Tag Archives: #Romancereaders

#fridayfive 5 Must-haves in a Romance book… 1.5.2024

For my first Friday five of 2024, I give you…the 5 MUST-HAVES in a romance book. And I struggle sometimes to get them all in my books, lol!

  1. the meet-cute. Whether they bump into one another, literally (!), suffer from mistaken identity, get introduced as new co-workers after having a one-night anonymous stand, the meet-cute is vital in setting up the conflict for the romance to thrive and reach its conclusion with everyone happy ( reader and characters)

2. Strong characters. No one is going to root for boring, flat, or negative characters who defy growth and change. That, after all, is the premise of the romance novel. Take two people who would never have gotten together if left to their own devices, throw them together, and then allow them to grow and change into a couple we all, as readers, adore. I’ve read too many books ( and DNF’d most of them) where the main characters were just…wrong.

3. Believable tropes. Just like we need to root for the hero and heroine, romance readers need to know the basic premise, or the tropes used, to get them to their HEA. Forced proximity, best friend’s brother, secret baby, mistaken identity and scores more, all help define the road these two people will take in order to have them find love in the end. And all romance readers have their favorite tropes to read, and writers to write. My personal fav to read and write is friends-to-lovers because I am always on the edge of my seat to see who lets the other person know their feelings first.

4. Believable conflict. Again, you want to lose yourself in the story and not be reading and then think, this is just too dumb and no one would ever do/say this. I heard a great definition of a true conflict in a romance story at a conference once. Here’s the set-up: a fire marshall is called to investigate a scene of obvious arson with a death associated with it. The supposed arsonist? His girlfriend, a girl whose family died in a fire and the person responsible was the one found in the above fire.

Conflict to a T!

5. HEA. Or happily ever after for those not in the anacronym-know. In recent years, the HFN (Happily for now ) ending has also been used to define the end of the story. Whichever you choose to read or write, the end goal is for the hero and heroine to be together, have a defined love relationship, and be committed to one another.

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Just like the graphic says, I’ll be one of many authors participating in this year’s HOLIDAY HOOPLA over on the WCC AUTHOR AND READERS FACEBOOK GROUP

The party goes from 9am – 930 PM EST and I’m slotted for 2-230 pm!!! So come on over. I’ll have games, giveaways, prizes, and fun facts. It’ll be jammed 30 mins for sure, lol!

Tell your romance reading friends, too! The more, the much merrier. See you Tomorrow!

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Lesson learned…more to come.


I’ve been writing full-time and professionally now for 8 years. I’ve had to learn stuff I never in a million years thought I’d need to learn back when I got my first publishing contract in 2014.

Book formatting. Branding. Marketing. On-spec writing. Copyright law. Book design.

That’s only the tip of the iceberg.

I joined Twitter ( back when it was called that and not whatever the hell it’s called now) Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook ( and multiple FB groups), Goodreads, Bookbub, LinkedIn – again, just to name a few.

I’ve done more marketing than I ever in my entire life thought I’d ever want to do. Which is a lot considering I never wanted to do any.

And now I’m on TikTok, hawking my books to booktokers.

Here’s the lesson I just this week learned: none of the people on these platforms is my target audience.


Tiktok? 18-24 year olds. I write 35+ age characters.

Instagram – same demographic

TwtX – I don’t even know what the demographic is there, other than the people on it are mean and grumpy and feel they can bully you anonymously

Bookbub – okay, here I may have some traction, same as GoodReads, because…readers! Of all ages.

Facebook – my professional page barely gets any traction/views other than my near and dear friends ( who also see the same content on my personal page because I’m a redundancy idiot). I don’t garner new readers to the professional page at all.

Now, I could PAY for ads for all these places to try and get new readers, but 2 things: I have no money, and the ROI is never comparable.

So my target audience is females, romance readers who like 35+ age romances, everything from sweet with heat to steamy, smalltown, romcoms and romantic suspense lite.

Now, I have my target audience. Does anyone know where I can find them so I can tell them about my books?? Because I need to sell some books.

My online holiday webstore has been open for 19 days and I’ve publicized the heck out of it.

1 sale.

KDP tells me I have no sales and no KU reads at all for the past 10 days.

