Tag Archives: #BLogChallenge

#LongandShortReviews #WeeklyBloggingChallenge 8.14.19

I love these weekly challenges because the topics SPEAK to me sososo much! Today, it’s Books I had to read in school and didn’t like.

Kids, there were hundreds! Hundreds, I tell you!

The number one book I hated was CATCHER IN THE RYE.  I hated Holden, I hated the premise of the book, I hated the theme that was supposed to be universal and was sososo not! I struggled to read it and when we had to write a thematic opinion book report on it, I was scathing with my words. Got an A+, BTW, on it!

Didn’t like the GRAPES OF WRATH because it was sosososo depressing. And yes, I get that it was written in the depression, but still…just sayin’.

1984 seemed a little farfetched in 1972 to my 12 year old mind, and I couldn’t get into it.

Great Expectations was too sad and lugubrious a read for me. I struggled to finish it and write my book report.

War and Peace was a month of  my life I will never get back. Plus, it was boring!

The Picture of Dorian Gray. I really wanted to slap somebody silly when I read this one. Again, a scathing book report and another A+.

Maybe I should have been a book critic instead of an author….


Let’s see what books the other writers in this challenge struggled through in school. L&SR

Hey, don’t forget I’ve got a book sale going on. Before book 2 in my MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN series releases, book 1 DEARLY BELOVED is on sale for just 99cents until 8.23. If you need one more book to complete your summer reading list, this is the one for you!

Colleen O’Dowd manages a thriving bridal business with her sisters in Heaven, New Hampshire. After fleeing Manhattan and her cheating ex-fiancé, Colleen still believes in happily ever afters. But with a demanding business to run, her sisters to look after, and their 93-year-old grandmother to keep out of trouble, she’s worried she’ll never find Mr. Right.

Until next time ~Peg



Filed under Long and SHort Reviews, Romance, Romance Books

#LongandShortReviewsWednesdayBloggingChallenge 7.10.19

So if it’s Wednesday, it’s time for a L&SR blogging challenge.

This weeks’ topic? Favorite authors in the ROMANCE genre.

Honestly, I could write this one in my sleep while having a nightmare and sleepwalking.

The number one name on my list is (no surprise to anyone who knows me): Nora Roberts and her literary doppelganger JDRobb.

No one. No. One. Writes like the doyenne of romance. Yes, she head hops, but so what? Yes, some of her stories, esp.  the paranormals can be…farfetched. SO what, again? The recent plagiarism lawsuit she is involved with proves there are some writers so intimidated by her success and brilliance, they will take her words as their own to get ahead. As JD Robb, Roberts has given the romance reading world two of the best characters it has ever seen: Eve Dallas and Roarke. Le sigh…Roarke.

‘Nuff said.

The second name on my list is a contemporary romance writer, Lauren Layne.


The very first time I ever picked up a Layne book as a Netgalley selection, I was hooked after the first page. It’s been that way with every subsequent book I’ve read of hers. Snappy, witty dialogue, delicious love scenes, and a casts of friends who would do anything for any one of their group. I simply adore the way she phrases a sentence.

For historical romance, a genre I don’t read much of, but that I love when it’s done right, you can’t go wrong with Elizabeth Hoyt and Eva Leigh.

And although she writes both historicals and contemporaries, I prefer Lisa Kleypas’ historical books. Lots of sexy spice and wicked, wonderful heros!

So, I read romance. A lot of romance. Let’s see what some of the other authors in this challenge read, and who their fav authors are: L&SR

Don’t forget, DIRTY DAMSELS is available now, in KU and at these sites:

Amazon US:

Amazon CA:

Amazon UK:

Amazon AU:

One famous book reviewer called it the best romance she’s read all year!! That’s some praise, believe me! Get your copy today.


Filed under Long and SHort Reviews

#L&SR #wednesdayBloggingchallenge 2.20.19 Mi library e su library…

The prompt for this week’s blog experience is What to read to learn about X. A little vague but I’m gonna take it to mean something to do with how we, as writers, do research. ( Fingers crossed I’m correct about this!)

If you’re a follower of mine you know that I approach everything in life as if it was a study because I have such a strong scientific background. I love the scientific method. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this, here’s the textbook definition:

sci·en·tif·ic meth·od

(noun) a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.
“criticism is the backbone of the scientific method”


Let’s be honest: most of us took a basic English class decades ago. I would bet I’m not the only one who can’t remember the appropriate use of a semicolon, or when to use ellipses. For the basics in grammar, sentence structure, and just plain word use, The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is hands down the best one – and easiest one to understand – of all I’ve read.


Before I wrote romantic fiction I dabbled in short stories that were mostly about murders, murderers, and mysteries. Since I’m a nurse, there are a great deal of little tidbits I’ve picked up along my career about poisons, drug interactions, etc., and ways to cause someone’s death – all great info if you write about murder!  My favorite reference books for these are The MERCK MANUAL and the Nurse’s PDR ( Physician’s Drug Reference Guide). Both these little gems, when combined, can get those creative, murderous ( on the page only!) juices flowing.



