited to Amazon, Nook and Apple readers.
  • BALANCE is on preorder for it’s 9.1 release for 99 cents as well.

So you’ve got a bunch of choice for me to continue your summer reading, all at reduced prices.

Books sales – they’re a good thing!

And think of it this way: If you purchase all 4 books, it’s less than a cup of coffee at Dunkin’ and much more satisfying, IMHO, LOL!!!


Filed under Romance Books

#SaturdayShare It’s A Trust Thing is now #99cents across all digital media!

If you haven’t read my DotComGirls series yet, you can do so now with a little price gift! IT’S A TRUST THING is now just #99cents across all digital media – however you read your ebooks!


Nell Newbery has trust issues.

It’s hard to trust when you’re the daughter of a fallen financial scion who bilked people out of billions. Nell’s done everything in her power to keep away from men who see her as their ticket to fortune and fame. All she wants to do is run her ultra-successful business, HELPFUL HUNKS, in peace.

But it wouldn’t hurt to find a guy who doesn’t know a thing about her father’s felonious past; one she can give her heart to and trust it won’t come back to her battered, bruised, and broken.

Is Charlie Churchill that guy? On the surface he seems perfect, all polished manners and quiet mirth. Nell’s convinced he knows nothing about her, other than she likes superhero movies and views junk food as a food group.

Can she trust him to be what he appears to be? Or is he just pretending?

For Nell, trust is everything in life…and in love.

We made our way into the assigned theater, found our seats and settled in. The theater was full to capacity but we had a great view, dead center and luckily the two people in front of us weren’t tall, so I’d be able to see the screen without shifting left or right.

I sighed when I realized my good fortune. Charlie turned toward me and asked, “Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” I lowered my voice. “I was offering up a silent thank you to the God of the vertically challenged because I’m not behind a giant. The last time I was at a movie the guy in front me had to be an NBA player. His torso was as long as my entire body and his shoulders obliterated the screen.”

He stared at me a moment, his forehead creased, his head tilted. “I wasn’t aware there was a God of the vertically challenged.”

I nodded. “Saint Shortstack.”

The lighting in the theater had dimmed, but his quick smile lit up my little area like a fourth of July fireworks explosion.

Concentrating on the movie should have been easy since I’d been looking forward to it for months. The man seated next to me, though, proved to be a huge distraction. Despite the spacious stadium designed chairs, our bodies came in frequent contact. His thigh brushed mine and our knees bumped several times when Charlie leaned over to scoop some popcorn from the tub in my lap. Our elbows met when we placed them on the armrests. The subtle, tempting scent of his cologne wafted toward me every time he moved closer to grab the candy box out of my hand and pour himself a few pieces. His fingers grazed mine as he handed the box back and a frisson of desire shuddered down my spine from the innocent touch.

My fantasy superhero actors filled the screen and my attention should have been focused on them. At any other time it would have. Instead, my concentration was centered totally on the man sitting next to me.

When Iron Man took Pepper into his arms and kissed her silly, I remembered the incredible sensation of Charlie’s lips on mine. When Black Widow cupped the Hulk’s cheek to reassure him, the memory of Charlie’s fingers skimming my jaw had me squirming in my seat. Even when the team was saving the world and I should have paid attention to who was getting knocked out or wounded, the fascinating man next to me stole my every thought.

At one point my leg started bobbing, an old tick from my teen years that reared itself whenever my nerves popped up. I nearly came out of the chair when Charlie placed a hand on my knee, leaned in close and whispered, “What’s wrong, Nell?”

My knee instantly stopped bouncing.

“Sorry. Thinking about something work related.” I had to lie. I couldn’t admit the reason I was so keyed up was because of him. Sitting next to him, his touch – however innocent – heck, eventhe smell ofhim, was such a turn-on that my body wouldn’t quiet down. It was like I’d drunk six cups of caffeinated coffee and then been forced to stay immobile while all my adrenaline fought to be set free.

He squeezed my knee then patted my thigh.  Both gestures sent my nerve endings into hyperdrive.

“Work will always be there,” he said softly, his lips delightfully close to my ear. “Relax.”

“Impossible,” I muttered.

Intrigued? Hee hee. You can get your copy here: IATT

Happy reading ~ Peg

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Filed under It's a trust thing

#sundaySnippet 12.6.2020

Since BAKED WITH LOVE releases in 3 more days ( YAY!!!!) I thought today’s snippet should be from the book to whet your bookreading appetites.