Forget KOBO, Nook, and all the other sites where some of my books are widely distributed. If I get .25 cents a month in total sale royalties combined from these sites that’s saying something.

So, where can I find new readers? Where can I find readers who enjoy non-smutty, non-dark, non-erotic books, but love stories about regular people?

Recently, I wrote and posted this for a TikTok to try and find my demographic there:

If you’re looking for spicy, dark, romantasy…I’m not your writer.

If you’re looking for gritty, brought and tumble love them and leave them alphamales…I’m not your writer.

If you’re looking for historical, time travel fantasy or paranormal…I’m not your writer.


If you’re looking for rom coms, small towns, and familycentric stories…I may be your writer.

If you like female billionaires who had it all, lost it, then got it back again all on their own, finding love along the way…I may be your writer.

If you like romance books about strong women, the families who support them, and the men who can’t live without them…I’m definitely your writer.

And if you like to cry on one page and come out of it with laughter on the next…I am your writer.

So…if you like what you see here, and haven’t read anything by me, then please consider doing so.

And if anyone knows where I can find readers who do like the kinds of stories I write…please let me know.

Thanks, Peg


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Books make great holiday gifts!

Did you know I have my own Holiday Web store where you can order books directly from me to give as gifts – or to keep for yourself?

The store is only open until 12.15.2023 and only for Continental US readers ( Sorry, Canada and Hawaii! Shipping costs are prohibitive.)

If you’d like one of the titles listed of my titles, just indicate which one(s) and fill out the sheet – and remember: you can also purchase my handpainted bookboxes if you’re giving the book as a gift. I can hand design any cover title I offer. It’s a beautiful way to present it to the romance reader on your list.

Here’s the form: HOLIDAY 2023 order form

Happy reading and happy Holidays ~ Peg

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1 more week until release day for DON’T MESS WITH THE MISTLETOE! #holidayromance #smalltownboy #workplaceromance

I know I’ve kinda been obnoxious with posting about the release date for this one, but I just love this book so so so much and I want as many people as possible to get to enjoy it, too!

This is the first book I’ve ever written that’s entirely from the hero’s Point of View. Yup. All you hear are the thoughts from Michael’s mind. His interpretations, his feelings, and the way he thinks things through.

Writing this book was a heavy exercise in thinking and doing outside my comfortable box and level, and I am so happy with the way Michael’s story unfolded. While I may not write solely from the male perspective again – or at least for a while – I think being in his head for the entire book gave me a good indication on male thought patterns and how they process information.

Or at least I hope it did!! The readers will be the judge of that, I guess.

If you haven’t preordered yet, now’s your chance: DMWTM

And add it to your Goodreads want-to-read list here: WantToRead

Oh, and did you know I’m having A GoodReads Giveaway as well? Enter here: Goodreads

It’s the holiday season in the tiny town of Dickens and pilot Michael Charles is home for his annual visit. His wanderlust has him itching to get back up in the skies as soon as possible, especially since he’s got a full schedule of rich and famous clients waiting to be transported to warm, exotic locales for the winter.

When his heavily pregnant sisters present him with a plan to give their workaholic mother some time off from managing the family diner, he balks. But one look at how tired the woman who took him into her home and heart is, and Michael agrees to run Dorrit’s Diner for a month so Amy Charles can get some well-deserved rest.

He’ll be back in the skies by the New Year.

The diner staff functions like a well-oiled machine, most of them long-term employees. The exception is new waitress Julia Maryland. The beautiful blonde has a past filled with heartache, a charming six-year-old daughter, and a smile Michael could spend the day getting lost in. But starting a relationship with her wouldn’t be wise because his visit is temporary and Julia seems like a permanent kind of girl.

When a family emergency requires him to rethink and reassess his life, Michael wonders if it’s time he becomes a permanent kind of man.

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A Reader/Author conference that’s got your name on it!

This weekend I am off to Boxboro, MA for the annual FALL IN LOVE NEW ENGLAND READER/AUTHOR Conference.

Two days of total immersion with romance authors and romance book readers. This is one of the most fun events I go to every year because I get to meet, talk with, and have a blast with romance readers – the most wonderful readers and fans on the planet!

You can click on the above link to get the details, but the panels, workshops, the costume party…they are all perfection.

See you in Boxboro ( I hope!)