One last series I think I should mention are the “Thesaurus” books by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. These include the Emotional Thesaurus, The Negative and Positive trait Thesaures, and a few more about location, setting. All of these books are gold mines of knowledge for the writer. 


Those are my top five “research” books for now. I’ve got oodles more, but don’t want this blog piece to go on ad nauseum!

Since this is an author blog hop, hop on over to the other writers participating and read how they interpreted today’s prompt. L&SRWednesdayBloggingChallenge.

And, as always, if you’re looking for me, here I am:

Tweet Me//Read Me// Visit Me//Picture Me//Pin Me//Friend Me//Google+Me// Triber// BookMe // Monkey me //Watch me

and here’s the link to my TELL ME ABOUT YOUR DAMN BOOK podcast interview, just in case you missed it: TMAYDB

and one more: here’s the link to my appearance recently on New Hampshire Public Radio, talking about all things romance.


Filed under Uncategorized

I’ll take that advice!

I’ve posted a great deal on this blog about writing advice I’ve managed to learn from all quarters of publishing, writers, and at  romance writing conferences.


These are just some of the pearls of wisdom I’ve heard imparted.

But the single best piece of advice I ever heard came to me, not from a romance conference, or even a romance writer, but an editor who presented at a Writer’s Digest conference I attended in 2014.

She said, “Write the book of your heart. Don’t write to trends. Today’s million seller vampire trilogy will morph into tomorrow’s  spy/espionage bestseller and then an historical tome on war. Just write the book you’ve always dreamed of  writing. The one you want to read but have never found on any bookshelf or by any author. Write THAT book and make it your own.”

Lovelovelove that advice!!!!

Let’s see what some of the other authors in the MFRWauthor 52 week blog challenge have to say about advice. Week 33

And as always, if you need to find me, I’m usually here: Tweet Me//Read Me// Visit Me//Picture Me//Pin Me//Friend Me//Google+Me// Triber// BookMe


Filed under #Mfrwauthors

I still cry….

Another week, another easy post to write for the #MFRWauthor blog challenge!

I’ve talked about this experience often – on this blog and on others. I’ve had a few best expeiences in my life, but the best professional expeience ever was the day I met and spoke with my writing idol, Nora Roberts.

It was at the 2014 RWA conference in San Antonio. I stood on line for over an hour at the booksigning for literacy event just to see her. The closer I got up the line, the more nervous I became. Ten people in front of me…five…two…then it was my turn. She was smiling as I approached, my book in hand all set for her to autograph. She asked my name and I burst into tears.

I’m not kidding.

Not even a little bit.

The only way I can describe it was like it was an out of body experience for me. She was so kind. She asked me why I was crying and I replied through sobs, “because it’s you.”

She laughed, swiped her hand in the air and said, “Stop. Let’s take a picture.”

I fell even more in love with her at that moment than I even thought was possible. She talked to me for a few minutes about writing (and still had about 100 people left in back of me on the line) and I felt so stupid for crying.

That day and that moment was without a doubt a day I will remember until the moment I pass from this earth. I’m tearing up just thinking about it right now!!!

Let’s see what other memories the writers in this hop have. MFRWauthorBLogHopChallenge

And if  you’re looking for me, I’m here most days:

Tweet Me//Read Me// Visit Me//Picture Me//Pin Me//Friend Me//Google+Me// Triber// Book Me





Filed under #Mfrwauthors

Choices, choices!


Paperback, ebook or audio?

Which do you like best? I’m going to answer that question backward. Why? Just listen…

I’ve never been able to listen to an audio book without my attention wandering.

When we first moved to New England ( and even still to this day) we would travel to NYC to visit relatives frequently via car. My husband is the main driver in the family, so I have always been relegated to the front seat passenger side. You can only talk so much in a car before it gets: distracting, boring, tiring, so that means I usually need something to pass the 4+ hours ( without traffic) it takes to get to our destination. I tried listening to audio books when we first started these treks. Five minutes in my mind would start to wander or drift, or I’d slip into sleep. Just listening to someone’s voice – no matter how riveting the book was reported to be – was mind numbing to me. So, not a fan of audiobooks.


I had an original Kindle. You know, like ten years ago when it costs $300+ dollars!!

Again, I purchased it mainly because we travel so much and carting heavy books around, because I like to read hardbacks, was getting to be too much in luggage weight. I took the Patricia Cornwall book Scarpetta to England and the flight attendant said I had to stow it because it was so heavy! SO the Kindle seemed perfect. And I do love my Kindle. I have my account and the app uploaded on all my devices from phone to computer to iPad so I am always able to read wherever I am.


There is just something about a book.

I love the way a library and an old book store smells. No, not musty and damp!!! But like you just sense down to your bones the millions of words and pages living in those places. I like holding a book, especially if I’m sitting down in a cozy, favorite chair, by a  warm fire on a cold day. I fully realize it’s wicked easier holding a Kindle when you are standing in line waiting to get on an airplane, or on the subway, and that’s another reason I love my Kindle: ease of holding. If I read my Kindle before bed, though, my brain tends to not shut down easily. A battery of psychologists did testing that postulated this is because the pixels and the other cyber stuff of devices forces your brain to stay awake by stimulating it. Reading a regular book, on the other hand, is calming to your brain.