In this little snippet, Maureen and Lucas are discussing Lucas’s teenaged son’s first day of working at Inn Heaven – Maureen’s B&B. We get a little glimpse of Lucas’s feelings for Maureen – as does she – and for the first time see that he thinks more of her than just as a friend.

Lucas nodded. “He seems pretty stoked about working, something I’m surprised about. Glad, for sure, but surprised. I figured…” He shrugged.

“I know. I thought a fifteen-year-old boy would rather be any place than in a kitchen every day, but he actually asked to work most days during the week and on weekends for the weddings. We’ll see how long this enthusiasm lasts.” I grinned up at him while I towel- dried a mug.

“I don’t know, Mo. If it was me, I wouldn’t mind being stuck in a kitchen every day—”

“That’s because you’re always hungry.”

“—if it was with you.”

My hand stopped rubbing the porcelain. Okay, what?

I’m usually fairly adept at not showing my feelings or have what’s running through my mind cross my face. Nanny has commented many times over the years I’m the person she least likes playing poker with because she can’t read me. The ability to hide my true feelings has gotten me through some testy times with my parents, a bad breakup with a verbally abusive boyfriend, and my twin’s illness then death. Plus, for as many times as we’d been together over the years, Lucas had never once guessed how I truly felt about him.

Right now, though, I was finding it next to impossible to school my features and body into its usual calm nonchalance. I can only imagine how I must have appeared to him, standing there with the towel thrust into the mug, my hand paralyzed—my body as well— as I stared up at him, silent.

“What’s wrong?” He uncrossed his arms and took a step toward me, his brows grooving toward the middle of his forehead. “Maureen?”

I blinked a few times when his hand snaked around my upper arm. A soothing, comforting warmth seeped through me from his touch. I wanted to move in closer, melt into his arms, and snuggle into all his heat. When I found myself shifting so I could, I took a step backward, mentally and physically. Lucas didn’t drop his hold but kept his hand on my arm, his other one following suit.

“Nothing. Sorry. I’m fine.” I shook my head a few times and planted what I hoped looked like a self- deprecating grin on my face.

“I lost you there for a second.” His gaze swept across my face, searching, silently questioning.

“Sorry. I’ve got a lot going on up here.” I pointed a finger at my head. “Thinking fifteen steps ahead about what needs to be done around this place.”

He waited a beat, those intelligent, intense eyes never wavering from my own. “Why don’t I believe that’s all it is?”

It was no wonder he was such a good lawman. With his gaze zeroed in on me, piercing and probing, and his voice low, deep, and commanding, almost seductively sly in its cadence, I imagined people who’d broken the law were no match for him when it came to his garnering confessions.

I pulled a Colleen-worthy eye roll. “Because you’re a cop and you’re naturally suspicious. It’s ground into your DNA. Like the green in your eyes.”

One eyebrow quirked high up on his forehead. “The green in my eyes?”

His mouth stayed perfectly straight, but I got the distinct impression he was laughing at me.

“It’s true. Your eyes are green, and you’re naturally nosy.”

His inspection grew more intense as he dipped his chin and glared at me. The heat in his stare shot straight down to my core and exploded.

I’m pretty sure I shuddered.

Lucas’s fingers kneaded my arms. Every nerve ending in my body stood straight up, like I’d walked across a rug in the dead of winter and then touched something metal, sparking an electric shock. I licked lips that had suddenly gone desert-dry.

His gaze took a slow stroll down to my mouth and lingered. Enough so those butterflies finally made a break for freedom. Without any will to prevent it, my mouth fell open and I dragged in about a quart of air, my shoulders lifting, then dropping with the effort. I lost the grip on the mug and when it slipped out of my hand, Lucas let go of my arms as we both reached for it at the same time.

My reflexes are quick. Lucas’s are like lightning.

Both our hands went around the cup at the same time, but in moving for it, Lucas had to bend from his substantial height. When he did, our heads connected and a resounding thwack echoed around us.

Ow.” I let the mug go free into his hand and palmed the spot of contact on my forehead. “Your skull’s made of cement.”

Lucas placed the mug on the counter, then tugged my hand off my head.