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Post-Romanticonn 2023 reflections

Yesterday, the Romanticon 2023 book signing occurred in Trumbull. This was my second time attending the event and I am so glad I did.

I got to meet a whole passel of new-to-me-readers, reconnected with some wonderful author-friends and did a hefty amount of book sales. All good things.

And now as I write this at 3:44 a.m. in my hotel room, I am bone-tired – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Here’s what people ( readers) may not realize.

Attending an event like this for an author is exhausting! Schlepping all your books, paraphernalia, book racks, swag, giveaways, preorders, table settings, is a monumental task, especially for someone like me on the other side of 60 and with no help. I travel to these events solo and it falls on me to get everything together and set up. I’m not complaining – please don’t think that – but it is a lot of physical work. You want your table to appear welcoming, not cluttered, to draw the new-to-you-reader in, but not inundate them, and to appear professional yet approachable and fun all at the same time.

For an introverted hermit like me, that last part is anxiety-producing and exhausting! LOL

Then, there’s the actual event.

Four hours may not seem like a lot to someone, but believe me, when you are standing, trying to make small talk, trying to entice people to buy your book, all the while the noise level in the big room you are in is deafening around you, it feels more like 20! Again, not complaining, just stating the reality of the situation.

But…the positives far outweigh any perceived negatives.

Yesterday, I reconnected with several people, both authors, and readers, I haven’t seen since prior to our pandemic traveling shutdown. Some, it’s been 4 years. That’s a lot of time. Yes, we are all a little older, some of us are more tired ( that would be me!) but it was delightful to see old friends again. And it was glorious to meet new authors and readers. I feel like my friendship circle grew tenfold yesterday.

As I write this, with my voice gone, my feet aching, and my back dreading the long drive – solo- home today, I am still thrilled I attended. This hasn’t been the best year for me so far, and I tend to isolate myself when I’m stuck in my feelings. Being out and about with people -people I consider extended family – truly helped reorient my brain back to a positive sphere.

So, a huge THANK YOU to organizer Kitty Berry and all her wonderful girl-pals who helped out on this glorious affair. It is a well-oiled and precision-practiced event that runs beautifully and gives all who attend the satisfaction of a day well spent.

Now, to pack and then get on the road home.

Be well, kids! ~ Peg

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#firstlinefriday 5.12.2023 THE HAUNTING OF WILTON JUNE #pnr #Ronenominee #smalltownghost

Today’s #firstlinefriday comes from the ( you had to have guessed this!) THE HAUNTING OF WILTON JUNE. LOL. It’s the only book I’ve been talking about all week due to its RONE NOMINEE status. WILL is book 2 in the ROMANTIC HAUNTINGS series from Magnolia Blossom Publishers.

Here’s the first line:

Oh, and have I mentioned the book is a RONE NOMINEE ( LOL) If you’d like to vote for it, and haven’t already- despite all my begging!- here’s the link and the instructions:


Voting ends at midnight tonight!
Thanks for your support and have a great weekend ~ Peg

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#Saturdayblogs CHANCE (Last Man Standing) is a 2022 Heart Awards Finalist! #sweetromance #novella

So this happened….

Dear Peggy,

We’re excited to notify you that your book, Chance ( Last Man Standing) is a 
Category 5.5: Sweet Novella2022 Heart Awards Finalist

Thank you, OKRWG! I am humbled and sosososo very Honored!

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The Rom “CON” Romance Festival is tomorrow!

I’m stupid excited! Tomorrow at the CONCORD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY in Concord, MA, the first ROM CON Romance Festival takes place and I’m one of the participating authors! Yowza. Just look at this amazeballs list of authors in the graphic.

Here’s the schedule of events: – and it’s an ALL DAY AFFAIR!

BOOK SIGNING first from 10-11, then individual meet and greets and author panels. My meet and greet is from 12-12:25 and my panel discuss is 1-1.45

So much to choose from and so many authors to get to know! Or, meet your faves.

Weather permitting it will all be outside, so say a prayer to the GODS of weather we have a good day.

This is so exciting for me —- I mean, LOOK AT THE LINEUP and then there’s me! WOW. To register for the event click here: ROMCON2022 and you can read this article about the even, too: RONCON

Hope you can come out to see us all!

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