Ahhh, a book….turnable pages filled with inky thoughts and ideas…something solid, that has weight – both in ounces and substance(!)

SO for me, it’s never really a contest – a real book all the time. ( With Kindle a close second!)

Stop by the other authors in the Blog Challenge and see how they like to read….


Filed under #Mfrwauthors, Author, Contemporary Romance, Life challenges, Romance, Romance Books, Strong Women

Writing is my Oxygen…

Easiest blog EVAH to pen.

Why do I write? I could wax prolific for 500 words here, but there is no need to. As the title of my website tells you, writing is my oxygen.  Writing breaths life into my existence. A day without writing for me is a day without breathing. If you don’t breath, you die. Simple enough.

Now excuse me, please, because I need to go…..breathe!

You might want to stop by the other authors in this blog hop to see why writing is so important to them.



Filed under #Mfrwauthors, Author, Author Branding, Contemporary Romance, Life challenges, Literary characters, Romance, Strong Women

Books are my thing…

I can go in so many directions with this blog choice. My favorite books to read over and over; the type of books I like to read; my favorite genres and subgenres. So many avenues to explore. Sooooo, I guess I’ll tackle them all and see what happens.

I. My favorite books to read over and over. I’ve read Gone with Wind 42 times.

I know…I’m a little obsessive. But every time I’ve read it as an adult I find something fresh or a connection I didn’t see before.

I’ve read Pride and Prejudice 27 times.

In fact, I’m re-reading it right now!

I”ve read the Thorn Birds 16 times. I only saw the miniseries once, so that tells you how much more I like the book!









I’ve read each Harry Potter book twice. The first time along with my daughter, the second time on my own.

And because I find reading the JD Robb IN DEATH series is like taking a master class in writing a series, I’ve read each of the 45 books at least 3 times. You do the math on that one!

II. The types of books I like to read. Well romances, of course! Duh! I’m such a sucker for that whole Happily Ever After thing. I love a heroine who’s snarky and a little obsessive; a hard worker, and a strong believer in family. Give me a hero who’s part alpha/part beta; one who can be a leader or a follower or both at the same time! He has to be committed on every level to the heroine – emotionally, physically, spiritually and intellectually. Once he meets her there’s no one else he can envision himself with EVER! The same goes for the heroine. I love to cook and I love to laugh, so witty, engaging characters who eat like normal people and not super models getting ready for a photo shoot are my favorite people! I want to read about folks I could see myself being friends with. Make me laugh, make my cry, and feed my soul and I’m your reader for life.

III. MY favorite genre and subgenre books. This is gonna look a little like an Amazon key-word line! Stick with me here, folks: Romance-contemporary romance- foodie-humor -strong heroine- family. Let me esplan it, Lucy, in better terms.

Favorite genre: romance. Favorite subgenre of romance: contemporary romance. Elements of contemporary romance books – humorous stories about families with strong women. Add a dash of cooking into the mix and serve!

And just for full disclosure here, I also like the erotic contemporary romances of Jennifer Probst and Christina Lauren


and Regency romances ala Lisa Kleypas and Elizabeth Hoyt.


So, there you have it. My reading pleasures.

And because this is blog hop, click on over to these other romance writers to see what they consider their favorite books. You just might find a new author or series you’ll enjoy.


Filed under #Mfrwauthors, Alpha Hero, Alpha Male, Author, Characters, Contemporary Romance, Cooking, Family Saga, Food lover, Foodie, Friends, Historical Romance, Literary characters, Romance, Romance Books, Strong Women

Belly shakers and comedic genius.

I grew up a child of television. As a latch key kid there was no one around routinely to monitor what I watched after school and in the evenings my mother was so tired from working all day she never asked me what I was watching because she was just glad I was occupied so she could relax. Because of that I had a very extensive comedic childhood, watching way too many shows I probably shouldn’t have.

Having said that, the shows I watched were comedic gold and my favorites then are still my favorites today. If I happen to catch an errant episode on TV land, I’ll stop whatever I’m channel surfing for and settle in for a good old fashioned guffaw.

My favorites?
Well, I LOVE LUCY jumps to the head of the line. Remember VITAMEATAVEGAMIN?

And who could ever forget the Carol Burnett Show’s spoof, WENT WITH THE WIND?

I can recite every line, every nuance, every word of those two skits. Perfectly.  And when I’m not saying them out loud, I’m laughing out loud. Big, body shaking belly laughs.

Another one? The Robin Williams interview on INSIDE THE ACTORS STUDIO. Watch it and I dare you not to laugh. I double dog dare you!

Recently, I rewatched a comedy classic on Comedy Central, the REDNECK COMEDY TOUR. I will admit, I am almost embarrassed about how funny I find these guys! And at how loud I laugh when they’re on.

Since this is a blog hop, you might want to stop by these other authors and have a good belly laugh, too!




Filed under #Mfrwauthors, Author, Characters, female friends, love, Romance, Romance Books, Strong Women