I swatted him away. It was like slicing air because it had no effect on halting him from touching me.

“Let me see. Stop squirming.” He cupped my chin to hold me in place.

In all honesty, I’d gone statue-still again the moment his hand curled around my jaw. I knew Lucas’s fingers were strong, an effect of being a life-long shooter. Thick-skinned, coarse, and powerful, his grip was surprising gentle though, as he held my face in one hand and pressed against the throbbing notch on my forehead with the other.

“You’re gonna have a goose egg.”

“And whose fault is that?” I mumbled.

“Better get some ice on it, fast.”

This time when I glanced up at him, he was attempting—and failing—to hide a grin.

Through narrowed eyes, I said, “Thanks for the advice. Mind letting go of me so I can?”

Lucas glanced at the hand wrapped around my chin, frowned, then drew his attention back up to meet my eyes.

Calling them green hadn’t done them a bit of justice. There are so many variations of the simple color, and none of them applied to Lucas.

They weren’t the bright green of a shamrock or the metallic sheen of jade. Neither were they pale like sage nor brilliant like winking emeralds. The purest and most accurate way to describe them was they mimicked the color of fresh moss at midnight: deep and dark with shards of yellow in the mix reflected in moonlight. Long lashed with a tiny tilt at the corners and subtle lines fanning out to his temples, Lucas’s eyes had always been captivating to me. Right now, with his hand holding my chin, and his body so close I could detect the brand of soap he’d used in the shower, they were mesmerizing.

The air between us changed in a finger snap. Energized. Ignited.

Something in Lucas changed, as well. His shoulders were drawn up almost to his ears, and his breathing went a little deeper, a little louder as we stood there. The groove between his eyebrows folded inward even more than it usually did. When his tongue flicked out and crossed over his bottom lip like mine had a few moments ago, I bit down on the need to press my own mouth to his.

I may have moaned.

The swift inhale Lucas took convinced me he’d heard the sound and recognized it for the naked desire it was. The hand at my chin tensed and drew me in closer. So close, I could count every hair of the afternoon stubble shading his etched cheeks and strong jaw.

An insane urge to run my tongue along the length of that shadow hopscotched through me. I might have succumbed to the impulse if Robert’s voice hadn’t spilt into the room.

“Dad?” We both blinked at the sound.
 “What’s going on?”

“Maureen dropped a cup,” Lucas told him after a moment, his attention never wavering from me. His voice was thick and low. “We bumped heads when we went to get it. Grab some ice from the freezer, would ya, son?”

Intrigued? You can preorder your copy here and have it when it releases on 12.9.2020 :BWL

And, if you’d like a PRINT version of the book, My website store is selling them for only $10.00 Waaaay below every retailer – including Amazon. You can order a copy here: BWL 

And…….if you’d like to get an autographed print copy for free, you can enter to win 1 0f 3 copies in my Goodreads Giveaway, here: GRG

So many ways to read!!!

Happy Sunday, peeps ~ Peg


Filed under A Match Made in Heaven

I’m visiting with Chris Fey, talking abt MISTLETOE, MOBSTERS, & MOZZARELLA

I’m so excited to be over visiting on Chrys Fey’s blog today, talking baout my new release, MISTLETOE, MOBSTERS, & MOZZARELLA. Stop on over and join in the conversation. Chrys just had her own new release last week, so I’m very honored she took some time our of her own book promotion to talk about my little Christmas RomCom!

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Filed under Romance

#goddessFishtour final week for MISTLETOE, MOBSTERS, & MOZZARELLA

We’re heading into the home stretch, peeps! It’s the final week of my Goddess Fish tour. Have you been following along?

Here are this week’s stops:

October 19: Two Ends of the Pen
October 20: Danita Minnis
October 21: Long and Short Reviews
October 22: Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books!
October 23: Unabridged Andra’s

Make sure you drop by and leave me some love – and a comment. then enter the rafflecopter for a chance to win fun stuff!!!

Until the next tour, peeps. LOL ~ Peg

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Filed under Goddess Fish Tours and Promotion

#sundaySnippet 10.18.2020

If you follow this blog you could have seen today’s book snippet from a mile away!!!

I just released MISTLETOE, MOBSTERS, & MOZZARELLA on 10.14, so of course today’s snippet it going to be from that!! Hee hee. Hey! I know what I’m doing…most of the time!

“Tomorrow you go solo,” I said, jumping out of the van. “Now that you’ve met all the regulars and they’re okay with you, I can stay back here and do my job.”

“I told you, Donna, people love to talk to me. And old folks adore me.”

“That’s the truth, if nothing else.” He handed me the van keys. “When we were kids all the old nonne in the neighborhood fawned over you, my own included.” Shaking my head I started to walk back inside but Tony shot out his hand and grabbed my arm.

“What?” The heat from his grip felt like I’d stepped into a natural hot spring on a cold, winter’s day. Instantly, my body warmed inside and out. How the heck could one simple touch do that?

“I wanted to say thanks,” he said, not letting go of me.


“Showing me the ropes.” He took a step closer, still keeping me imprisoned in his grip. “I know you’re super busy with the reopen, but it means a lot you took time to get me up to speed. And I also want you to know how much I appreciate what you and your dad are doing by letting me be here. It can’t be easy on either of you, but you’ve both been nothing but kind and accepting, so thank you.”

Kind to old people, ridiculously good looking, and now a heartfelt and sincere thank you for something my father felt compelled to do. Was it any wonder I lost all brain function around this guy? He ticked off so many boxes on my what-I’d-like-in-a-man list it was scary. That I could picture what it would be like to be with him on a purely personal level and not just because he was on the job, proved scary, too. I’d been head over heels stupid in love with him at seventeen. It had taken a long time to get over the hurt from his dismissal after those glorious minutes in the back of his Z8.

I knew I had to keep some emotional distance from him now because Tony Roma could inflict serious damage to my heart.


My one saving grace was that I wasn’t a seventeen-year-old girl anymore with stars in her eyes and looking for some positive attention from the cutest guy in school. I was an intelligent, grown woman who managed a thriving business and had self-confidence up the hoo-ha. In addition to knowing the man I wanted to give my heart to for forever would want and cherish it.

I had to ensure I didn’t embarrass myself and fall for Tony all over again when I knew the feelings would never be reciprocated. One broken heart in a lifetime was all I was willing to give to any man.

I took a breath, nodded, and said, “Just make sure you find out who killed Chico. Now, I’ve gotta get back to work.”

I tugged on my arm and he let me go.

Was it my imagination he had what looked like reluctance in his eyes when he did?

Intrigued? I hope so! You can get your copy, here:

And don’t forget to follow me on my Goddess Fish tour. Here are this weeks stops, beginning with tomorrow morning:

October 19: Two Ends of the Pen
October 20: Danita Minnis
October 21: Long and Short Reviews
October 22: Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books!
October 23: Unabridged Andra’s

Until next time, peeps ~Peg


Filed under sunday snippet

Madonna San Valentino visits with Amber Daulton

Madonna and I are over on Amber Daulton’s blog today for an in-depth character interview. Please join us and leave Donna (and me!) some love!


Filed under Romance

Still touring…. #Goddessfish Blog tour for Mistletoe, Mobsters, & Mozzarella

Happy Friday, all!

Today’s blog stop is at fellow Romance Gem sistah Caroline Clemmons ‘ blog. Please stop by and leave me some love!

And have you bought the book yet?? The reviews are staggering me!!! So much love for Donna and Tony!


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Filed under Romance


FINALLY!! Here it is- the book I’ve been talking about non-stop for months! LOL. And what would release day be without a day fraught with issues??!!

Here’s the major one: the file that I uploaded to Kindle was an older version and rife with typos. Unfortunately, that version went out to the people who pre-ordered the book. As soon as Amazon allows me to, I am going to upload the correct file. If you were one of the people who preordered and don’t want to read a book with a bunch of typos in it, please notify me via Facebook  messenger and we can discuss what to do.

OTHER THAN THAT CATASTROPHE…. Remember, I have my FB event going livelivelve at 1:30 pm EST this afternoon. I’ve got 15 authors who will be celebrating with me, so tune in. Here’s the link: FBEvent

And the reviews have been coming in. Check them out here: BB

This is my favorite line of all my reviews, pulled from N.N. Light’s review:

Okay, it’s gonna be a busy day, peeps. Gotta go…. ~Peg

Oh and don’t forget to stop by my Goddess Fish tour stop today at Hope. Dreams. Life… Love 


Filed under Romance